Chapter 4

(3rd POV)

As Ruoxi regained her calm she finally stated her true purpose of the deal.

"I need to escape an arranged marriage so I thought I can buy you into having a fake marriage with me." Ruoxi said seriously with no tricks involved.

"I see...well I can pretty much tell you are trying to avoid something, but I didn't know it was an arranged marriage." Yang Chen said completely bullshitting through his teeth.

"Is it that obvious?" Ruoxi looked down while saying that.

"Pretty much." Yang Chen replied simply, again lying like he was born with this talent.

"Will you help me?" Ruoxi asked looking up and straight into Yang Chen's eyes seriously.

Yang Chen closed his eyes for some seconds and thought. 'Should I help her, I mean I don't dislike or hate her but I have no feelings for her at all, she may be really beautiful but I'm not just looking for outer appearance in someone, and she 's basically the main antagonist, well not her but the one inside her.

After a couple of seconds more, Yang Chen opened his eyes and said "Fine I'll help you."

"You will?" Asked Ruoxi a little happy inside not because she has feelings for Yang Chen or anything, she's just glad someone can help her with this big problem of hers. Although she didn't show any of it in front of Yang Chen.

"Alright, just sign these papers and we'll be legally married." Ruoxi said taking out some paper forms from her bag.

When Yang Chen saw the marriage papers he thought. 'Well it's not like Athena can beat me anyway and she'll probably just come up with another plan to try to use me in a way. And don't get me started on that immortal, if he tries to interfere in my new life I'll squash him like a bug.'

Yang Chen calms himself internally, he can't let some of his killing intent out or it will be bad.

After signing the papers, Ruoxi does the same.

"Now were legally married." Ruoxi said with a blank expression.

"It seems we are." Yang Chen replies with the same expression.

"By the way I have a question I've been meaning to ask you after our first encounter, and since we're now married it's a better time to ask than ever." Yang Chen said seriously

"What is it?" Ruoxi asked him while also getting serious as well.

"What's...." Yang Chen said making Ruoxi lean in to hear the question better.

"Yea...?" Ruoxi said after hearing what might be something important.

"Your name?" Yang Chen said seriously while smirking internally.

"Huh?" Ruoxi replied.

"What's your name? You never told me your name since we met and since we're married we'll need to know each other's name, no?" Yang Chen repeated his question.

Ruoxi immediately realized she never gave her name and felt embarrassed.

"Its Ruoxi. Lin Ruoxi." Replied Ruoxi slightly embarrassed.

"Well since you know my name, I'll still say it anyway. I'm Yang Chen, nice to meet you Lin Ruoxi." Yang Chen introduced himself properly.

"Just Ruoxi is fine, and nice to meet you too." Replied Ruoxi but this time there wasn't coldness just a regular greeting when two people meet each other for the first time.

"Alright since our deal is done I'll be going now." Ruoxi said after finishing her coffee, she got up ready to leave.

"Alright see ya." Replied Yang Chen plainly as he started to get up ready to leave as well.

"By the way I'll come pick you up tomorrow to move into my villa." Ruoxi said

"Gotcha." Replied Yang Chen not even caring that they are going to be living together.

"You're not surprised your moving in with me" Ruoxi said while little embarrassed because she will be living with the person that she met this morning.

"No not really, since we're married now we might as well play the part. Isn't that right wifeyyy~" Yang Chen said in a playful tone and a small smile.

Ruoxi agreed to the first part Yang Chen said, while she blushed deeply at the latter part.

" calling Wife!" Ruoxi said, pointing at Yang Chen while still blushing.

"Chill, I was just trying to play the part." Yang Chen said completely back with his nonchalant expression.

"Hmph!" Ruoxi just turned away and left to the door but before she left she stopped and said in low voice but Yang Chen could still hear it.

"Thank you for helping me today." Ruoxi said slightly blushing but because she was facing the door he couldn't see it.

"No problem." Yang Chen replied plainly as usual.

Now that Ruoxi was gone, Yang Chen decided to leave, so he teleported back to his apartment.


(MC Pov)

I teleported back home to my apartment and decided to think for a bit.

'Wow just yesterday I was literally reading a novel, now I'm in one how ironic.' I thought while remembering what happened since I transmigrated here.

'I guess I'll take a quick shower.' I thought before going to the bathroom.

After I took a shower and freshen up I look at the wall and know that something's there because the wall is hollow.

I quickly break the wall carefully as to not cause too much destruction. 'I still want to sleep for one more night at least.' I thought while inspecting the black box before opening it.

The black box itself is ordinary. Then when I open the black box I see a black stone that look's like if it came from the moon, overall it was a cool rock.

But I'm not stupid, I quickly notice that the ordinary black box is the God stone and the rock inside is trick to fool you.

'Because of this box every person that wants this will come for me and people who are close or will get close to me. The original Yang Chen didn't even want it and it just caused him more problems along the way. So what should I do with this box then?'

'I'll just keep it in my space dimension so no one will be able to find or get it.' I thought before making the God stone disappear.

'Now what should I do. I can't go to JingJing's for dinner since I think Old Li is still shaken over what happened earlier. So I'll go take a walk and get some fresh air.' I thought and decide to go out for a bit.


(3rd Pov)

As Yang Chen was taking a walk he came across a river, so he started to walk through the river path just admiring the view.

Suddenly Yang Chen see's a tall woman with long black-brownish hair, a well-developed body that give's a vibe of maturity but still a beauty nonetheless. But when you see her face you could tell she's expressing a bit of sorrow, while staring at a far away indistinct yacht.

Yang Chen sees and has to admit she is quite beautiful, but he doesn't want to interrupt her alone time.

Then Yang Chen suddenly remembers that something like this happened in the novel so that what mean, that woman is

"Tang Wan." Yang Chen unconsciously said without realizing that he was in hearing range away from her.

"Yes?" She asked with a bit of weariness from this young man.

"How do you know me?" Slightly making some distance from him.

"Sorry if I startled you, well I have seen your pictures in the news since your one of the top four Beijing families and the owner of the Maple corporation." Yang Chen said while thanking his good memory in his head.

"Oh...I see" Tang Wan said awkwardly.

But Yang Chen being the thick-skinned that he is just faced the direction Tang Wan was looking and leaned on the railing. He just kept staring in that direction till he asked Tang Wan.

"So what are you so down for?" Yang Chen asked, although he knew, she didn't need to know that.

"..." Tang Wan just kept staring at him without saying anything.

"Sigh..." Yang Chen released a sigh, he wasn't good at these emotional talks.

Yang Chen got off the railing and looked at Tang Wan with a blank expression and said "Sorry if I disturbed your time" before walking away until he was out of her sight.

(Tang Wan Pov)

After he left I still kept looking at the direction he left from.

"Sigh..." 'Age is getting to me...I should have never done that, he was just trying to help.' Thought Tang Wan as she got on her SUV and drove back home.

(With Yang Chen)

As I was walking back to my apartment, a realization hit me... 'I can teleport.' Thought Yang Chen before he let out a

"Sigh.....I really need some sleep."

(AN: Literally haven't slept just been writing these chapters. By the way suggest some abilities I can use for Arc of Embodiment since my creativity sucks.)

(P.S: Might be my last chapter of the day or I might squeeze one more but who knows.)