Chapter 44

(With Yang Chen)

It was the afternoon and Yang Chen was going to visit Jane at her lab.

When he got there, he could see that the lab was a two-story building. From the exterior, it was quite modern and looked to be quite pricey but other than that, there really wasn't anything grand about the outer appearance.

Yang Chen then headed inside and saw that the inside looked just like any other house. It had a couch and a TV in the living room.

Yang Chen wasn't surprised. Jane wasn't in her home country so she couldn't just have future related items just lying around.

Yang Chen then looked toward the mirror. Jane had already explained how to enter her lab before, so he walked up to the mirror and placed his hand on it.

After a few seconds, the mirror shined a green light before it opened up just like a futuristic automatic door.

The only people who had access to Jane's lab were herself, Yang Chen, and her mother so anybody else that tried to enter, wouldn't work.

Yang Chen walked inside and everything changed. The room was white and there were different machines the looked out of this world in a literal sense.

Yang Chen was looking around and couldn't help but praise Jane in his mind. She wasn't the smartest person on this earth for nothing. He then saw Jane, sitting on her desk not too far away while looking at some research notes.

Jane was wearing an all-white lab coat and had black reading glasses on, with a self-absorbed face as she looked at her work, making her look really cute.

Yang Chen walked up to her and looked at the papers she was reading.

"Are these your future projects?" Yang Chen asked.

Jane nodded as she hadn't noticed Yang Chen was here. Suddenly she looked toward him as she heard the familiar voice.

"You're here!" Jane said startled.

Yang Chen nodded, "I've just got here."

Jane lowered her head and said, "Sorry I was too focused on these research notes."

"It's no big deal." Yang Chen said not bothered. He then took off Jane's glasses and put them on himself before looking back at the notes.

"What are you doing?! I need those!" Jane pouted and started talking in a child-like tone.

Yang Chen ignored her and kept looking at the papers with a serious face.

Jane noticing his seriousness became a little worried and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Yang Chen nodded and looked toward Jane. He then pointed at the glasses he was wearing and said, "I can't see properly with these on."

Jane shook her head before she released a giggle.

Yang Chen then took off the glasses and placed them back gently on Jane.

Jane blushed as her heart skipped a beat being this close to Yang Chen.

"There. Better?" Yang Chen asked.

Jane nodded with a bright smile.

Yang Chen smiled before he looked back at Jane's notes.

"Teleportation?" Yang Chen asked.

Jane nodded and said, "That's right. I am almost finished with this new item that lets you teleport to any place that your mind has already traveled to."

"Where are you planning to teleport to, once it's finished?"

Jane thought for a second before replying, "I don't know. I only created this since I was quite bored and had some free time.

Yang Chen couldn't help but secretly admire Jane. Her intelligence was just on a whole different level.

"You know, if you have somewhere to go then I will be glad to take you." Yang Chen said.

Jane felt butterflies in her stomach before she realized something.

"Wait?! You can teleport?!" Jane said with sparkling eyes.

Yang Chen nodded making Jane become even more enthusiastic.

"So, any places you want to visit?" Yang Chen asked.

Jane had a thinking expression before she thought of something. She then smirked evilly and said, "Can you teleport me back home. I wanted to scare my mother."

Yang Chen chuckled. He then grabbed Jane's hand, making her blush and teleported to Wales.

Jane's eyes widened as her surroundings changed. She was in a luxurious room that was far too familiar to her. It was her mother's room.

Yang Chen had teleported to Catherine's room since he could remember from his memories. What kind of memories you may ask, well that's...not important.

"We're here!" Jane said shocked. She then remembered what she came here to do and smiled evilly.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened and a sexy blonde haired woman came out. It was Catherine who had come out while only wearing a bath towel. It seems she had just finished taking a bath since her hair had water dripping from it.

"Ahh!" Catherine shouted in panic as she saw Jane and Yang Chen in her room.

Jane laughed at her mother's reaction before she looked toward Yang Chen.

Yang Chen didn't laugh as he was staring at the half-naked Catherine. He hasn't seen Catherine in years and she was one of the few women in his life that he was actually attracted to.

Yang Chen can see her nipples that outlined on her towel and her thighs and legs that were exposed. Any man would have a natural reaction if they saw this beautiful scene and Yang Chen wasn't any different.

Catherine was confused at how Yang Chen and Jane were here but when seeing how Yang Chen was openly checking her out, made some pent up emotions she's been restraining for years start to flood out.

"Chen Chen, I've missed you!" Catherine said as she ran to hug Yang Chen.

As Catherine was hugging Yang Chen she felt something hard poking her thigh. So she looked down and saw a bulge in Yang Chen's pants.

Catherine smiled seductively and said, "It seems you've also missed me~"

Catherine then dropped her towel by a centimeter in order to let Yang Chen see her big breasts.

Yang Chen felt his breath start to become rough. He could feel Catherine's soft breast pressed up against his chest.

Suddenly as Catherine was about to let Yang Chen get a better look at her body, she felt someone was pulling her away from him.

It was Jane who was annoyed by her mother's antics. She came here to play a prank on her, not to let her have her way with Yang Chen.

"Jane! Let go!" Catherine pouted.

Jane ignored her before she separated her from Yang Chen. She then went back to Yang Chen's side and said gently, " I would like to leave now if that's okay with you?"

Yang Chen smile and nodded before turning to Catherine and waved at her.

"Bye, Catherine."

Catherine felt a bit sad but still gave a coquettish glance toward Yang Chen and said, "If you ever feel lonely, you know where I'm at." She then waved back at them.

"Bye Chen Chen! Bye Jane!"

Yang Chen chuckled before he teleported with Jane back at her lab.

Jane had an angry expression and said, "Uhh! I can't stand at how my mother acts! I sometimes think she does this on purpose just to spite me!"

Yang Chen patted her head and said, "No need to be so angry, she cares for you very much so she wouldn't deliberately do these kinds of stuff."

Jane blushed and her anger dissipated.


Yang Chen smiled and said, " I should probably get home now."

Jane nodded with little sadness. She was still happy that Yang Chen had at least visited her today.

"Yeah, you're right. You can't keep your wife waiting." Jane said gently.

Just as Yang Chen was about to say something, Jane quickly hugged him.

"Bye, Yang Chen."

Yang Chen returned the hug before separating.

"Bye, Jane."

Yang Chen then turned around and left Jane's lab.