Chapter 3


As I'm waiting in this room for who knows how long I have my eyes closed.

From anybody's perspective it would seem that I look like I'm sleeping sitting in this chair but in reality I am cultivating, well trying to at least.

I then open my eyes. 'How the hell am I supposed to cultivate anyway? I've been sitting here for two hours trying to feel something but there's nothing like I literally can not feel anything.' I thought while contemplating about this for the past few hours.

'In the novel, Yang Chen had to experience death and before he would kick the bucket, he experiences enlightenment. Well, rebirth as he would say. I'm also not going to try to kill myself just to reach that level, it's plainly stupid.' With that thought out of his head, Yang Chen heard the door open and an officer entered.

"You're free to go." The officer said while waiting for him to leave the room.

"Alright." Yang Chen replied to the officer.

'I guess it's time to meet 'her' again." Yang Chen thought, knowing exactly who bailed him out and why.


(3rd Pov)

As Yang Chen made his way outside the police station he saw a man in a suit and wearing frame gold glass, while carrying a suitcase.

Yang Chen just looked at him for a second and just nodded while making his way out of the police station.

When Yang Chen was finally outside he saw a rare red Bentley Arnage British car.

As Yang Chen look at who was driving this car he just nonchalantly said "Hello again."

Ruoxi replying with cold as ever greeting. "Hello."

"Are you here for me?" Although he asked he already knew the answer.

Ruoxi just nodded and said coldly. "Get in."

Yang Chen didn't ask questions he just got in the passenger seat, and Ruoxi just drove to their destination.

The drive was quite nevertheless. It was so quiet, that if it wasn't for the random radio playing, you would be able to hear crickets.

They finally arrived at their destination which was a fancy coffee shop for people who like to enjoy great scenery, while enjoying a cup of coffee and relaxing.

When they entered, the waiter showed them to their room which Ruoxi booked earlier.

As the waiter asked them what would they like, Ruoxi responded. "Blue mountain, milk no sugar.

The waiter then looked at Yang Chen which he replied with an indifferent tone "I'm good."

Ruoxi who took off her sunglasses to see through the window glanced at Yang Chen coldly then to the waiter. "Give him a cup of Naples, American style."

But before the waiter can take the order, Yang Chen said with the same indifferent tone. "No thanks. I'm not thirsty."

Ruoxi who heard his reply stared at Yang Chen with an icy glare that made waiter have cold sweat run through his back.

Yang Chen who wasn't fazed at all from her glare just stared back at her with an emotionless face.

Finally after what felt like hours of a silent war, Ruoxi coldly said "Just for me."

The Waiter who wanted nothing more than to leave while sweating replied earnestly.

" Right away ma'am." While leaving in a hurry for her order.

They stayed quiet until Ruoxi's drink arrived. When she took a sip, she finally ended the silent war with each other and said coldly "Alright let's get to business, I have a proposition for you."

"I'm listening" Yang Chen replied.

"Yang Chen." Said Ruoxi coldly.

"Yes?" Yang Chen replied.

"...Marry me." Ruoxi said in a small voice with a tiny blush.

After a couple of seconds, Yang Chen replied with an emotionless tone.


"Because if you do, you will never have to do anything ever again in your life. Money, power if you accept I can give you those things and you don't even have to raise a finger. Men like you desire those stuff right, so all you have to do is accept." Ruoxi said persuading him while the last part was said in contempt and disgust.

Yang Chen stayed quiet just staring at Ruoxi with an emotionless face, not even fazed at what she said or how she said it.

Finally Yang Chen replied "Do you ....think I need any of that."

Ruoxi replied instantly almost shouting "Of course! Especially someone like you who sells mutton skewers for a living!"

Yang Chen didn't respond for a few seconds, then replied while getting up. "I think we're done here."

Ruoxi was shocked, she thought he would accept just basically running at this opportunity, I mean anyone would.

As Yang Chen was about to leave, Ruoxi kept having flashbacks of her life about her sad family, especially of how her father hates her. If she couldn't escape her father, that wants her to marry someone just because of her late grandmother, his mother's company then she would rather.....die.

Yea she would kill herself... ' Wait what am I thinking!' Ruoxi shook her head to get those thoughts out of her head. 'No! I can't give up. I must try again.' Thought Ruoxi before looking at Yang Chen's back that was almost out the door.

"Wait!... Please just don't go yet." Said Ruoxi as she was slowly losing herself, thinking that he won't stop.

But on the contrary, Yang Chen stopped after hearing her plea to stop. He turned around asking her indifferently. "What now?"

When she saw him turn around she slowly started gaining light back in her eyes.

"I...I would like to apologize for my words I said right now...It was wrong of me to judge your character, just because of your a mutton skewer seller." Ruoxi apologized with her head down in shame on how she treated him.

Yang Chen just stared at her at simply said "Ok."

Ruoxi looked up confused. "What?"

"I accept your apology." Yang Chen said.

"I see," Ruoxi said as she gained a little of her spirit back but was ecstatic inside.

Yang Chen just went back to the table, sat down, and asked "So...?"

Ruoxi replied confused. "So what..." Not knowing what is he asking but then she realized what they were talking about before. She quickly calmed and composed herself, she Isn't the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company for nothing.

"So... let's get to business." She said professionally.