Chapter 21

Yang Chen waking up and seeing Rose wasn't in bed, became curious until he saw the light in the kitchen was on so he went to go check.

When Yang Chen entered the kitchen, he saw Rose cooking in an apron while only wearing panties.

Yang Chen smirked before he went and hugged Rose from behind and took a whiff of her beautiful fragrance.

Rose surprised at the sudden hug, turned to look, and saw Yang Chen.

"Hubby, you startled me."

Rose then turned back to her cooking and said, "I'm almost done with dinner so you can head to the table."

"I don't know...maybe I want something else for dinner." Yang Chen whispered into Rose's ear before he gently bit it.

As if electricity passed through her body, Rose leaned onto Yang Chen.

Yang Chen then started massaging Rose's butt, making her moan lightly.


"Hubby...I really should get back to cooking." Rose said as she starting breathing heavily.

"Oh, yeah?" Yang Chen smirked.

"Mn." Rose nodded as she was slowly getting lost in heat.

Suddenly, Yang Chen slapped Rose's ass.


"Ahh! Hubby, why did you do that?!" Rose said as she cutely glared at Yang Chen.

Yang Chen started chuckling before he kissed Rose on the cheek and said, "I'll be at the dining table."

When Yang Chen left, Rose went back to cooking with a happy smile on her face.

Moments later, Rose came with dinner which consisted of beef fried rice.

As they were eating, Rose had a pondering look before she asked, "Hubby, can you teach me how to cultivate?"

Yang Chen wasn't against the idea of Rose cultivating.

"If you start cultivating, then you won't have enough time to manage your gang so are you sure, you want to start cultivating?" Yang Chen asked.

Rose pondered some more on what Yang Chen said before she replied.

"Let me first stabilize the west region of Zhong Hai since it will be pretty chaotic without the leader of the West Union Society. Especially when Dongxing Group from the east region learns of this."

Yang Chen nodded before saying, "You know if you need any help, I'll be glad to do so."

Rose feeling butterflies in her stomach, got up from her seat and made her way to Yang Chen.

Rose then sat on his lap while putting her arms around his neck and kissed him the cheek.

"You're the best Hubby." Rose smiled lovingly.

They both continued eating in this position as Yang Chen had his hands on Rose's waist as she kept feeding him while she ate some herself.

When they both finished eating, Rose went to do the dishes while Yang Chen sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

When Rose was done, she sat down by Yang Chen's side and made herself comfortable on his chest.

After some time relaxing, Rose suddenly said a bit sad.

"Hubby, I have to go and make a meeting for the Red Thorns Society.

Yang Chen kissed Rose on the lips before he said while smiling.

"It's okay."

They both got changed and kissed each other goodbye before they both went their separate ways.


Yang Chen then teleported to the Styx as he had some unfinished business.

When Yang Chen was at the underground facility, he made his way to a particular room and entered.

The room was cold, had stone walls which only had a chair and a table in the center of the place.

In this chair, you could see a man in a dirty white suit tied up, that looked to be sleeping.

Yang Chen then threw a bucket of cold water on his face.

"Huh?! Where am I?!" Asked Situ Mingze confused while looking around the room.

Situ Mingze then stopped at the human figure that was in front of him which was Yang Chen.

"It's you! Why am I here?! And why am I tied up, explain!" Situ Mingze bombarded Yang Chen with questions while speaking in a high and mighty voice as if he was talking to one of his lackeys.

Yang Chen didn't bother explaining shit to him and said with a smile.

"Hey, let's play a game."

"What the hell are you talking about?! I said..."


Yang Chen slapped him, breaking a few teeth before he was able to say anything.

Situ Mingze spit out the few teeth with blood dripping from his mouth.

"How dare you..."


Yang Chen slapped him again, this time making his nose start bleeding.

"You still want to keep spouting shit." Yang Chen said indifferently.

Situ Mingze quickly shook his head as he fearfully stared at Yang Chen.

"Good. As I was saying, the game we are going to play is pretty simple and fun. We'll be using a dice, each number has a specific task and whichever it lands on, you will have to do that said task." Explained Yang Chen.

Situ Mingze nodded hurriedly, afraid Yang Chen would slap him again.

Yang Chen then took out a small box that had dice and some notes in them.

As Yang Chen was about to roll the dice, he suddenly said, "Oh I forgot to add that if you fail to complete the said task, there will be a punishment." Before rolling the dice on the table.

Situ Mingze didn't even have time to reply as he was staring fearfully at Yang Chen.

The dice started spinning before it landed on 5.

Yang Chen then picked up the note in the box which had a number 5.

Yang Chen read the note before he showed it to Situ Mingze.

'Put a centipede inside your ear and keep it in there for 10 minutes.'

When Situ Mingze saw the note, he froze.

Yang Chen then took out a see-through container that had centipede roaming around inside.

Situ Mingze seeing the container with the centipede inside started shaking in fear before he pleaded.

"Please don't make me do this! You want money, women, power I can get you those things, just please don't make me do this!"

"I don't need any of that, you agreed to the game, now do the task." Yang Chen replied indifferently.

"You're dating my daughter, Rose aren't you? Doesn't that make me your father in law and what would Rose think, if you made me do this?" Situ Mingze was using any means necessary to reason with Yang Chen.

Yang Chen chuckled before he said, "'Father in law', that's funny, anyway it was Rose who let me have your fate so just do the damn task already."

"No!" Situ Mingze shouted resolutely.

Yang Chen frowned as he started to get annoyed.

"Well, since you're not doing the task then there will be a punishment."

Yang Chen then brought out a separate box and took out a needle that had a red liquid inside.

"This drug will disable all your movements while still being able to feel pain for the next few hours."

Yang Chen then made his way to Situ Mingze.

Situ Mingze hearing the effects of the drug and seeing Yang Chen making his way to him was scared shitless. The only thing he could do was rock his chair in hopes of getting farther away from him.

"Stop! Don't come near me!"

Yang Chen was in front of Situ Mingze before injecting the needle into his forearm.

The effect of the drug worked fast as Situ Mingze stopped all movements to escape.

Yang Chen then teleported the centipede inside Situ Mingze head since he wasn't about to do it manually.

Situ Mingze suddenly feeling something entered his head and roaming around his brain was starting to go insane. He couldn't move, he couldn't talk, the only thing he was able to do was involuntary blink and cry.

For the next 10 minutes, you could sometimes see the centipede exit Situ Mingze ears and enter through his nose, sometimes you could see it's antennas poking through his mouth.

(AN: Too much detail?)

After the 10 minutes we're up, Yang Chen pressurized the centipede, blowing it to bits while it was still inside Situ Mingze's brain.

"Alright now that the first task is done, let's move to the next." Yang Chen said, not bothered by the fact that the light in Situ Mingze eyes had completely faded.

Yang Chen rolled the dice and this time it landed on the number 3.

Yang Chen then opened the note that had the number 3 before he showed it to Situ Mingze.

'Survive underwater for 5 minutes straight.'

For the next hour, Yang Chen kept torturing Situ Mingze until he got bored and left it at that. Situ Mingze would always be close to death but Yang Chen would always heal him before he would kick the bucket.

Why is Situ Mingze being left alive, well he pissed off Hades and he will now have to suffer the consequences for the rest of his life.


After Yang Chen left the room, he decided that he was going to head back to the dragon villa but remembered he forgot his car in front of Liu Mingyu's apartment since he rushed to Rose earlier.

Yang Chen teleported to his car and headed back to the dragon villa.

Yang Chen made it back home and entered the house. Once he was inside, he saw Ruoxi sitting on the couch, watching a Korean drama while wearing pink cotton pajamas that made her look a little childish and eating glutinous rice balls.

Ruoxi seeing Yang Chen enter the house was surprised since Wang Ma told her that he wasn't coming home tonight.

Wang Ma came downstairs as she heard the main door being opened.

"Welcome home Young Master, I thought you wouldn't be coming home tonight." Wang Ma asked curiously.

"Some stuff came up so I came back." Yang Chen replied with a small smile.

Wang Ma then turned to Ruoxi who was trying to make herself look small and reprimanded her.

"Sigh...Young Miss I thought I told you, that eating rice balls this late at night isn't good for you."

Ruoxi then started shielding the box of rice balls as if her life depended on it.

"I can't help it Wang Ma!"

Wang Ma shook her head before turning back to Yang Chen and asking with a caring smile.

"Young Master, are you hungry?"

"No it's okay, I already ate but thanks." Yang Chen replied smiling warmly at Wang Ma's caringness.

"Well I'm going to head upstairs now." Yang Chen suddenly said.

"Ok, goodnight Young Master."

"Goodnight Wang Ma." Yang Chen said before heading upstairs.

Ruoxi seeing Yang Chen heading upstairs felt a little regretful before she said in a low voice.

"Good night, Yang Chen."

Yang Chen hearing Ruoxi turned to look at her and smiled a bit.

"Good night, Ruoxi."

When Ruoxi heard this she smiled happily as she went back to eating her glutinous rice balls.

Wang Ma watching their interaction couldn't help but smile before she noticed Ruoxi and starting giggling.

Ruoxi hearing Wang Ma's giggle asked confused.


"Young Miss, have you realized what you're wearing." Wang Ma said as she covered her mouth, preventing another giggle.

Ruoxi looked at her pajamas confused before she finally realized. She then madly blushed in embarrassment as to how Yang Chen completely saw what she was wearing.

Ruoxi then got up from the couch and tried acting calmly.

"Wang Ma, I'm going to bed." Said Ruoxi, even though she was still blushing.

Wang Ma noticed Ruoxi trying to escape her embarrassment but didn't push her.

"Good night, Young Miss."

(With Yang Chen)

When Yang Chen made back to his room, he wasn't going to head to sleep but instead he was going to cultivate in order to reach the Soul Formation Stage.

Yang Chen then sat on his bed and started circulating his True Qi around his dantian.


Next-Day Afternoon

Yang Chen opened his eyes and got off from the bed. He felt slightly different than he did yesterday.

Yang Chen then lifted his feet from the ground and starting floating in mid-air.

What did this mean, well this meant that Yang Chen was finally able to cross the threshold and reached Soul Formation Stage. He can even teleport hundreds of meters away from here just by using his cultivation. Well, he can do all that anyway, without the need of his cultivation.

(AN: BS-ing my way again since, in the novel, they really didn't disclose much information about this realm.)

Yang Chen then checked the time on his phone and realized it was time to go pick up JingJing from her work so he got dressed and headed downstairs. Wang Ma wasn't in the house since she was probably out buying groceries.

Yang Chen then got on his car and headed to the high school, JingJing worked at.

When Yang Chen got to the school, he became the center of attention since he was driving a really expensive car.

As Yang Chen got out, everybody kept staring at him, trying to figure out who he was.


"Who is that, does anyone know?" Random girl 1 said.

"I don't know but he looks quite young, do you think he'll be interested in me?" Asked random girl 2.

"Not with your looks." Replied random girl 1

"What the hell did you say?!" Roared random girl 2

"Fucking whores." Scoffed random boy 1

"Hey bro, you look super cool! Want to hang out sometime?" Yelled the same boy trying to bootlick.

(With Yang Chen)

Yang Chen ignored all the people and made his way through the gates.

The security guards didn't even try to stop or get close to Yang Chen in fear of provoking someone influential.

When Yang Chen entered the school building, he searched for the room number JingJing had previously texted him.

When Yang Chen was in the hallway, he heard some bickering coming from the corner, he was about to take.

"Mom! But why!?" Shouted a young teenager at her mother.

"No buts! Although you are passing, you're causing a lot of trouble lately so you won't be able to hang out with your friends especially at night. Am I clear?" The mother sternly reprimanded her daughter.

Yang Chen hearing this voice, found it quite familiar until he turned the corner and saw who it was.

It was Tang Wan, the one Yang Chen saw a couple of days ago at the riverside.

Tang Wan was surprised when she saw Yang Chen since she still remembered their meeting a few days ago.

"Mom?" The girl asked confused before she turned to look at who she was staring at.

This girl had black hair while having a youthful and devilish charm around her. This girl was the daughter of Tang Wan, Tangtang.

"What is it Tangtang?" Said Tang Wan as she stopped staring at Yang Chen.

Tangtang didn't respond and kept staring at Yang Chen and then at her mother before she widened her eyes.

"How could you?! You know how much dad tried his hardest to court you and yet you already found some wannabe pretty boy who's probably only treating you as his sugar momma." TangTang voiced her frustration to her mother.

Tang Wan was shocked at Tangtang's sudden outburst before she understood her meaning.

"TangTang you've gotten all wrong..."

"No! You have it all wrong! Dad has been trying his hardest for the three of us to become a family and now it will never happen!" Tangtang's eyes started turning red.

Tang Wan didn't know what to say, the only reason she never accepted the father of Tangtang was that she honestly didn't have any romantic feelings but after hearing her daughter's outrage, was she in the wrong?

Tangtang then turned to Yang Chen and shouted at him, "You! This is all your fault! Because of you, my dad doesn't have a chance anymore!"

When Yang Chen saw Tang Wan, he was a bit surprised but was just going to leave it that until he heard Tangtang having a temper tantrum and started blaming him for some reason.

Yang Chen then started walking toward Tangtang while having an indifferent face.

"Why are you coming towards me? Do you think I'll back down?" TangTang said unyielding but was a little scared inside since she didn't know what Yang Chen was going to do.

Tang Wan finally coming back to reality looked at the situation, and instinctively put herself in front of TangTang.

"Young Man, I apologize for my daughter's blatant accusations but you don't have to do this." Tang Wan said thinking Yang Chen was going to start using force against her daughter.

Yang Chen just continued moving forward, not even stopping for them since he was going to meet Jingjing.

Tang Wan realizing Yang Chen was never intending to even stop and confront them felt instant regret. This was the second time she feels that she has hurt this man.

"Where are you going?! Come back here!" Tangtang not intending to let Yang Chen slip off, shouted at him.

Tang Wan hearing Tangtang still pursuing this matter was now angry so she went and smacked her bottom.

"Ahh!" Yelp in pain, Tangtang.

"Mom, what was that for..."

Tangtang was about to yell at her mother before she saw her angry look.

"Get to the car. Well talk about this more at home." Tang Wan said as she was now mad.

"But..." Tangtang said in a soft voice.


TangTang quickly ran to the car like a scared kitten when she heard her mother yell.

When TangTang was gone, Tang Wan looked at the direction Yang Chen went off to.

"Sigh..." Tang Wan sighed before she went to her car.

(AN: Let me know if I should tone down the torture. I was going to make it more extreme but decided against it.)

(Question: With the Arc of Embodiment, can the user give powers to other people since I'm quite curious. Don't worry I will NOT give anyone powers because frankly I'm not a fan of that stuff like I said I'm CURIOUS only. By the way is there a specific range to use this Lost magic?)