Chapter 36

When Yang Chen arrived home, he saw Ruoxi in pink pajamas while sitting on the couch watching her Korean drama.

Ruoxi seeing Yang Chen walk in greeted him with a smile, "Welcome home."

Yang Chen remembered the conversation he had with Rose about Ruoxi's behavior recently and couldn't help but smile warmly while looking at her.

"I'm home."

Ruoxi's heart began to race as she heard Yang Chen.

"Are you hungry?" Ruoxi asked with care in her tone.

"No, I just ate." Yang Chen replied with a smile. He then made his way to the couch and joined Ruoxi in watching TV. He really didn't have anything to do at the moment so he just wanted to relax for a bit.

Ruoxi blushed slightly as she could smell his masculine scent from how close they were.

The atmosphere wasn't awkward as they watched the TV together. From an outside point of view, the could be seen as a happily married couple that has just gotten off work and was passing the time with each other.

Ruoxi, on the other hand, was having a war inside her mind at the moment.

'I can do this, I can do this.' Ruoxi thought before taking a deep breath. It seems that she was about to do something really bold.

Ruoxi then inched closer to Yang Chen while trying to be inconspicuous.

They were so close that their arms were touching each other. Yang Chen had noticed her weird movements as she tried to get close to him but didn't really mind.

Ruoxi was madly blushing the whole time but this wasn't the main reason for her bash fullness. It's what she's about to do next which makes her so nervous.

Ruoxi then gently leaned her head up against Yang Chen's shoulder. She could feel his body heat and could hear his stable breathing. Her heart was beating so loud that she was afraid Yang Chen would be able to hear it.

Yang Chen was a bit surprised but he then remembered again why Ruoxi was doing this.


Ruoxi could only "Hmm" in response as she couldn't let out a single word.

"I won't leave you so you don't have to try so hard anymore." Yang Chen said as he looked at her.

Ruoxi felt butterflies in her stomach so she mustered up all her courage and said, "But...I do this."

Ruoxi's face was as red as a tomato at this point. She wanted to go to her room and scream into her pillow once more.

Yang Chen felt warmth in his chest and released a smile. He then turned back to watch the TV with Ruoxi.

The two spent their time like this as there was an ambiguous atmosphere around them.

After a while like this, Yang Chen checked the time on his phone and realized it had become quite late. He then looked toward Ruoxi and noticed she was already fast asleep. Although she was asleep you could tell she felt at ease as she leaned up against Yang Chen.

Yang Chen shook his head and smiled. He then gently carried Ruoxi in his arms and headed upstairs towards her room to place her in bed.

Once Yang Chen had entered Ruoxi's room, he couldn't help but chuckle. It had pink walls and her bed was filled with stuffed animals. She even had a hello kitty pillow.

Yang Chen carefully placed her in the bed and covered her in a blanket. He then made his way to turn off the lights before leaving the room.

After a couple of seconds after Yang Chen had left the room, Ruoxi opened her eyes. She had fallen asleep but only woke up after she felt Yang Chen had picked her up and carried her.

Ruoxi placed a hand over her chest as she felt her heart beating quickly. She was embarrassed but overall really happy.

Ruoxi then slowly closed her eyes as her eyelids felt heavy. She fell asleep once more but this time with a smile on her face.


Yang Chen had gotten up quite early this morning as he was going to go pick up Jane from the airport this morning. He then got dressed and headed toward his car. Wang Ma and Ruoxi weren't even up yet so there was nobody downstairs.

Once he made it at the airport the sun was out and shining brightly. He then parked his car and headed toward the departure doors.

Yang Chen didn't have to wait long as he saw an extremely beautiful blonde Caucasian woman coming out of the exit. This woman was wearing a western white coat up to her waist, tight jeans that fit her perfectly, and black high heel boots. Her blonde hair was let down freely as it shined radiantly from the sunlight. If people could see her, they would be caught in a daze but since these departure doors were reserved for someone with a private plane there were no people around.

Once this person got off the plane she had a somewhat tired face but once she saw Yang Chen, her drowsiness disappeared as if it wasn't even there. She hurriedly hastened her steps in order to greet Yang Chen.

"Hello, Yang Chen." The woman said as she smiled brightly.

"Hey, Jane. How was your flight?" Yang Chen asked while smiling.

They both started to catch up until a robust man wearing a black suit and an earpiece approached them. This was the bodyguard that traveled with Jane in ordered to keep her safe on this flight.

The bodyguard looked toward Yang Chen and said respectfully with a British accent, "Sir, Princess Jane will be left to your protection just liked the Queen had asked for."

Yang Chen nodded, "You may go now."

The bodyguard bowed his head and left on his own. It seems this was his last mission before he would enjoy his short vacation in this new country.

Yang Chen looked toward Jane and asked, "Would you like to have breakfast?"

Jane smiled beautifully and nodded. On the way out, people couldn't keep her eyes of Jane at how beautiful she was. She also had this royal and noble aura around her which caused them to not approach her.

When they entered the car and Yang Chen was about to drive off, he suddenly received a message from someone. It was Ruoxi that had sent him a message asking if he had already left for work already.

Yang Chen replied that he had gotten up early to head to the airport since he was picking up a friend before he would go to his work.

Ruoxi responded back, "Friend?"

Yang Chen replied that it was a close friend from his past that he hasn't seen in years.

Ruoxi waited a couple of seconds before she texted him back with an "Ok" and to have a good day at work today.

Yang Chen smiled and put away his phone. Jane who had been watching Yang Chen with a smile that contained excitement and joy, like she couldn't get enough no matter how long she stared at him.

She was also confused about who Yang Chen was texting so she asked, "Who was that?"

Yang Chen had to be honest with Jane with this so he didn't keep his marriage a secret from her.

"My wife."

Jane's smile vanished. Her face turned deathly pale immediately. She then lowered her head and quickly wiped her eyes.

"Congratulations. Miss Persephone is truly a lucky woman..." Jane said with a forced smile.

Yang Chen felt quite helpless seeing her reaction and said, "She doesn't know about my identity."

Jane bit her lip and said with a regretful tone, "It seems that you won't be returning and will be staying in China for good. Everybody will be disappointed since they have been looking forward to your return."

Yang Chen shook his head, "Who said anything about staying here for good. There is just some stuff I have to deal with but I'll soon try to go and see everybody."

Jane was shocked as she just remembered something.

"Then what about your illness. Won't it be difficult for you?" Jane asked in concern.

"Illness?" Yang Chen said confused.

He then remembered that the previous Yang Chen had an incurable illness that required him to have a relatively relaxed environment unless he would go on a killing massacre around the country until he was satisfied. That's the main reason he wanted to have an ordinary life.

Yang Chen honestly didn't felt anything like that since he had transmigrated here even after killing people. He is completely fine but then he had a sudden thought, 'Was this because of God's blessing.'

Although Yang Chen didn't want to lie to Jane about this, he didn't have a choice since he won't ever tell anyone about his circumstances.

"I've actually managed to cure myself after using the god's stone." Yang Chen said as he lied through his teeth.

Jane never once doubted Yang Chen so when she heard that he was cured she released two streams of tears.

"Thank goodness!" Jane said as she wiped her tears.

Jane has been researching for years on how to cure Yang Chen and when she heard that he was no longer shackled by this illness had made her feel extremely happy.

Yang Chen smiled warmly and said, "Now you don't have to worry about this sickness any longer. Well, how about we go for breakfast already?"

Jane nodded and smiled beautifully. They both then headed to the penthouse suite that had been booked for Jane to stay at while she's here in China.


(With Ruoxi)

Ruoxi had woken up and headed downstairs to make breakfast. Ever since she's been learning how to cook for Yang Chen, she has been liking it more. Her mood this morning was cheery as she hummed a lovely tune while making breakfast.

Wang Ma who had come downstairs, couldn't help but smile gently.

"Someone's happy." Wang Ma said.

Ruoxi slightly blushed and didn't say anything while she continued making the food.

Wang Ma giggled before she started helping her and setting up the table. When they were done with everything, Ruoxi was a bit confused when she didn't see Yang Chen come downstairs. She thought he was still asleep so she went to go check on him.

Ruoxi knocked on his door but there was no answer so she called his name.

"Yang Chen."

There was no answer so she opened the door and noticed Yang Chen wasn't in the room. She then headed downstairs to ask Wang Ma.

"Wang Ma, do you know where Yang Chen is at?"

"I don't. How about you text him on your phone?" Wang Ma replied.

Ruoxi nodded, grabbed her phone from the counter, and texted Yang Chen if he was already at work.

When Ruoxi saw his text about picking up a friend, she became slightly tense for some reason so she sent him another text.


Ruoxi then received another text from Yang Chen saying it was his close friend from years ago. She felt a little sting in her heart.

'His past relationship?" Thought Ruoxi with a downcast expression.

Wang Ma who was standing beside Ruoxi noticed her downcast expression and comforted her.

"Young Miss you have to trust the Young Master, he won't just lie to you like that." Wang Ma said with a gentle smile.

Ruoxi became a bit relieved hearing that and said, "You're right." She then texted him "Ok" and to have a good day at work.

Wang Ma then grinned as she said, "And don't think I don't know what happened between you and the Young Master last night."

Ruoxi madly blushed, "Wang Ma, we're not talking about this no more." She then left to the table to eat her breakfast.

Wang Ma giggled before accompanying her at the table.

(AN: I was going to release another chapter after this one but I still need to confirm some details so I'll upload it later today.)