Chapter 35

(Evening- With Yang Chen)

Yang Chen made it to Rose's bar and entered her room. He was in a daze as he saw what Rose was wearing. She was wearing a red and black evening dress showing her amazing legs am and also wearing crystal colored high heels.

Rose giggled at his reaction and asked, "You like?"

"Very much." Yang Chen replied as he smiled and kissed her lips.

The separated lips and Rose asked, "Ready to go?"

Yang Chen nodded and they both headed to his car.

The banquet was held in the west region's suburbs. So when they made it there they could see it was a high-class venue surrounded by lush and verdant greenery.

This banquet doesn't have many people but it did have a red carpet and Rose ruling over the west region of Zhonghai was required to walk on it to get inside.

They both got off the car and the valet took it to go park it. When the people saw Rose, they were mesmerized by her beauty but when they saw who she was clinging her arm to they were shocked. Many people still didn't know Rose had a lover so seeing how average Yang Chen looked really set off many people. But what could they do, they can't just offend the leader of the Red Thorns society unless you were looking for death.

When they both entered the building it had bright crystal chandeliers that lit up the spacious halls to the point that it looked like daytime inside.

They then we're approached by a short man in a black suit that looked to be older than his actual age.

"It's good to finally see you, leader of The Red thorns Society." The short man said while smiling.

Rose looked over at the short man and said, "You must be Mr. Zhou Guangnian, Dongxing's leader."

Zhou Guangnian waved modestly, "I'm honored you could recognize someone like me." He then looked over to Yang Chen and asked, "This is?"

"My boyfriend." Rose replied with a happy tone making Yang Chen smile.

Zhou Guangnian sighed, "And here I was thinking I could introduce you to my son. Speaking of him, where is that little brat?!"

Suddenly a young man wearing a pink suit and had fair and clear skin making him look quite feminine entered inside.

Everybody's attention was quickly focused on the newcomer and everyone had different expressions.

"Dear father, I'm here now." Said the young man walking quite elegantly just like a woman. This young man was the son of Zhou Guangnian, Zhou Dongcheng.

Zhou Guangnian was furious as he saw his son at what he was wearing and how he walked in here but kept his cool. He then decided to introduce him to Rose.

"Miss Rose this is my son, Zhou Dongcheng. He isn't a bad person so how about you get to know him for a while." Zhou Guangming said with a smile.

Dongcheng looked over to Rose and didn't even spare a glance but then looked over to Yang Chen and stared at him for a couple of seconds before looking away. The people who saw this knew he was checking him out but seeing how average Yang Chen looked made him probably lose interest.

The men felt goosebumps when he stared at one of the waiters serving drinks. You could see him openly checking them out like he was ready for a feast.

Rose figured it out as well and couldn't help but giggle. She then turned to Yang Chen and said, "Looks like you weren't his type."

Yang Chen can only smile bitterly at her comment.

Zhou Guangming was livid but didn't shout, "What the hell are you doing?"

"What? I'm here ain't I?" Dongcheng replied.

Zhou Guangming kept his voice in check as he didn't want to make a scene, "Come and meet Miss Rose."

"Fineee." Dongcheng replied unwillingly and stretched out his arm for a handshake toward Rose.

Rose barely touched his hand and he already pulled away. You could tell that he was uncomfortable just by touching a woman.

Rose didn't get mad over this as he just kept smiling. Dongcheng then extended his hand over to Yang Chen.

Yang Chen shook his hand as he wanted to show pleasantries since he was only here

because of Rose and nothing else.

When they shook hands, Dongcheng mumbled something under his breath but people who were close could still hear it.

"Oh, such strong hands."

Yang Chen released his hand since he was a bit weirded out by his open behavior.

Dongcheng's earlier reaction to Yang Chen had totally changed so he started to make conversation.

"May I know your name, mister?"

Rose butted in and clung onto Yang Chen's arm and said with a cheeky smile, "Sorry to interrupt but he's my man and he doesn't swing that way."

Dongcheng glared at Rose for a couple of seconds before he smiled once more and said, "That's what they all say before they get to experience what true bliss feels like."

The surrounding couldn't help but give disgusted looks toward Dongcheng but he wasn't affected one bit.

"That's enough!" Zhou Guangming couldn't contain his anger anymore and shouted. He then pointed to a door and said, "Go get changed into something appropriate! Now!"

Dongcheng was angry but suddenly thought up of an idea.

"Alright I'll go get changed but I have to call some people to get me a better outfit." Dongcheng said while smiling mischievously.

"Fine! Just hurry and change already!"

Dongcheng then headed to the room with his bodyguards following right behind him carrying some bags.

Zhou Guangming then turned toward Rose and apologized, "I'm sorry for my son's rude behavior. I hope this doesn't affect our negotiations."

Rose smiled and said, "Of course not."

For the next 20 minutes, they talked about each other's gang and decided they won't interfere in one another meaning there won't be any bloodshed between the two sides. As long the don't deliberately provoke each other then everything will be handled peacefully.

When they were done with their talks, the door that Zhou Dongcheng had walked into had opened.

The person who came out was a beautiful woman with blonde European hair, wearing a pink shoulderless dress with blue high heeled shoes. She also applied light makeup, lipstick, and fake eyelashes.

The men couldn't help but check out this beautiful woman while Yang Chen didn't even spare her a glance as he knew better.

"Dear father, I have changed." The woman said but her voice didn't sound like a woman at all. This voice belonged to a man and not just any man but the man that was just here 20 minutes ago.

The men couldn't help but feel embarrassed as they were just checking out a man dressed up as a woman. Some felt like puking while some secretly found something new about themselves.

Zhou Guangming was mortified. After a couple of seconds, he shouted at the top of his lungs, "B-Bastard!!!"

Dongcheng turned deaf to his father's shout and smiled sweetly toward Yang Chen.

"Hey, who do you think is prettier, me or her?" Dongcheng said with spite as he looked at Rose.

"I would choose my woman without question." Yang Chen replied without hesitation.

Rose hugged Yang Chen and playfully stuck her tongue toward Dongcheng.

Dongcheng was angry but before he could say anything his father shouted, "Dongchen! Go change immediately!"

"Uhh, first you say change which I did and now you're making me change again. Secondly, I'll be addressed as Chanel from now on. Oh and guy with strong hands, now that I'm a woman our future can become even better." Dongcheng or Chanel just said.

"Chanel?" The surrounding people repeated her name in confusion.

"Future?" Yang Chen repeated in confusion

Zhou Guangming couldn't take anymore so he rushed to Chanel and slapped her.


"You...actually hit me. I...don't want to see you again!" Chanel said as she started releasing tears and started running to leave the banquet.

"Good! I don't want to see your face ever again!" Zhou Guangming shouted at his departing son. He didn't decide to stay any longer and left fuming in anger leaving an awkward atmosphere around the people.

Yang Chen not affected by the awkwardness turned toward Rose and asked, "Ready to go?"

Rose nodded and clung onto his arm and they both left the banquet.

When Yang Chen arrived at Rose's bar to drop her off, she turned to him and asked, "Hubby, did you ever tell your wife about our relationship?"

Yang Chen hearing her question remembered this morning and didn't know what to say.

Rose seeing him not respond to her felt she asked something she shouldn't.

"Sorry hubby, I know I shouldn't have asked." Rose said while looking down.

Yang Chen hugged her gently and said, "What are you talking about? It's just..."

Yang Chen then proceeded to explain what occurred yesterday and this morning to figure out why Ruoxi acted like that.

Rose instantly understood after hearing Yang Chen's explanation.

Rose smiled and said, "She just doesn't want to lose you so deciding to become and act as a true wife won't make you have thoughts of abandoning her."

"She's trying really hard." Rose couldn't help but praise her.

Yang Chen now understood. He wasn't even thinking about leaving her but he could now understand her behavior toward him. He's starting to feel the same warm feeling he felt toward her yesterday.

"Hubby, how come you just don't accept her?" Rose asked.

Yang Chen was surprised to hear her say that so he asked, "You're okay with this?"

Rose smile and replied, "Of course, I told you before, remember. That I don't ever want to restrain you."

Yang Chen remembered his first date with Rose when she said this.

"Actually before you accept her...can I meet her?" Rose asked nervously.

Yang Chen found it quite funny how she already knows that he will accept her when in reality anything can happen.

"I don't see a problem with that but may I ask why?" Yang Chen asked.

"We're going to become fellow sisters of course!" Rose said with a grin.

Rose's tone then became gentle as she said, "I always did want a sister growing up but I'm glad I didn't since it would save an innocent child from receiving a bad childhood like mine."

Yang Chen hugged her tighter and said, "Fine, I'll talk to her and ask if she can meet you."

Rose gave Yang Chen a sweet kiss before saying, "Thanks, hubby."

Rose then got off the car and went inside her bar while Yang Chen headed home.