Chapter 45

It was around evening when Yang Chen got home. He entered the living room and could see Ruoxi coming from the kitchen with some tableware.

Ruoxi's mood was extremely bright as when she got home, a beautiful smile never left her face.

Ruoxi then saw Yang Chen and became surprised. Her heart started to race as she remembered Rose's words about Yang Chen's feelings.

Ruoxi felt nervous. She couldn't even look at Yang Chen in the eyes now.

"Dinner's..ready!" Ruoxi said in a little high pitched voice. She then blushed in embarrassment.

Yang Chen became confused at Ruoxi's behavior. He then asked, "Ruoxi, did something happen today?"

Ruoxi slightly fidgeted and answered quickly, "No, No...just went to work and met Rose today, that's all."

Yang Chen nodded, "Did it go well?"

"Yes, we even made plans to go to the orphanage soon." Ruoxi said, still not looking directly at him.

Yang Chen was surprised. It turns out Ruoxi and Rose actually got along with each other and became friends if they're already planning to hang out together.

(AN: What is that mind of yours thinking? 🤨)

Yang Chen then smiled and said, "It looks like you made a new friend."

Ruoxi's heart couldn't get any happier, hearing Yang Chen's carrying words. She now looked at him and gave him an affectionate smile before nodding.

Yang Chen and Ruoxi then went to the table to have dinner. Wang Ma, who just came out of the kitchen with the food, joined them.

The dinner was harmonious and very enjoyable for the small family.

After they all finished, Yang Chen thanked them for the food and headed upstairs. Ruoxi and Wang Ma stayed downstairs as they were talking about something.

"Young Miss, why have you been so happy this evening?" Wang Ma asked confused.

Ruoxi smiled and explained her meeting with Rose and how she told her about Yang Chen's real feelings towards her.

Wang Ma became shocked before she released a joyful smile. She was happy for her Young Miss's relationship with Yang Chen.

"Then, why haven't you told the Young Master about your feelings yet?!" Wang Ma asked rapidly.

Ruoxi blushed, "I-I don't know how."

Wang Ma sighed and said, "Young Miss, all you have to do is tell him your true feelings towards him."

Ruoxi was surprised. Was that really all she needed to do?

Ruoxi was still undecided and contemplating inside her mind before saying, "But..what if..."

"Young Miss, there are no if's in this world. It either happens or it doesn't." Wang Ma cut her off and said seriously.

Ruoxi felt a stab in her chest but before her pain intensified, Wang Ma smiled gently and said, "But knowing the Young Master's feeling towards you, it shouldn't make you so worried."

Ruoxi took a deep breath and nodded. She then got up from her seat and headed upstairs toward Yang Chen's room with heavy steps.

Wang Ma smiled and wished her good luck.

Ruoxi was now in front of Yang Chen's door and just kept staring at it. Her whole body was slightly trembling at how nervous she was. She couldn't even raise a hand to knock on the door.

After a while, Ruoxi finally had the courage to knock but just as she was about to do that, the door opened.

Yang Chen had opened the door when he sensed somebody was standing in front of the door for quite a while, so he opened it to see who it was.

Ruoxi, seeing Yang Chen in front of her and realized what she was about to do, madly blushed. She wanted to go back to her room to hide out of embarrassment.

Yang Chen noticed Ruoxi was tensing up for some reason, so he asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

Ruoxi kept looking at Yang Chen's eyes and could see he was genuinely worried about her. Her heartfelt warmth.

Ruoxi had a very unfortunate life growing up. Her mother and grandmother passed away, her father hated her, even some of her friends betrayed her. This was the reason for her cold personality. She only had Wang Ma for emotional support but even then she was slowly losing hope.

But after meeting Yang Chen and spending time with him, her cold personality was slowly dissipating and now she has become more lively. Recently, she would become very happy just to get home and see him.

Ruoxi gently shook her head and asked, "Can I come inside? I need to tell you something."

Yang Chen found it rather odd but had no problems it, so he nodded and Ruoxi walked inside.

Yang Chen then sat down on his bed and asked her.

"So, what do you need to tell me?"

Ruoxi gripped her skirt as she was still very nervous. She then took a deep breath before looking at Yang Chen's eyes as a tiny blush surfaced on her cheeks.

"Yang Chen...I-I like you..."

Yang Chen was quite stunned. Not because he was oblivious about Ruoxi's feelings but because he never would have expected her to confess.

Ruoxi then madly blushed as she realized what she said so she said quickly said, "I-I should go now!" Before turning around and running out the door.

Suddenly just as Ruoxi was about to leave, Yang Chen had gently held her by the hand and prevented her from leaving.

Ruoxi's heart started to race at his warm touch but she didn't turn around.

"Ruoxi." Yang Chen gently called out to her.

Ruoxi slowly turned her head to look at him.

"Ruoxi...are you sure about this?" Yang Chen asked seriously.

Ruoxi subconsciously nodded at his words and it's meaning.

Yang Chen didn't say anything and motioned her toward his bed and had her sit down.

Ruoxi was confused at Yang Chen's actions but stayed quiet.

After a couple of seconds of silence, Yang Chen asked, "Ruoxi, have you ever wondered, how 'I' a former mutton skewer seller suddenly became a CEO of a multi-million dollar company?"

Ruoxi didn't know why Yang Chen was saying this but she has wondered how was it possible for his sudden achievements before nodding.

"Power." Yang Chen said.

Yang Chen continued, "I have power that comes with influence, wealth, and allies from across the globe."

Ruoxi was stunned. She then remembered the time she bailed him out of jail and reading his file. It was stated that he had returned from overseas.

Ruoxi had a lot of questions but before she could ask them, Yang Chen said, "I also have a lot of enemies."

Ruoxi understood what he meant. How could she not? Being the CEO of a very successful company comes with many enemies who try to destroy your business.

Yang Chen could tell what she's thinking so he shook his head.

"My enemies aren't...ordinary."

Ruoxi became confused once again until she saw Yang Chen lift up his right index finger and diagonally swipe it across his other hand.

Suddenly, red blood started to ooze out of his left hand. Ruoxi was dumbfounded at the recent scene and her heart started to feel pain at the big gash that was on Yang Chen's hand.

Ruoxi then quickly got up and went to hold Yang Chen's hand carefully.

"I'll go to the bathroom and get the medical kit to treat the wound!" Ruoxi said worriedly.

Yang Chen smiled warmly and stopped her from going anywhere. He then motioned her to look back at his hand.

Ruoxi was puzzled at why Yang Chen had stopped her until she looked back at his hand. She then became stupified as she saw the cut on Yang Chen's hand slowly start to close itself.

Yang Chen had deliberately slowed down his healing in order to let Ruoxi see it.

The big gash was almost gone until it disappeared as if it wasn't there in the first place. Not even a scar had remained.

Ruoxi couldn't believe her eyes. She even tried to feel his hand with hers but there was no sign of a cut anywhere. She then looked at Yang Chen with a dumbstruck face.


"It's because...I am not ordinary." Yang Chen said solemnly.

Ruoxi didn't know what to say. Her mind was filled with so many questions.

"Now that you've seen this, are you still sure...about what you said earlier?" Yang Chen asked hesitantly.

Ruoxi returned back to reality. She then looked at Yang Chen in the eyes and said, "I may not know your circumstance but..."

Ruoxi walked up to Yang Chen and hugged him while blushing. She then gently placed her head on his chest and said softly.

"But...I want to know."

Yang Chen felt warmth. This had meant Ruoxi had accepted the truth about him.

Yang Chen then hugged Ruoxi tightly and said, "Ok."

They had both stayed in each other's embrace for a while before separating.

Ruoxi didn't know what was going on with her mind but she felt like doing something very daring.

Ruoxi then quickly pecked Yang Chen on the lips and her face turned as red as a tomato.

Yang Chen was a little surprised before he smirked. He then pulled Ruoxi by the waist and gave her a deep kiss.

"Ah!" Ruoxi yelped in surprise before she melted to the kiss and subconsciously wrapped her arms around Yang Chen's neck.

When they separated lips, Ruoxi was out of breath as she was in a daze. This was her first kiss and she honestly enjoyed it. She then regained her senses and madly blushed.

Ruoxi quickly separated from Yang Chen and ran out of the room just like a cute bunny.

Yang Chen chuckled at her reaction before he went to bed.

(AN: Forced? I mean...they both like each other and they know it too, so what's the point in dragging it out.)