Help - Gary

"Rainbow?" Gary mumbled in confusion as he woke up from being unconscious. He glanced around at the hallway and then back to the girl sitting in front of him. Slowly, his memories started to flood back to him and his eyes widened. Barry had been beating him up. The last thing he remembered was hearing someone tell off Barry for hurting him. "What happened?" he asked quietly, lifting a hand to his head. As Rainbow explained what had happened to him, she lifted the first aid kit off of the wall and set it down on the floor so that she could open it.

Rainbow brought a wipe out of the box and pushed his head against the wall. Gary winced and was about to ask why she'd done that when she started to clean the blood off of his lip and under his nose. He winced again as she roughly rubbed it off. "You don't do this often do you?" He muttered, she stopped and stared at him.

"You wanna do it?" She asked frustratedly and Gary shut his mouth quickly. Everything hurt. Barry was certainly good at beating people up even if he had no other qualities. Maybe he had a future in being a bouncer...

"Why are you doing this anyway?" Gary questioned. Rainbow stared at the floor and then looked back at him, meeting his questioning gaze. Their families were enemies so why was she helping him? He started to feel guilty about using their friendship to find out her weaknesses.

"Well, its my fault that Barry went after you like that..." She explained eventually, feeling guilty. He stared at her confused had she used her minion to attack him? "I was complaining about how you were being overly nice to me and he took that as you purposefully annoying me..." She continued and brushed some of her hair behind her ear nervously. "I get it if you don't want to be friends anymore..." She mumbled quietly, staring at the floor, she folded the bloody wipe in her fingers. Gary smiled at her insecurity.

"Are you kidding?" He asked, attempting to lean forward so that he could hug her. He cried out in pain and Rainbow's eyes darted up at him. He held his chest in pain. Apparently her spell had only been temporary. She quickly helped him to his feet and put one of his arms around her shoulders. As they slowly made their way to the nurse's office, Rainbow glanced at him nervously.

"Plus you tried to help me out with that stupid picture..." She added quietly, causing Gary to smile weakly. They were finally slightly closer, he thought. All his hard work stalking her had paid off...