Chapter 46


Yang Chen woke up with a smile on his face as he remembered last night. He then got up and took a quick shower before getting dressed.

Yang Chen then made his way downstairs and saw Ruoxi setting up the table.

Ruixi had a bright smile on her face. She was practically glowing.

It seems Ruoxi wasn't able to hear Yang Chen come downstairs as she was distracted by her own little world.

Yang Chen walked up behind her and hugged her.

Ruoxi became startled by the sudden hug. Noticing that it was Yang Chen, she blushed but didn't separate from him.

"Good..morning." Ruoxi stuttered.

Yang Chen smiled before pecking her on the lips.


He then released her from the hug and sat down on his seat.

Ruoxi blushed slightly but still let out a smile until she heard Wang Ma, who just came out of the kitchen, and became embarrassed.

"My, my. Why don't you two get a room?" Wang Ma said teasingly with a hand over her mouth.

(AN: Ara Ara~) 

"Wang Ma!" Shouted Ruoxi, out of embarrassment.

Yesterday night, Wang Ma had waited after Ruoxi's confession and became ecstatic after she heard the wonderful news from her.

Yang Chen chuckled and Wang Ma giggled at Ruoxi's reaction before they all went on to eating their breakfast.

While eating, Wang Ma asked happily, "Since you two are now officially together, when will you guys start sleeping on the same bed?"

Ruoxi blushed at her question and turned to look at Yang Chen.

Yang Chen smiled, "I don't have a problem when but we've already slept on the same bed before so there's no big deal."

Ruoxi had to agree but was still embarrassed at their first time sleeping together.

" about tonight?" Ruoxi asked nervously at spending the night together once again.

Yang Chen nodded and thought of something.

"We should also go on a date tonight. How about it?" Yang Chen asked.

Ruoxi felt butterflies in her stomach and nodded hurriedly.

Yang Chen smiled warmly before continuing to eat his breakfast. 

Wang Ma was excited. She was already expecting little children running and playing around in the house in her mind.

After finishing breakfast, Yang Chen got up and thanked them for the food.

Before he could leave, Ruoxi stopped him and fixed his collar and said lovingly, "Have a good day at work."

Yang Chen smiled and pecked her on the lips before heading to his car and leaving for work.

When Yang Chen was gone, Wang Ma said teasingly, "Young Miss, remember what we talked about yesterday?"

Ruoxi madly blushed, "Wang Ma!"

Wang Ma calmed her down while trying hard not to smile.

"Okay okay."

Ruoxi hmph, before returning back to eating her breakfast.

(With Yang Chen)

Yang Chen was at his office and his assistant was reporting to him.

"Sir, Lin Kun tried to kill himself earlier this morning but our people we're able to prevent it."

"I see." Yang Chen said with an indifferent face.

'I need to tell Ruoxi the truth about her father soon.' Yang Chen thought before he motioned to his assistant to continue.

"We have also noticed that the Vatican and the Dark Parliament are nearing the borders of China. The Yellow Flame Iron Brigade has noticed that they're in search of something and will soon find out about the Holy Grail. The conflict between the three will become unavoidable."

Yang Chen nodded. They could fight to the death for all he cares since it wasn't his responsibility to help them.

"We have also started to expand to Japan. Will you be traveling there soon?" The assistant asked.

"Yes, I will be taking a vacation with my family there so have the private jet ready in a few days." Yang Chen said while smiling.

He was, of course, going to invite Rose since he was also his woman and family to spend the vacation together.

(AN: Seriously, what is that brain of yours thinking?🤨🤔)

"Understood, sir." The assistant said before leaving Yang Chen's office.

Yang Chen then continued with his work while smiling and thinking about where to take Ruoxi out later.


Yang Chen had made it to Yu Lei to take Ruoxi for the date.

While walking, people who looked at him were showing different reactions. First, the security didn't even obstruct or stop Yang Chen from entering and acted respectfully towards him. Secondly, the workers especially the woman didn't know why but they now found this man attractive. These were the natural greedy women who were looking at his status.

They wouldn't dare go and talk to him since they were absolutely terrified by their boss if she ever found out. But this didn't mean they couldn't get his attention and have him come and talk to them so they gave him coquettish looks. The men were jealous at all the attention, Yang Chen was getting but they wouldn't dare voice their complaints. They didn't want to provoke someone powerful, especially the husband of their boss.

Yang Chen ignored every single one of them and headed up the elevator to Ruoxi's office.

Yang Chen was now in front of the door and sensed another person beside Ruoxi inside the office. He then knocked.

"Come in." Ruoxi said from the inside.

Yang Chen walked in and could see that another woman was next to Ruoxi.

This was Ruoxi's secretary, Wu Yue. She wore an office attire and had a clipboard in front of her chest.

Men's first thought would be that she has a pretty face but when they would look below they would think.


Yang Chen didn't even spare her a glance and looked toward Ruoxi and smiled.

Ruoxi's heart started thumping and released a lovely smile. She then turned toward Wu Yue and said.

"Wu Yue, you are excused for today. You may head home."

Wu Yue released a rare smile and nodded before turning to Yang Chen and gave him a cold look. She always looked up to Ruoxi and wanted to follow in her steps so she tried to show people the same cold demeanor, Ruoxi would give. That all changed after Ruoxi revealed she was married.

Ruoxi had become less cold and would sometimes show some more emotions. Wu Yue was at a loss now. She still respected her very much, but how was she supposed to act now? 

Wu Yue couldn't help but put the blame on Yang Chen.

'How the hell, did he manage to win her heart after so many failed?! Is it because of his status? No! Ruoxi wouldn't care about any of that.' Wu Yue thought angrily.

Wu Yue had wanted to become friends with Ruoxi since University but after she became a CEO, Ruoxi left the school. So Wu Yue tried extremely hard to get a position by her side and here we are.

(AN: She just deeply admires Ruoxi and that's it! Or…is it? 😏…Just kidding, not in this fanfic.)

Wu Yue then passed by Yang Chen but not before she glared at him and said coldly without letting Ruoxi hear.

"You're clearly nothing special without your status."

Yang Chen, not even looking at her and said before she could leave.


Wu Yue stopped her tracks. Her face became red from anger as she was gripping her clipboard. She then left without looking back with stomps.

Ruoxi was confused as she didn't know what was going on so she asked Yang Chen.

"Did you say something to her?"

Yang Chen smiled, "Nope."

Ruoxi believed Yang Chen and got up from her seat. She then walked over to him and softly hugged him. She had a tiny blush but she was slowly getting used to the intimacy between them.

Yang Chen pecked her on the lips and asked, "Ready to go?"

Ruoxi smiled and nodded.

Yang Chen then put his arm around Ruoxi and they both headed down to his car. 

While walking to his car, Ruoxi had an embarrassed smile as the people kept looking at them.

15 minutes later, they were at their destination and Ruoxi became surprised before becoming excited. She then turned to look at Yang Chen with a face that showed, 'Is this the place?!'

Yang Chen chuckled and nodded.

The place Ruoxi was excited about was an aquarium. She's never been to one but she couldn't wait to see all the aquatic animals.

Yang Chen and Ruoxi walked in and the place was empty apart from the workers which were Yang Chen's subordinates in disguise. 

Ruoxi had stars in her eyes at seeing all the different kinds of fishes and the likes. She was basically acting like a child as she tried to explore the whole place.

When they reached the part where you could touch the fishes, Ruoxi became super excited.

"Try to hold one on your hand." Yang Chen asked while smiling.

Ruoxi rolled up her sleeve and put her hands inside the large water container. They were hard to catch but ultimately she caught one and turned to Yang Chen and showed it to him.

"I got one!" Ruoxi said overjoyed.

"Good. That will be our dinner tonight." Yang Chen said.

"Huh?!" Ruoxi said with a sad face.

Yang Chen laughed, "I'm kidding. We'll be eating something else."

Ruoxi pouted and hmphed. She then released the fish back in the water.

Yang Chen hugged her and said gently, "Let's go eat."

Ruoxi felt butterflies in her stomach and nodded happily.

They then went to their dinner table and Yang Chen ordered through his phone to one of his subordinates.

Not long after, the food arrived and they both started to dig in.

When they were done eating, Yang Chen wanted to take her to the only place they haven't been in, before they go home.

Ruoxi couldn't wait so she followed Yang Chen happily.

They finally made it and Ruoxi became instantly captivated.

It was a walkway, but the surrounding was completely covered in water. It was a long shaped dome and it looked like they were underwater. Ruoxi could see all the exotic sea creatures swimming away.

"You like it?" Yang Chen asked while smiling.

Ruoxi turned toward him and gave him a beautiful smile before nodding.

Yang Chen then took out a beautiful ring with a black diamond from his pocket and showed it to her.

Ruoxi froze. 

Yang Chen then gently grabbed Ruoxi's left hand and placed the ring on her ring finger.

"Ruoxi, this…"

Yang Chen couldn't even finish what he was about to say as Ruoxi had jumped on him and gave him a deep kiss.

Yang Chen returned the kiss and held her by the waist.

When they separated, Ruoxi had tears of happiness rolling down her cheek.

Yang Chen gently wiped her tears away and said, "Let's go home."

Ruoxi nodded with a happy smile.

20 minutes later, the couple returned home and went upstairs together.

Ruoxi was holding onto Yang Chen's hand with a nervous face.

They were heading to the unoccupied master bedroom which was now their bedroom.

When they entered, Ruoxi asked jitterily, "You should get changed in the bathroom."

Yang Chen had no problems with that so he nodded and went to the bathroom with some casual clothes to change into.

Yang Chen was now shirtless and had some shorts on before leaving the bathroom.

He then saw Ruoxi on the bed fully wrapped up on the blanket. The only part you could see was her face which was madly blushing.

Yang Chen chuckled before he went to the bed and laid down.

Ruoxi then slowly removed the blanket in order to let Yang Chen see. 

Yang Chen got instantly aroused as Ruoxi was wearing a tight black sexy lace lingerie that showed off of her amazing thighs and her big breast that looked like they were about to burst through the thin clothing.

Ruoxi was embarrassed but felt happy at seeing Yang Chen's reaction. She then hugged him and said softly, "I don't know what to do...but you can begin…"

Yang Chen could feel her big breast pressing up against his chest but he didn't begin. He could hear the uneasiness in her voice as she said that. So Yang Chen forcefully controlled his desires and said gently.

"We don't have to rush this, you know."

Ruoxi looked up to see his eyes and could tell he was telling the truth.

"We'll do this when you're ready." Yang Chen said gently.

Ruoxi revealed a loving smile before snuggling into his chest and said.


Yang Chen smiled before he hugged her and they both drifted off to sleep.

(Seriously, what were you expecting?🧐 Jokes aside, just like Rose, they both will develop more feelings toward each other before they actually sleep together.)