Chapter 27

Yang Chen arrived at the dragon villa. When he was parking his car, he noticed another car in the driveway. He knew this must be the guest's car so he didn't think much of it and headed inside.

When he entered, he heard a male voice coming from the living room.

There was indeed a man in the living room, sitting on the sofa with a straight posture. He had neat and short hair and a face with sharp features. He was wearing a blue navy tailored suit.

Ruoxi, who was sitting on another couch further away from the man, had eyes that showed complicated emotions as she saw Yang Chen enter.

Zeng Xinlin creased his brows when he saw Yang Chen enter before he released a carefree smile, got up from his seat, and amiably nodded toward him.

Yang Chen didn't greet him and went to sit next to Ruoxi on the couch.

Zeng Xinlin frowned slightly which was barely noticeable at Yang Chen's lack of manners before he showed his smile again until he saw what happened next.

Ruoxi seeing Yang Chen sit next to her and smelling his manly scent, made her remember the night where they both slept in each other's embrace. Ruoxi then madly blushed.

Zeng Xinlin was a very perspective guy so seeing Ruoxi blush just like a teenage girl when Yang Chen sat next to her made him release a little killing intent. Of course on the outside appearance, he always had a calm and carefree smile.

"Ruoxi, who might this person be?" Zeng Xinlin asked.

"Excuse me for not mentioning him earlier, Senior, but this person is my husband, Yang Chen. We just recently got married." Ruoxi replied with a tint of blush on her face.

Zeng Xinlin hearing Ruoxi and seeing her expression, thought angrily, 'No, Impossible! There is no way that Ruoxi could get married suddenly like that! There must be a different reason for this sudden marriage. That's right! She must be using him as a shield!"

Zeng Xinlin then regained his previous calm and carefree mood.

"Oh, so it's Ruoxi's husband. And here I was thinking he might be your elder or younger brother. If I knew you were getting married I would've given the toast at the ceremony."

Ruoxi had a rather guilty expression, "Sorry, but there hasn't been a ceremony yet, we've only signed the papers. When the time comes we'll invite you, Senior."

"The wedding hasn't been held?" Vigor and joy were present in Zeng Xinlin's as his earlier thought was proven to be right. With a profound look, he swept his gaze over Yang Chen and Ruoxi, and said, "That's great! I'll definitely prepare a huge gift. After all, our relationship isn't ordinary."

Zeng Xinlin's words were meant to entice Yang Chen.

Ruoxi looked at Yang Chen from the corner of her eye. She didn't know why, but she hoped she didn't take Zeng Xinlin's words too seriously.

Yang Chen had an indifferent face the whole conversation, but when he felt Zeng Xinlin's pitiful killing intent, he smirked internally.

Not seeing any reaction from Yang Chen, Zeng Xinlin decided to ask with a weird smile, "Mr. Yang, I wonder what kind of big occupation you have since you obviously caught the eye of Ruoxi."

'I doubt Ruoxi would suddenly marry someone with backing or it would've been made known publicly. I mean who wouldn't want to brag when you have one of the most beautiful wives in all of China. So he might be someone without backing or just someone with little to no influence' Thought Zeng Xinlin as his grin started to get bigger.

Ruoxi frowned at his words. He made it sound like she only married Yang Chen for his status. Well, at the time, she only married Yang Chen because she was desperate and didn't care about his identity even if he was a mutton skewer seller. But now, after finding out his new identity she didn't know what to think. Should she go public with this marriage after finding this out?

As Ruoxi was struggling and contemplating inside her mind, Yang Chen replied, bringing her back to reality.

"I'm the CEO of a company." Yang Chen replied plainly.

Zeng Xinlin's grin vanished. He didn't think it was true so he tried to bait him as he slowly started sweating nervously which he hadn't even realized.

"May I know..which company Mr.Yang owns?" Zeng Xinlin asked with slight nervousness. He hoped this person in front of him wasn't part of the higher society.

"Soaring Eagle Corporation." Yang Chen replied simply.

Zeng Xinlin froze. These 3 simple words made him lose all color on his face. He turned to Ruoxi, hoping that she'll call out his bluff.

Ruoxi nodded absentmindedly, breaking all of Zeng Xinlin's hope.

After a couple of seconds, Zeng Xinlin recovered his act, but his whole demeanor changed.

"Hahaha, it seems brother Yang is quite influential in China. Maybe we can form a partnership since I'll be starting my own entertainment and media-related company." Zeng Xinlin started talking as If he and Yang Chen were best buddies.

Ruoxi was quite speechless at Zeng Xinlin's sudden change, but then again a lot of people would always strive to the top by whatever means necessary. 

Yang Chen didn't want to keep entertaining this goofball so he said, "You can leave."

Ruoxi and Zeng Xinlin were shocked at how Yang Chen was already kicking him out.

"But…" Ruoxi said with a bit of hesitation since this was her Senior.

Yang Chen turned to Ruoxi and asked indifferently, "Do you object?"

Ruoxi seeing Yang Chen's indifferent face quickly shook her head.

She may have been the owner of this place, but she and Wang Ma were already starting to treat him as the man of the house.

Zeng Xinlin seeing that he was getting kicked out didn't get angry but instead kept smiling like a dumbass.

"Yeah, you're right, I think I have overstayed my welcome. Brother Yang, if you have time, do give me a call so we can maybe talk about the company."

Zeng Xinlin then left the house with hurried steps while still smiling like an idiot.

(With Zeng Xinlin)

Even when he was leaving the driveway in his car, he still had a stupid smile on his face.

Only when he had gotten on the highway did his smile vanish.

"Fuck!!! What the fuck did I get myself into?! That bitch! If only she had mentioned earlier that her fucking husband was that guy! What do I do now?! Do I avoid them now or do I try to get closer just for that fucker's backing?!" Zeng Xinlin said with anger and fear as he was hitting the steering wheel and randomly honking.

The different people driving in their cars we're thinking he was insane so they didn't even bother with him.

(Back at the Dragon Villa)

Yang Chen was sitting on the couch watching TV while waiting for dinner.

Ruoxi who was sitting next to him had a complicated expression. She wanted to say something to Yang Chen but couldn't.

In the end, she couldn't go through with it so she stood up from the couch and turned to him.

"I'll be heading to my study room."

Yang Chen nodded and turned back to the TV.

Wang Ma who just came out asked Ruoxi.

"Young Miss, will you not be having dinner with us?"

Ruoxi gently shook her head and said, "I'm not hungry right now Wang Ma. I'll be going to my study room now."

Wang Ma sighed, watching Ruoxi heading upstairs before she turned to Yang Chen and asked caringly, "Young Master, will you be having dinner?"

Yang Chen smiled and nodded.

When they were having dinner, the doorbell rang so Wang Ma went to check who it was.

"Miss Mo what a surprise. Please come in." Wang Ma noticing it was Mo Qianni who rang the door hurriedly invited her in with pleasant surprise.

Mo Qianni smile gently at her and made her way inside.

"Is Ruoxi home?" Asked Mo Qianni.

"Yes, Young Miss is her study room right now."

Just as Mo Qianni was about to ask another question she noticed there was somebody at the dining table.

"Why is it you?!"

Mo Qianni was shocked by seeing Yang Chen here inside of Ruoxi's home.

Yang Chen turned to her and asked with a frown, "What, can't I be here?"

Wang Ma noticing there weird interaction asked, "Does Miss Mo know the Young Master?"

"Young Master?!"

Wang Ma nodded and said, "Yes, he is the Young Miss's husband."

Mo Qianni was in disbelief. She then remembered when Yang Chen mentioned he and Ruoxi were married and couldn't help but gnash her teeth. She unknowingly felt sour inside her heart.

"Wang Ma, I'll be going upstairs to talk to Ruoxi!" Mo Qianni then hurriedly went upstairs.

Wang Ma was confused before she went back to the dining table with Yang Chen and they both continued their meal.

(In the study room)

Ruoxi was about to start doing some paper word until she heard quick knocks coming from the door.

"Come in."

Mo Qianni entered quickly and asked Ruoxi.

"Ruoxi, how come you didn't tell me you were married?!" Mo Qianni tried to ask in a gentle tone, but you could tell she was still shocked by the circumstances.

Ruoxi was surprised at Mo Qianni entering the room before she heard her question and made a guilty expression.

"Sorry, It just happened too quickly and I want you to be bothered by this."

"But this is marriage were talking about?! At least tell me why you married someone like him?"

Mo Qianni was obviously upset with Yang Chen after what happened between them recently.

"I know marriage is something serious, but I needed to avoid an arranged marriage at the time."

Mo Qianni was shocked since this was her first time hearing this, but not as much since she knew Ruoxi always had many suitors.

Ruoxi then proceeded to explain the recent events that happened with Xu Zhihong and her father.

Mo Qianni hearing this became sad for Ruoxi.

"I'm sorry for bringing this up, I didn't know. Are you alright?"

Ruoxi smiled a bit with gentleness over her best friend's concern and nodded.

"Actually It's still alright...he's not a bad person."

Mo Qianni stared silently toward Ruoxi. She thought about how Yang Chen recently helped her and how she treated him badly. She couldn't help, but silently admit Ruoxi was right.

After some time they both started chatting about other stuff.

(With Yang Chen)

After finishing dinner with Wang Ma, he thanked her for the food and headed upstairs toward his room.

He entered his room and sat down on his chair.

Suddenly a black notebook appeared on his hand. This notebook only had two words written on the cover, 'Death Note'.

He created this Death Note so he is able to make whatever rules he would like in this notebook.

Yang Chen then placed the Death Note on the desk and took out a pencil from his drawer.

He was thinking, 'Zeng Xinlin huh. The only difference between him and Xu Zhihong is that he is more manipulative and calculative. I don't like him, but he hasn't done anything to force my hand so I won't make his death painful.'

Yang Chen then proceeded to write Zeng Xinlin's name in the Death Note with no specified information.

'Hmm, why am I craving apples right now? Well, it doesn't matter, It's done already so I'll head to bed." Yang Chen thought before he made the Death Note disappear and headed to his bed to sleep.

(With Zeng Xinlin)

Zeng Xinlin was in his study room, thinking of ways to get back at Yang Chen over his humiliation today.

"Shit! How will I get back at that fucker? I doubt my family will help me with this matter after finding out his identity, but I still can't let that shit go! I will make that bitch grovel under my feet and..."

Before he was able to finish saying anything, he suddenly gripped his shirt over where his heart was. He widened his eyes as he felt sudden pain coming from his chest right now.

Zeng Xinlin eyes rolled back before he died and fell on to his desk.