Chapter 26

"Yang Chen?!"

"Yes, that's me." Replied Yang Chen 

Ruoxi just kept staring at Yang Chen in shock, she didn't know what to say.

Finally, after a while, Ruoxi asked, ""

"How what?" Yang Chen played innocent.

"Don't play games! I'm asking, how are you the CEO of the most influential company in Zhong Hai right now!?" Ruoxi wasn't in the mood for joking around.

Yang Chen dropped his act and said indifferently, "Ruoxi, didn't you want me to find a job."

"Yeah, but I never t-thought…"

"You never thought, what? That a former mutton skewer seller would suddenly become someone influential. Well, it happened and now we're here."

Ruoxi remained silent. She didn't know what to say, she didn't know what to feel. Should she feel happy for him right now? She wanted to feel happy for him, but her pride wouldn't allow it. 

The only reason Ruoxi still kept her marriage with Yang Chen a secret until now, was that she wanted him to get a stable job and become someone with a decent status. So when people would find out she was married, they would look at Yang Chen for his identity and status instead of her and her beauty.

After a while of silence, Ruoxi asked in a demanding tone, "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Tell you? You're asking in a way that I have to tell you. I don't have to tell you anything. All you need to know is that I have a job and that's it." 

Ruoxi gritted her teeth. Yang Chen was right, he didn't have to tell her anything. She should just accept the fact, he was right and back down from this argument, but then again her pride wouldn't allow it.

"No! You have to report something as important as this to me!"

Yang Chen frowned and said, "Ruoxi, do you think only because you have looks, money, and power that everything has to be given way for you? You're not my superior so stop acting like one."

"Yang Chen!….." Ruoxi was angrily pointing at Yang Chen as she couldn't say anything. Under her clothes, her chest heaved repeatedly.

Yang Chen didn't want to argue anymore so he took a seat and said, "You came here for negotiations so let's get to it."

Ruoxi bit her lip and gripped the edges of her skirt before deciding to sit down on the chair. 

Yang Chen's words kept sticking inside her mind, she just couldn't forget them, but for the sake of this deal she put on a cold facade. This was the usual temperament she put on when acting like a CEO.

After an hour, the negotiations went successful. SEC would provide the necessary materials for the fashion show while Yu Lei would advertise them during the show since it will also be broadcasted live on TV.

Yang Chen got up from his seat, walked over to Ruoxi, and offered a handshake. 

"Pleasure doing business with you."

Ruoxi got up from her seat and shook his hand.

"Same here."

They both separated and Yang Chen asked, "Will you stay for the meal?"

Ruoxi hesitantly shook her head. The words earlier from Yang Chen had surfaced back in her mind. She needed time to think.

Yang Chen nodded and went back to his seat since he still has one more meeting to go.

Ruoxi then proceeded to leave, but stopped at the door and looked at Yang Chen's back one more time before she left the room.

(With Ruoxi)

Ruoxi had just gotten back inside her car but didn't start the engine.

Ruoxi's eyes slowly started to turn red as she kept remembering Yang Chen's words.

"Is that really...what he thinks of me?"

Ruoxi couldn't help but grip the steering wheel in anger while tears started falling from her face.

"I can't help it! I was raised not to show weakness especially in front of a man!"

Ruoxi's grandmother had taught her to never lower her head to anyone especially if it was a man. Yang Chen's words earlier started to slowly make Ruoxi's belief waver.

Suddenly Ruoxi's phone rang so she quickly wiped her eyes and picked it up. She was slightly confused since she didn't recognize this number.

"Hello?" Ruoxi answered coldly.

"Ruoxi, it's been so long since I've heard your voice." Said the voice of a young man with a delightful tone as he heard Ruoxi.

Ruoxi found this voice familiar but couldn't remember this person so she asked, "I'm sorry, who is this?"

"Ruoxi, how could you not remember your Senior from University. It's me, Zheng Xinlin."

Ruoxi suddenly recalled this man and answered with a guilty tone.

"I'm sorry for not remembering Senior. So...what made you call?"

"No problem. Well, I've recently returned back to Zhong Hai and I was wondering if I can visit you at your home to catch up for old times sake." Zheng Xinlin asked with a hopeful tone.

Ruoxi hesitated to give him a reply. She suddenly remembered Yang Chen and was thinking if she should call him to come home when Zheng Xinlin arrives.


Zheng Xinlin was elated. He didn't think anything about her hesitation since he was thick-skinned.

"Great! I'll stop by this evening."

They both said they're goodbyes and hung up the phone.

After she hung up, Ruoxi kept staring at her phone, hesitating if she should call Yang Chen or not. She didn't know how to talk to him after finding out his identity as a CEO and their argument earlier. In the end, she just decided to send him a message, asking him If he can come home in the evening since there would be a guest arriving.

After a couple of seconds, Yang Chen replied with a 'Sure'. Ruoxi smiled a bit and was quite happy since she thought Yang Chen would refuse because of their argument earlier.

Ruoxi then started her car and proceeded to go home.


(With Yang Chen)

Yang Chen was still back in the hotel, waiting for the CEO of the Maple Corporation when he received a message from Ruoxi.

She asked if he can come home this evening since there would be a guest. Yang Chen thought for a bit and accepted. It was still noon so after this next meeting, he wouldn't be busy.

After about 15 minutes, the door opened and the hotel manager with a very beautiful mature woman walked in.

"Sir, I have brought the CEO of the Maple Corporation." The manager said respectfully.

Yang Chen nodded, "You may go."

The manager bowed his head before he left the room.

Tang Wan who came in with the manager was staring at Yang Chen in complete shock.

Tang Wan who seemed to have changed her hairstyle, her wavy black-brownish hair had been straightened and neatly combed back. She also wore a well-fitting black suit.

"Ms.Tang?" Yang Chen said breaking her out of her stupor.

"Y-You're Yang Chen?" Tang Wan replied as some shock was still evident in her voice.


Suddenly after a few seconds, Tang Wan lightly laughed and said softly, "Hahaha...age is getting to me."

She then quickly calmed and composed herself and stretched her arm, intended for a handshake while smiling slightly.

"You may already know my name, but I'll still introduce myself. I'm Tang Wan, the CEO of the Maple Corporation."

Yang Chen shook her hand and introduced himself as well.

"Yang Chen, CEO of the Soaring Eagle Corporation." 

After their greeting, they both sat down and went into talks about a partnership. 

Tang Wan wanted to use Yang Chen's newer and better technology in her company that consisted of Hotels and sports centers. In return, Maple Corporation would only use their devices and any other tech-related items, promoting them at any chance they get.

After another hour, the talks went successful and they signed a contract between the two companies.

"Would you like to have lunch?" Yang Chen asked after they both finished their negotiations

Tang Wan was quite hungry so she nodded.

While waiting for their food, Tang Wan kept staring at Yang Chen wanting to say something.

"Yes?" Asked Yang Chen quite confused.

"Mr.Yang, I..."

"Yang Chen is fine."

Tang Wan smiled and nodded, "Then you can call me Tang Wan."

Yang Chen nodded and let her continue.

"Yang Chen, I would like to apologize for the earlier mishap that happened a couple of days ago. That young mischievous girl was my daughter and she wrongfully accused you of something, so for that I'm sorry." Tang Wan lowered her head and apologized to Yang Chen.

Yang Chen remembered that incident but wasn't affected by it so he accepted her apology.

"It's no problem." Yang Chen said while smiling a bit.

Tang Wan raised her head and revealed a beautiful smile.

After a little while, a server brought the food and place it on the table for them before he left the room.

There was a small talk between them mainly about the company and how it will affect them in a good way in the future. All around the atmosphere was quite comfortable between the two.

When they finished their meal Tang Wan got up from her seat and thanked Yang Chen.

"Thank you, Yang Chen, for the meal. By the way, before I leave can we exchange numbers? I would like to show you some of the places that are owned by my company where we will be using your technology."

Tang Wan felt that was an excuse, but she didn't care. Ever since they met on the Riverside and a few days ago she couldn't help but think about him. Maybe, just maybe, Yang Chen was the one she was looking for all these years.

"Sure." Yang Chen replied.

Tang Wan was elated and they both exchanged numbers before they said their goodbyes and she left the Hotel.

Just as Yang Chen was about to leave, he suddenly received a phone call from Jingjing.

"Hey, Jingjing what's up?"

"Hi, big brother Yang. I've just recently...moved out and I was hoping you can help me look for new furniture tomorrow."

Yang Chen frowned.

"Moved out?"

Jingjing could tell Yang Chen was a bit upset for not telling him anything so she quickly explained.

"Me and my mother have been...arguing lately so I moved out not too long ago. I'm sorry big brother Yang for not telling you, but I wasn't thinking straight."

Yang Chen sighed and accepted her explanation.

"Fine, I'll go pick you up from work tomorrow."

Jingjing was extremely happy he didn't refuse her.

"Thank you, big brother Yang!"

They both hung up the phone and Yang Chen headed to his car. He was planning on heading back home since it was almost evening.