Chapter 2

(Yang Chen Pov)

[AN: MC name will now be Yang chen]

As I open my eyes I saw that there was a young woman in the bed in front of me asleep, and when I saw her I was in a daze for a couple of seconds. She had long black hair that was untied and let loose around the bed, snow-white neck, and a curvaceous sexy body that would rival a goddess. Her clothes were a bit loose and her face was a little flushed which made this sight even more dazzling.

As I got out of my trance I look around and see that I'm in a small apartment that looks clean but the place looks like it won't last another year. I then look back at the young woman and say "It can be."

Then out of nowhere a flood of memories appear in my mind and I clutch my head in pain for a couple of minutes.

'...So these are Yang Chen's memories huh.' I thought as the pain was relieving.

'And this is Lin Ruoxi...she's just as beautiful as novel described her.' I thought this looking at her sleeping figure.

'Since I'm here that means the original 'Yang Chen' hasn't taken advantage of her.'

'Well I at least don't have to do what Yang Chen did, and I can think of what I will be planning from now on.' I thought

After thinking for a couple of minutes I was mentally tired because I was sorting out my thoughts since I just got here, so I'll rest and figure it out tomorrow.

"Since I'll let Ruoxi get the bed, I'll get a blanket and pillow and sleep on the floor." I said

As I lay on the floor and get comfortable I quickly drift on to sleep.


(Rouxi Pov)

Next- Day

I open my eyes, still a little sleepy, and a headache but since I mainly get up early every day for work I fight it off. Then I look up, seeing that this isn't my ceiling, I find it weird then I look around and notice this isn't my room I start to panic but don't show it. I then look at the man on the floor sleeping, he looks a little handsome but that's it, he's just a bit good looking. I then look at my self, more importantly, my loose clothes and imagine the worse.

'It can't be...please god, don't let it be!' I thought on the verge of crying but I held it in.

'He starting to wake up.' I thought as I see him waking up and turned to look at me.


As I open my eyes feeling refreshed, I then look at Ruoxi who is staring at me and I say "Morning."

"...." She didn't reply so then I look at her eyes realizing what she's thinking.

"Don't worry we didn't do anything last night you were drunk and passed out and I didn't know what to do so I just brought you here to rest."


Still not believing me I said "I think you would feel something if we actually did something you know." I say with a nonchalant expression

"I see....well I'll be going now." She said in cold voice then fixing herself and leaving.

" harm, no foul." I said then going to the bathroom and taking a quick shower.

As I got out of the shower and dressed I start to try out my new abilities.

I close my eyes and hold my hand out and imagine $100 then $100 appear in my hand.

"I'm broken with this ability" I said as I chuckled a bit and put the money in my pocket.

'Alright let's try to teleport somewhere, but the question is where.' I thought to myself

Then I thought of place 'I got!' And I instantly vanished from my room and appeared on top of the Eiffel Tower. It was, night in Paris and the wind was in my face since I was on top of the tower.

"Cool." I said while the cold wind was hitting me so I teleport back to my apartment.

'I should go meet with old Li since he'll be in a pinch with those thugs.' I thought and left my apartment after locking it.


(3rd Person POV)

After Yang Chen arrived at the market he saw Old Li in the same spot selling his deep-fried sausages.

Old Li smile when he saw Yang Chen but confused since Yang Chen didn't bring his food cart so he asked.

"Little Yang are you not selling today?" Asked the confused old Li.

"Nope, today I'm just going to relax, walk around and enjoy some food out here." Replied Yang Chen with a small smile while walking over to Old Li.

Old Li laughed a bit before saying "Well my daughter JingJing returned home and asked to invite you for dinner to repay the kindness you showed our family."

"Are u sure it's okay I don't want to impose." Said Yang Chen knowing their financial situation.

"What do you mean 'impose' when it's because of you, that was not struggling with our family debts." Said Old Li faking his anger.

"Alright since your insisting I'll accept." Reluctantly agreed to, Yang Chen with a smile.

As they were chatting about other daily stuff, a couple of thugs walked to them and disrupted their chat.

"Yang Chen you got our money?" Chen Feng said with a weird smile.

Old Li panicked but before he can say anything Yang Chen said

"Oh, yea I got it." Yang Chen starting digging in his pocket then took out his hand and said

"It's right here." Said Yang Chen smiling a bit as he flicked him off with his middle finger.

"DO YOU WANT TO DIE!!!" Shouted an angry Cheng Feng with his lackeys behind him following him.

As they were about to rush him, Yang Chen punched Cheng Feng in his face with great speed making him fall and have a bloody nose.

As Cheng Feng was holding his bloody nose he angrily said "You Dare to Hit Me!!! You're looking to die! Boys beat him to death!

The two lackeys ran to Yang Chen wanting to hit him but, Yang Chen just punched one in the arm and kicked the other in the leg fracturing them, causing them to cry in pain.

As Cheng Feng saw how he ruthlessly hit them he started to feel fear and knew it was time to leave.

"Let's go!" Cheng Feng said to his lackeys wanting to get out of here fast, so he can save face.

'Just you wait, Yang Chen for this daddy to torture you, and have u beg for your life under my feet!' Thought Cheng Feng trying to leave but a voice stopped him.

"Who said you can leave?" Said Yang Chen with such an emotionless voice that send shivers down his spine.

As Cheng Feng turned around he said in a shaky voice " What do?"

Yang Cheng didn't say anything, he just walked to him and kicked him in his right leg breaking it instantly.

The onlookers cringed at the now deformed leg.

"Argh!!!" Chen Feng screamed in pain while holding his broken leg.

Yang Chen didn't stop there he went straight to him and stomped him on his balls making every guy hear a sound that will give them nightmares.


"Arghhh!" Cheng Feng although in extreme pain knew his life as a man was over at this moment.

"Next time I see your fucking face or hear your shitty name again I'll fucking make u feel that this pain was child's play, compared to what I'll do." Said Yang Chen in such an emotionless voice that send shivers down everybody's spine.

Cheng Feng couldn't move, he was so scared and in pain he shit his pants and his lackeys were shaking in fear as they pissed there pants.

"Get out of my sight." Said Yang Chen turned around and when he did Cheng Feng's lackeys rushed to him and carried him out of there while still in pain themselves.

When Yang Chen turned to see Old Li you could see visible fear in his face, but Yang Chen didn't care although from his memories he knew that the original Yang Chen and Old Li were considered friends he wasn't him, so he didn't pry too much into it and just let it be.

"Old Li I think I'll leave first." Yang Chen said turning around and walking away and waved without looking back."Stay safe out there."

Old Li didn't reply just and just kept looking at Yang Chen's back until he couldn't anymore.


As Yang Chen was walking through the market a police car stopped near him, making the 3 police officers approach him.

"Are you Yang Chen?" Asked the leading policemen coldly.

"Yes, do you need anything?" Replied Yang Chen with a nonchalant tone, since he knew why they came to him.

"I am West Region Police Department's Captain Feng Biao, you are under arrest for an assault and murder investigation, you have to come with us." Said Feng Biao with cold arrogance.

Yang Chen didn't say anything and just hold out his two arms out.

"I see you are already agreeing with our claims, just looking at you and I already know you're guilty." Feng Biao said with arrogance and pushed Yang Chen inside the police car.

When they arrived at the police station, Yang Chen was immediately brought into the interrogation room.

Feng Biao called in two robust officers and laughed arrogantly "Hahaha this is what you get for messing with are gang, can't wait to see your face after this is done." He then left, leaving the officers to stare wickedly at Yang Chen while they started interrogating.

Yang Chen answered their questions calmly with a bored expression.

"Today you assaulted 3 harmless civilians in broad daylight, yes?" Police 1 said

"Self defense." Replied Yang Chen calmly.

"Did you make the first move?" Asked police 1


Then police 1 took out a form and told Yang Chen "Write your name indicating you admit to your crimes, and pay for the victim's compensation."

Yang Chen didn't say anything he just stayed quiet and closed his eyes.

"Did you not hear!" Said police 2 with an angry expression.

Again Yang Chen didn't move and just stayed quiet.

"For not cooperating with us, there will be consequences!" Police 2 angrily said as he got up, intending to slam Yang Chen to the ground.

But Instead of Yang Chen get slammed to the ground, police 2 was punched in the stomach getting thrown to the wall.

Police 1 looked at this and was shocked then took out his gun and aimed it at Yang Chen.

"Get on the ground!" Shouted police 1 at Yang Chen.

Yang Chen didn't respond and walked slowly to police 1

"I said get on the ground!" Repeated police 1 while getting a little scared.

"I warned you!" Police 1 said before firing his gun.


But to his shock his bullet missed in such a close distance like it changed direction on its own.

Scared as shit, he fired another three shots.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

And to his surprise all three shots missed, as he was about to take another shot but Yang Chen was already front of him before he punched him the chest and he flew, crashing into the wall, coughing up blood.

"Cough! Cough!" Said police 1 with a shaky voice.

"Me, I'm Yang Chen and the reason you missed your shots was just suck." Replied Yang Chen in an emotionless tone that scared the shit out of him.

As Yang Chen was getting close to him the police officer started screaming for help.

"HELP, HELP ME!" Screamed the officer as he pissed his pants.

As Yang Chen was getting closer he heard a strict voice but one can tell it was female.


Yang Chen turned to look at this female police officer. She had black short-length hair, clear green eyes, and a figure where one would mistake her for a Korean model, overall she was a beauty.

At first, glance she looked annoyed, probably due to a meeting not going so well.

"Hands behind your head, and stand against the wall!" Cai Yan said sternly while pointing at Yang Cheng.

Yang Chen didn't do any of that, he just went to the table and picked up the form.

"Did you not listen!" Cai Yan said getting more annoyed.

"Just shut up and look at this." Replied Yang Chen tiredly as he just wanted to leave already.

Cai Yan was now getting mad, first, this criminal won't listen and now he's talking back.

Just as she was about to yell at him again, she saw some of the contexts on the form. She then took it from Yang Chen's hand and started reading it.

She then looked at the officers that were in pain on the ground that were looking down avoiding her gaze and she understood everything.

"What is your name?" Asked Cai Yan coldly

"Yang Chen."

"Well my name is Cai Yan, West Region Police Department's Bureau Chief, I would like to offer an apology on behalf of my stupid subordinates. But you have assaulted an officer, therefore, will be detained for 48 hours, until then you may call a lawyer.

Cai Yan immediately called more subordinates to take the two foolish officers.

Then she glanced at Yang Chen for a second and closed the metal door after walking out and locking it.

"Sigh..." Yang Chen released a constrained sigh

"This is going to be a long day."