Chapter 20 (+18)

Yang Chen suddenly widened his eyes as he felt Rose was in danger so he instantly teleported to Rose's bar.


(Rose's Bar, 15 minutes earlier)

Rose, who was in her room on her laptop working, suddenly heard a knocking sound from the door.

Nobody other than Rose's trusted aides dared to knock on this door.

"Come in." Said Rose in a dignified tone.

The one who entered was Rose's bartender, Little Zhao. 

 Little Zhao was acting a bit nervous before saying, "Big sis, we have...a guest."


"It's...It's your father and he even brought many of his top men to guard him." Explained Little Zhao.

Rose had a small glint in her eyes as she heard who was their guest before she nodded and replied indifferently, "I'll be there in a bit, you may go."

Little Zhao bowed his head respectively before leaving the room.


As Rose made it to the lounge, there was an oppressive atmosphere around the bar as each side glared at each other. On one side of the bar, there were many youngsters that were a part of the Red Thorn Society. Rose's subordinates mainly consisted of younger people since they were still a new gang but this made them lack experience.

On the other side of the bar, there were people of the West Union Society, headed by Rose's father, Situ Minge.

Situ Mingze was a middle-aged man with average looks while wearing a white suit.

When Situ Mingze saw Rose arriving, he smiled before saying, "It's been so long since we've met, how have you been?" 

Rose, not bothering with pleasantries, replied dully, "What do you want?"

"Oh c'mon, is that anyway, you should talk to your father?" Situ Mingze said with a fake sad tone. 


Situ Mingze then spotted the ruby diamond ring on Rose's ring finger and said with a weird smile, "I've heard that you recently found yourself a lover. He must be pretty rich, in order for him to buy you that ring you have there."

When Rose heard this, she unconsciously placed her hand behind her and asked coldly, " Why are you here?"

"Can't a father just come and see his lovely daughter?" Said Situ Mingze faking every ounce of care in his voice.

Rose didn't respond as she kept observing Situ Mingze behavior, not falling for any of it.

Situ Mingze seeing Rose not responding, decided to drop his act and said with a little playful tone, " Rose oh my little Rose, you've been losing a lot of territories lately. It won't be long until you and your little group of friends lose everything."

When Rose heard this, she gritted her teeth before replying, "Is that the only reason you came here, to gloat."

"No, not really, I'm mainly here to offer you a deal." Situ Mingze said before sitting on the couch leisurely while taking out a cigar and lighting it.

"What are you on about?" Asked Rose, not letting her guard down.

Situ Mingze took one long puff from his cigar before saying, "The way I see it, your little group won't be able to last for the next 6 months, so I've come to propose that you give this up now and you join back my gang. I promise that your friends here won't have to die if you accept."

Rose sneered and said, "If that's the only reason you came here for, then you can excuse yourselves out."

"Think about this carefully, these people here aren't the only ones you have to keep safe." Said Situ Mingze with a wicked smile as he looked at the ring on Rose's hand, hinting at her lover.

When Rose heard this, the atmosphere turned cold making everyone present here have a chill run down their spine. She knew these people were nothing or even worse than nothing in Yang Chen's eyes but to actually just threaten the person whom she loved right in front of her was a big mistake.

Rose then moved with quick swift steps toward Situ Mingze while she took out her hidden dagger and placed it on his neck. The surrounding people were barely able to see her movement.

"I dare you to threaten him one more time." Said Rose in a cold voice.

When Situ Mingze's bodyguards heard Rose's cold voice, they finally broke out of their stupor before quickly taking out their semi-auto assault pistols and aimed it at Rose and her gang, who were just about to take out their weapons as well.

"Drop it!" Shouted one of the bodyguards at Rose.

Situ Mingze had a sweat drop fall from his forehead but stayed calm as he's been in much tougher situations in his life.

"Rose, are you sure you want to do this, think about these people's lives." Said Situ Mingze as he tried to reason with her.

"Don't worry about us, big sis! We're always ready to lay down our lives for you!" Shouted Little Zhao and the rest, who agreed in unison.

When Rose heard this she was gritting her teeth as she was struggling before ultimately dropping her dagger on the floor.

When Situ Mingze saw Rose drop the dagger, he rushed to her and slapped her.


Rose was pushed back a bit while there was a small cut made on her cheek but she didn't back down and stared coldly at Situ Mingze.

"Stupid bitch! You actually tried to kill me! Your own father!" Roared Situ Mingze as he stared fiercely at Rose.

Rose just kept gazing coldly at Situ Mingze before she replied with a faint smile, "You're not my father, to me you're nothing."

When Situ Mingze heard this, he went wide-eyed before he shouted, "Oh yea! We'll see about that then!" 

Situ Mingze then received a desert eagle pistol from his bodyguard and aimed it at Rose.

"Who's nothing now, huh?!" Yelled Situ Mingze as he smiled viciously.

Rose's subordinates tried to head to Rose but they were blocked with guns aiming at them.

Rose just closed her eyes as she waited for the inevitable and thought, 'I'm sorry hubby.'

As Rose thought about Yang Chen, she then suddenly opened her eyes and shouted at Situ Mingze, "Wait!"

"What, are you going to beg now! HAHAHA! What happened to all that pride you had, just now?" Situ Mingze laughed in disdain.

Rose didn't argue with Situ Mingze and said in a desperate tone, "I'll join your gang if you don't kill us!"

When Situ Mingyu heard this, he smiled viciously and said, "Too bad, you had your chance but do remember to say hi to your mother for me."

Rose's eyes were turning red as she thought, 'I can't die yet! Not until I've told him I love him, not until we've had our first child, not until we've lived the rest of our lives together!"

Situ Mingze then loaded the gun and said coldly to Rose, "You know I always did hate you." before pointing the gun at Rose and firing.

'I'm sorry hubby!' Thought Rose as she closed her eyes while having tears flowing down her them.



Yang Chen, who had teleported to Rose's bar, saw that everyone had a shocked expression as they were looking at Rose, well more specifically what was in front of Rose.

The bullet that Situ Mingze had fired, stayed floating in the air in front of Rose before it was able to hit her.

Rose who had opened her eyes was even more shocked, as what she saw in front of her was something she's never seen before.

In front of her was, what looked to be a transparent red shield that stopped the bullet from going any further. Rose then felt vibrating from her left hand and looked to see her ring that was glowing.

Rose's ring then stopped glowing and when it did, the transparent shield disappeared making the bullet fall on the floor.

Yang Chen also seeing the transparent red shield disappear was anything but shocked. He then started walking toward Rose, emotionless.

Every person in the bar broke out from their shock when they heard footsteps since after what just transpired, nobody chose to say anything.

Rose, seeing Yang Chen coming towards her, was about to run and hug him but stopped herself when she saw his emotionless look.

Everybody seeing Yang Chen approaching Rose was surprised since they didn't see him come in the bar but when they saw his emotionless state, they didn't know why but their instincts told them to get as far away from this man as soon as possible.

Yang Chen, who arrived in front of Rose, looked at her face and saw the cut on her cheek and the tear stains. 

Yang Chen then extended his hand and caressed Rose's cheek while also wiping her tear stains.

Rose, who was feeling something was wrong especially when she felt Yang Chen's cold hands on her cheek, asked, "Hubby?"

When Yang Chen removed his hand from Rose's cheek, you can see that the cut on her cheek was gone, almost as if it wasn't there, making everyone shocked and confused.

Rose, feeling the stinging pain from her cheek, had faded, looked at Yang Chen shocked, and asked, " did…"

But before Rose was able to say anything, Yang Chen turned to look at Situ Mingze and activated his aura, making every person on Situ Mingze's side, go unconscious but not before they showed a look of fear as they stared into Yang Chen's eyes.

Even though Yang Chen's aura wasn't directed at Rose's subordinates, they were still having trouble standing when they felt the oppressing aura around the room.

Rose who looked at the people that were unconscious was a little surprised before she turned to Yang Chen. She knew Yang Chen was the one responsible for there collapse and the magic shield that appeared in front of her and saved her.

Rose felt a bit of bitterness in her heart after seeing what Yang Chen was able to do since this meant she didn't know him enough for him to share his secrets with her. Although Rose wasn't the one to blatantly try to uncover Yang Chen's secrets as she knew he would one day tell her.

Yang Chen then looked at Rose and said indifferently, "He is your father so whatever fate you choose for him, is the fate he'll receive."

Rose looked down and shook her head while replying in a low voice, "I'll leave it up to you."

Rose couldn't decide what she wanted to do to the so-called father that tried to kill her but they were related by blood so Rose didn't choose the fate for Situ Mingze and let Yang Chen have the decision.

Yang Chen nodded before he went to Rose and hugged her gently while looking at little Zhao and the rest, motioning them to leave.

Little Zhao and the rest didn't refuse as they knew the relationship between Yang Chen and their boss before leaving Rose's bar.

Rose feeling Yang Chen's gentle embrace, snuggled into his chest while saying, "Hubby I've missed you."

Yang Chen just smiled warmly as he kept holding Rose tightly before he felt her trembling, and asked worriedly.

"Rose, what's wrong?"

Rose starting sobbing in Yang Chen's embrace as she said while choking between sobs.

"Hubby, I was so scared! If I were to die, then I wouldn't be able to see you again, the feeling of not being able to be by your side is far worse than death! There are so many things we haven't done." Rose continued sobbing.

Yang Chen was extremely pissed off and happy at the same time. Pissed off at the fact that Situ Mingze would make Rose cry like this and happy because he never felt this much love from a person before.

Yang Chen then kissed Rose, which caught her off guard before she melted to his kiss.

The kiss started to get more intense as their tongues intertwined.

Yang Chen then stopped the kiss before they could go any further since there was still a matter with the unconscious bodies lying on the floor that needed to be dealt with.

When Rose separated lips with Yang Chen, she was blushing while having loving eyes with a bit of lust in them as she stared back at Yang Chen and said.

"Take me."

Yang Chen knew exactly what Rose meant so he pecked her on the lips and smiled while saying in a teasing voice. "Impatient are we now, my little Rose."

Rose slightly blushed and said seductively, "Well I wouldn't have to be if this someone would just make the first move."

Yang Chen chuckled before he motioned to the unconscious bodies and said. "Why don't you head back to the room and I'll join in a bit after I finished with this matter."

Rose happily nodded as she knew what he was going to do and left to her room.

When Rose was about to leave, she saw the unconscious Situ Mingze and looked at him indifferently for a couple of seconds before she left.

When Rose was gone, Yang Chen made his way to the unconscious bodies and teleported them to an underground facility he owned and dropped them on the cold floor.

Yang Chen then took out his phone and made a call.

The call quickly connected and the call receiver asked in a respectful tone,

"Sir, Pluto?"

"I need you to come and torture a group of people that I have back in the Styx." Said Yang Chen in an emotionless tone.

Styx was an underground facility, where people that have managed to do something wrong that has pissed off Hades are sent here and be tortured daily.

(AN: Hades= Yang Chen)

Once they enter the Styx, they will never be able to see the light of day ever again.

"It will be done sir." Replied the subordinate of Yang Chen.

"Oh yeah, don't touch the person in the white suit. I'll personally come and torture him." Said Yang Chen as he was referring to Situ Mingze.

"Understood." Said the subordinate.

When Yang Chen ended the call, he looked over at the unconscious Situ Mingze for a second before he teleported back to Rose's bar.

When Yang Chen arrived at the bar, he made his way to Rose's room.

Yang Chen entered the room and when he saw Rose, his male hormones we're aroused to its peak.

Rose was wearing a red sexy laced see-through lingerie that displayed her beautiful assets.

"Like what you see?" Rose said seductively to Yang Chen.

"Is the earth round?" Replied Yang Chen while checking out Rose.

Rose giggled at Yang Chen's reply before making her way to him.

Rose put her arms around Yang Chen's neck as she stared at him with loving eyes and said.

"Make me yours."

Yang Chen was about to kiss Rose but suddenly realized, he needed to explain some things before they could continue.

"Rose, before we do this, there is some stuff that I have to explain." Yang Chen said as he looked at her seriously.

Rose was confused at Yang Chen's seriousness but still nodded and separated from Yang Chen.

Yang Chen seeing he has Rose's attention said, "Well to first start it off, I am a cultivator."

"You mean like those, from ancient legends?" Rose asked a bit confused.

Yang Chen nodded before he started explaining his cultivation along with other cultivators and realms.

Rose was shocked but before she was able to say anything, Yang Chen said.

"And there's one more thing."

Yang Chen took a deep breath before he said. "I'm an immortal."

Rose was shocked before she became depressed and said while her eyes were turning red.

"Does that mean...that after every person on earth'll be left alone in this world by yourself?"

Yang Chen felt warmth in his heart as he heard this and thought, 'Even after I explained everything to her, she still thinking about me.'

Yang Chen then smiled and said, "Well, we can change that."

"What do you mean?" Asked Rose confused.

Yang Chen then made the Fountain of Youth appear in his hand.

Rose was surprised at the sudden appearance of the drink but before she could say anything, Yang Chen said.

"This drink is called the Fountain of Youth, it gives the person who drinks this, eternal life."

"And, I would like for drink it?" Asked Yang Chen with a bit of nervousness.

Rose was shocked at what this drink could do but when she heard Yang Chen's asking her to drink it, she felt butterflies in her stomach as he wanted to spend eternity with her.

Rose then walked up to Yang Chen and smiled with love and affection and said, "Being with you, is all that I want."

Rose then gently took the Fountain of Youth and drank it.

Yang Chen seeing Rose drink the Fountain of Youth was extremely happy. This meant she could spend an eternity with him.

After Rose drank the Fountain of Youth, she passed out.

Before Rose was able to fall on the floor, Yang Chen caught her gently and warmly smiled at her while caressing her cheek.

After a few minutes, Rose opened her eyes and saw Yang Chen looking at her warmly.

Rose looking at Yang Chen's eyes that we're filled with affection, unconsciously said.

"I love you."

Yang Chen's heart trembled when heard Rose. This was the first time anybody had said those 3 words to him. Neither in his previous life or from his current life's memories.

Rose not hearing Yang Chen not saying anything was a bit sad and thought, 'Was I to sudden?'

After a couple of seconds, Yang Chen gave a bright smile to Rose and said.

"I love you too, Rose."

Tears started to fall from Rose's eyes as she heard Yang Chen.

Yang Chen then wiped Rose's tears and kissed her.

----------------------- (+18)

Their kiss got more intense as Yang Chen started french kissing Rose.

Yang Chen then placed his hands on Rose's soft butt and gave it a squeeze, making her lightly moan.


Yang Chen then started kissing Rose's neck, as she started feeling his abs under his shirt.

Yang Chen removed Rose's lingerie and instantly got hard as he can see her perfect pink nipples and juicy thighs.

Yang Chen took off his clothes, only leaving his boxers. He then started sucking Rose's right breast while his left hand was fondling her other breast and his right hand was still feeling her ass.

"Ahh...more~" Rose starting pushing Yang Chen's head toward her breast.

Yang Chen then placed Rose on the bed and started trailing kisses downward to her stomach until he reached her thighs and he started kissing her inner thigh.

(AN: Thigh Faction, Ass Faction? Why not both? 😎)

"Mmm~" Rose moaned lightly.

Yang Chen gently removed her underwear and saw her shaven pink pussy which was slightly wet.

"Don't's dirty." Said Rose as she was blushing and lowering her head in embarrassment.

"It's very beautiful." Said Yang Chen as he started licking her pussy and inserting his tongue.

"Ahh...Ahhh~" Rose started moaning loudly.

Rose was on cloud 9 as she felt Yang Chen snaking his tongue inside her pussy making her grab a fistful of his hair and pulling him deeper into her. Yang Chen then brought his hand to her pussy and started playing with her clit making Rose arched her back and climax in pleasure.

"Ahhh! I'm...cominggg~"

After climaxing, Rose was breathing heavily before she got up from the bed and went to remove Yang Chen's boxer which had a huge tent. When she pulled down the boxers, she couldn't help but *gulp*.


'Will it even fit inside me?' Rose thought while blushing as she looked at his thick 10-inch cock.

Yang Chen couldn't help but chuckle at Rose's cute reaction.

Rose then started massaging the tip of his dick, making Yang Chen grunt in pleasure. Rose hearing his sounds became happy before she started jerking his whole shaft with her two hands. She then put the tip of his cock in her mouth before she starting sucking him off.

You could hear lewd sounds as Rose tried to satisfy her man by giving him a blowjob but since this was her first time ever doing this, she was inexperienced. But Yang Chen didn't care and grabbed Rose's head as she kept bopping her head back and forth.

Rose starting to learn, slowly went deeper and deeper into Yang Chen's cock before she had his full shaft inside her mouth. Yang Chen feeling Rose, start to deepthroat him was almost at his limit until he felt Rose picking up her pace.

"I'm...coming, Rose."

Rose hearing this, didn't back away but instead quickened her pace.

Yang Chen finally released his semen inside her mouth. Rose not being able to take all of his semen inside her mouth, coughed.

"I'm sorry hubby." Rose said sadly as she thought Yang Chen was mad for not being able to swallow all his cum.

Yang Chen picked her up, cleaned her face with a napkin before pecking her on the lips.

"It's okay." Yang Chen said while smiling warmly.

Yang Chen carried Rose to the bed and placed her gently.

Yang Chen spread Rose's legs and place his shaft at her entrance.

"Are you ready?" Yang Chen asked Rose in a caring voice.

Although Rose was a bit scared, she still nodded in confirmation.

Yang Chen slowly pushed his cock inside and groaned at how tight her pussy was.

Rose's hands were tightly gripping the bedsheets as she felt pain when he entered her.

Yang Chen seeing Rose's pain look stopped and asked worriedly.

"Should I stop?"

Rose bit her lip and shook her head before saying. "N-No it's okay, keep going."

Yang Chen continued pushing forward as he felt no resistance and no blood was seen. But this didn't stop him and continued until his whole shaft was inside her.

When Rose felt all of Yang Chen inside her, she unconsciously released 2 happy streams of tears as she thought.

'I'm finally his.'

After a few minutes of waiting for Rose to get accustomed to Yang Chen's size, she said.

"Y-You can move now."

Yang Chen withdrew his shaft from Rose's pussy and pushed it back in, making her moan.


Yang Chen groaned in pleasure at how tight and wet it was.

After a while of Yang Chen's slow thrusts, Rose said in a low voice.


Yang Chen complying with her started to quicken his pace.

As they were both lost in their pleasure, Yang Chen suddenly wanted to switch positions so he picked up Rose and started fucking her while standing.

Rose had her arms around Yang Chen's neck and had her legs wrapped around his waist.

Yang Chen started french kissing Rose as he had both his hands gripping her ass, supporting her while he kept thrusting, making Rose moan in absolute pleasure.

"Ahh...more! ~"

Rose not being able to hold back her orgasm.

"Hubby...I'm C-Coming!~"

Yang Chen then captured her mouth with his while increasing his thrusts and spanked her amazing ass.


Rose climaxed on Yang Chen's cock as soon as she felt him spank her.

Yang Chen not stopping his thrust since he wasn't close to his release.

"W-Wait...Hubby, I'm still sensitive...A-Ahh~"

For the next 10 minutes, Yang Chen kept fucking Rose until he felt he was close so he warned her.

"Rose...I'm almost there."

"I-Inside...I want you to cum inside me ~"

Rose feeling Yang Chen's cock twitch inside her, kissed him as she held him tight.

Yang Chen grunted and released his sperm inside of Rose.

"I-Its...filling me up ~"

(AN: No babies...yet)

They both fell on the bed in each other's embrace while breathing heavily.

--------------------(+18 end)

While Rose was snuggling in Yang Chen's embrace she suddenly widened her eyes as she remembered their lovemaking while thinking, 'I didn't bleed...could he have thought...'

Rose then looked at Yang Chen and said in a depressed tone.

"Hubby, did you think I'm loose?"

"Huh?" Yang Chen asked confused.

"My...hymen was actually torn when I was doing splits in my childhood so please don't think I'm loose." Said Rose, a bit embarrassed but with a sad tone.

Yang Chen just smiled warmly before he pecked her lips and said.

"I would never think of you, as loose, my darling Rose."

Rose smiled happily before she suddenly straddled Yang Chen and said in a sultry voice.

"Ready for round two? ~"

Yang Chen smiled confidently before replying.

"Only if you are."

Rose's room was filled with loud moans and heavy grunts for the rest of the day.

(AN: It's trash, I know. By the way the only reason Yang Chen's little brother is that size and stamina for bed is high if you know what I mean. ;) 1: He was affected by the God's stone when he was a kid. 2: He's 23 years old.)

(P.S: Question: If you drink the Fountain of Youth, will you gain infinite stamina?)