Chapter 47

Yang Chen opened his eyes and could see Ruoxi soundly sleeping in his chest. She had a smile on her face as she looked to be having a good dream.

Yang Chen smiled and gently shook her.

Ruoxi opened her sleepy eyes and got off Yang Chen's chest. She yawned before looking over to him.

Yang Chen smirked and said, "You sure slept well."

Ruoxi slightly blushed and threw her pillow at him, "Don't speak nonsense!"

Yang Chen caught the pillow and was about to say something but something caught his eye. It was the sexy piece Ruoxi was wearing. 

Yesterday night, Yang Chen couldn't enjoy watching this masterpiece, but now with Ruoxi not covering herself and doing some extra movements, made his already half brother start to rise and shine.

Ruoxi, not hearing him say anything, took this as her chance and tried to take back the pillow from him. The pillow was on top of Yang Chen's laps so she rushed toward it.

Yang Chen came back to reality when he saw Ruoxi heading for the pillow so he quickly moved it away from her.

He was about to laugh until he felt a hand grab his little brother.

Ruoxi pouted but she suddenly felt something hard with her hand. She turned to Yang Chen and asked curiously, "What's this?"

Yang Chen's breathing started to get rough as he felt Ruoxi start to feel it even more. He then quickly grabbed her hand and said, "We should wait."

Ruoxi was confused and removed the covers so she could see. She then saw the big tent on Yang Chen's shorts and she instantly figured out what she was feeling a few seconds ago.

Ruoxi madly blushed and got up from the bed and ran toward the bathroom. She even locked the door.

Yang Chen scratched the back of his head before sighing. He then walked up to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Ruoxi, it's getting late. We should head down for breakfast."

Ruoxi was squatting in front of the other side of the door while covering her face with her hands and blushing. She was embarrassed by the whole ordeal.

Ruoxi then stuck out her hand and started doing the same movements she was doing to Yang Chen's little brother out of curiosity.

Ruoxi then shook her head and stood up before opening the door.

Once seeing Yang Chen, Ruoxi's eyes subconsciously looked down toward Yang Chen's shorts.

'Why was it so big earlier?' Thought Ruoxi with a mild blush.

She then looked at Yang Chen and said, "Sorry about...that just now. Did it...hurt?"

Yang Chen couldn't help but chuckle. He then pecked her lips.

"Of course not. But enough about that, we should head downstairs since Wang Ma is waiting for us."

Ruoxi smiled and nodded and they both got changed before heading downstairs for breakfast.

Wang Ma, seeing the couple come downstairs together, showed a teasing smile.

"My, my. It must've been one busy night." Wang Ma said teasingly.

"Wang Ma!" Ruoxi madly blushed.

Yang Chen chuckled and was about to go to the table until he sensed something and frowned.

Ruoxi, noticing his frown, asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

Just as she asked that the doorbell rang.

Yang Chen motioned to Wang Ma to not get it before turning to Ruoxi.

"Lin Zhiguo." Yang Chen said before going to the door.

Ruoxi's mood went down at hearing his name. She didn't want to see him but, seeing Yang Chen go toward the door, made her conflicted.

"You don't have to go and see him, you know." Wang Ma said gently.

Ruoxi was contemplating for a second before shaking her head.

"No, I shouldn't let my husband wait too long." Ruoxi said softly.

Wang Ma smiled at seeing Ruoxi go toward the door.

At the door, Yang Chen had opened it and unsurprisingly saw Lin Zhiguo and Gray Robe.

"Can I help you, unwelcomed sir." Yang Chen said with fake hospitality.

Lin Zhiguo was angry but didn't show it on the outside. He then put his hands behind his back and said.

"We need to talk."

"Hard pass." Yang Chen said.

Lin Zhiguo clenched his teeth and forcefully calmed himself down. He then looked over to Gray Robe and said, "The envelope."

Gray Robe nodded and took out a yellow envelope before handing it over to Lin Zhiguo.

Lin Zhiguo opened the envelope and was about to start reading the context of the document out loud until Ruoxi had arrived behind Yang Chen.

Lin Zhiguo revealed a gentle smile as he saw her. His smile vanished as he was about to talk about something important with Yang Chen and he didn't want her to get involved with this stuff.

"Ruoxi, can you go back inside? This stuff shouldn't concern you." Lin Zhiguo asked.

Ruoxi bit her lip before turning to Yang Chen. She wanted to know his decision.

"No, she stays. Now hurry up and say what you need to or just leave already." Yang Chen was honestly getting angry at the way he was talking to his woman.

Ruoxi felt warmth. She then gently held his hand and gave him a sweet smile.

Lin Zhiguo seeing their interaction became shocked. He didn't know their relationship had improved massively.

"Fine, but it will be your responsibility to keep her safe." Lin Zhiguo said as he gave Yang Chen a cold stare.

Is that even a question? Yang Chen was, of course, going to keep her safe.

"Speak, what do you want?" Yang Chen said annoyed.

Lin Zhiguo, starting to get used to Yang Chen's behavior, nodded and said, "We should discuss this without any distractions since this piece of information is quite important after all."

Yang Chen had no problems with that and didn't care at the way he was phrasing that either.

They all then went to the garden since Yang Chen didn't want him to enter the house.

Once there, they all took their seats and Lin Zhiguo was the first to speak.

"It seems our earlier proposal has concluded?" Lin Zhiguo asked.

"No shit." Yang Chen said with a deadpan face.

"Then how about a new one?" Lin Zhiguo asked.

Yang Chen wasn't intrigued but let him continue since he wanted to hear what he wanted to say.

"I know that your team has been keeping up with those organizations from Europe that have come here and started fighting. I also know that they're looking for something and by the scale of things, it seems pretty grand."

Lin Zhiguo continued.

"Here's the proposal, if you tell us what they're looking for and help us, then this envelope I have here will be yours and nobody will ever know the context in it. You can even keep the artifact you stole from us a while back since this thing looks more important." Lin Zhiguo said.

Yang Chen was amused at him thinking that the envelope holds any value to him. 

Ruoxi was confused at what Lin Zhiguo was talking about but stayed quiet since she didn't want to disturb their conversation.

"And what if I say, no?" Yang Chen said.

Lin Zhiguo sighed before taking the document out and reading it out loud.

"Yang Chen, at 5 years old you were brought overseas by child traffickers until you were sent to an orphanage and was adopted by a kind couple. Am I correct?" Lin Zhiguo asked as he had a weird expression on his face. 

Yang Chen chuckled, "You know all that's bullshit so just say what you want to say."


Ruoxi was shocked since this was the same file that she asked Cai Yan to show her when she was investigating Yang Chen. 

Ruoxi then looked toward Yang Chen and was going to ask him later about this.

Lin Zhiguo gave a light laugh and said, "You're right, so let's just get to the important parts."

"We have recovered some of your old DNA and found out who your biological parents are. So back to our earlier proposal, if you help us then this document will be yours and we won't have to release it to the public." Lin Zhiguo said casually with a weird smile.

Ruoxi was stunned by hearing this piece of news. She felt happy that he could finally find his parents.

Yang Chen had an indifferent face and asked, "Is that it?"

Lin Zhiguo became surprised by Yang Chen's uninterested face.

Yang Chen not hearing a reply said, "What a waste of time. You two can leave now."

Lin Zhiguo became angry as he could hear boredom in his tone.

"Think about this! This will cause panic between you and your biological parents!" Lin Zhiguo raised his voice.


Lin Zhiguo had veins popping out of his forehead. He then took a deep breath to calm himself and said coldly.

"Then this problem will be yours to deal with very soon."

Lin Zhiguo and Gray Robe got up from their seats and left.

Ruoxi, who was looking at Yang Chen the whole time, had a downcast face.

"Dear, don't you want to meet your biological parents?" Ruoxi asked softly.

Yang Chen sighed and said honestly, "It doesn't really matter to me, that much."

"...B-But, what if they're looking for you right now?" Ruoxi said.

"It still won't change my opinion. To me, they're basically strangers and I would like to keep it that way. I'm also an adult so I don't need them caring for me now." Yang Chen said.

Ruoxi lowered her head in guilt, "Sorry, I just thought that seeing them would be good...Are you mad?"

Yang Chen smiled warmly, cupped her face, and gave her a kiss.

"Of, course not."

Ruoxi smiled sweetly at how Yang Chen was rubbing her cheek with his thumb.

"Let's go inside. I'm still kind of hungry." Yang Chen said as he let her go.

Ruoxi giggled and nodded.

(AN: I know it's a bit cruel toward the mother but Yang Chen's already an adult. He doesn't need her to be acting like a parent now. I also don't want to do what the original did so there won't be any family reuniting.😞)