Chapter 49 (+18)

Yang Chen and Ruoxi went upstairs since he was going to explain some things to her.

They both entered their bedroom and Yang Chen had Ruoxi sit on the bed.

Ruoxi prepared her heart for whatever Yang Chen was going to explain to her.

Yang Chen was thinking seriously. He didn't know where to start.

After a couple of minutes, Yang Chen decided to start off with his other identity.

Yang Chen then stuck out his hand and made his god spark appear.

The god spark had the appearance of a crystal shard. It was clear and inside, you could see a little black flame. It looked alive as it kept rotating slowly in Yang Chen's hand.

Ruoxi felt attracted to this crystal shard and her only thought was, 'Beautiful.'

"This is called a god spark." Yang Chen said.

"God spark?" Ruoxi asked with a confused face.

Yang Chen nodded, "It signifies my identity as one of the 12 gods of Olympus."

Ruoxi felt lost. Yang Chen noticed this and started explaining what the gods were and their status meant all across the globe.

Ruoxi was dumbfounded and asked, "So they're basically just aliens that have come to earth in order to repopulate their race?"

"That's about it. My god spark was handed to me by the previous Hades when he chose to end his long life." Yang Chen said.

Ruoxi now had another question and asked with a shaky voice, "H-How long do they actually live for?"

Yang Chen thought for a second, "I don't actually know, but they've been around for centuries."

Ruoxi felt a slight heartache. She wasn't dumb, she knew what this meant for Yang Chen.

"S-So when I die of old age, you'll be the same as of now?" Ruoxi asked as her eyes were slowly turning red.

Yang Chen could hear the bitterness in her tone. He then shook his head and smiled.

"That's why I'm explaining this to you. I have a way to prevent that." Yang Chen said.

"How?" Ruoxi asked.

"There are two ways. One is cultivation." Yang Chen said.

"Cultivation? That stuff is real?" 

Ruoxi had read many books and some which were about history that contained cultivation. She didn't believe in it since she thought it was all fabricated.

"Yes, it's real. I myself am one…" Yang Chen then started explaining his cultivation and realms to Ruoxi and how she can become one as well.

Ruoxi became ecstatic when hearing the effects of cultivation. She now won't have to be separated from Yang Chen by her life-span anymore.

"Then can you teach me?" Ruoxi asked excitedly.

Yang Chen smiled, "Of course."

Ruoxi went over to hug Yang Chen but her fingers grazed the god spark that was still in his hand.

Silver electricity became transparent as Ruoxi grazed the god spark. 

The black flame inside the crystal shard became brighter as it corroded with the silver electricity.

Yang Chen was a bit surprised and looked over to Ruoxi who was also confused. He then saw a small glint that escaped her eyes.

Yang Chen now understood what this meant. He then made the god spark disappear and looked seriously at her.

Ruoxi was startled by his seriousness and asked worriedly, "What's wrong? Did I do something?"

Yang Chen thought, 'I want to tell her now but how will she take the news?'

Yang Chen then shook his head and hugged her.

"It's nothing." Yang Chen said.

Ruoxi didn't think it was anything and returned the hug. She was happy that Yang Chen had opened up to her.

Ruoxi then placed her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss.

Yang Chen returned the kiss and held her waist. The kiss started to become more passionate as he started to french kiss her.

"Mm~" Ruoxi lightly moaned. 

When they separated lips, they were both out of breath. Ruoxi was in a daze as she just experienced her first intense kiss.

Ruoxi had eyes filled with affection as she looked at him. She then softly said, thinking he couldn't hear.

"I love you."

Yang Chen gave a bright smile, "I love you too."

Ruoxi froze. 

A stream of tears came flowing down her face at hearing his words.

Yang Chen gently wiped her tears before giving her another deep kiss.

Ruoxi wrapped her arms around Yang Chen and let herself be absorbed by the kiss


Yang Chen moved his hands down to Ruoxi's soft butt and gave it a light squeeze.

"Mm~" Ruoxi lightly moaned which made her mouth slightly open.

Yang Chen quickly recaptured her lips and started to french kiss her.

With Yang Chen's hands on her soft butt and the intense kiss, Ruoxi started feeling something around her thighs.

Yang Chen then separated in order to let Ruoxi catch her breath and moved to her delicate neck.

Yang Chen gave Ruoxi's neck light kisses. He then slightly unbutton the collar of her shirt and kissed her collarbone before moving downward.

Ruoxi was rubbing her thighs together as the feeling started to become more intense.

Yang Chen had now completely unbuttoned Ruoxi's work collar shirt and her black chiffon bra was exposed.

Yang Chen was breathing roughly as he stared at Ruoxi's chest. He then looked up to her.

Ruoxi had a flushed face filled with love and lust as she looked at him. There was also no uncertainty in her eyes, meaning she was ready to move to the next step in their relationship.

Yang Chen's lust increased as he saw her face. He then turned back to her breast and lifted up her bra.

Ruoxi's chest was immediately hit by cold air, making her perfect pink nipples become harder.

Yang Chen wasted no time and started sucking on her right breast.

"Ahh~" Ruoxi moaned.

Yang Chen gently held her right breast as his tongue was licking around her nipple. His other hand was massaging her left breast, coordinating it to his every move.

Ruoxi held onto Yang Chen's head, pushing it deeper into her chest.

"S-Something is..coming~" Ruoxi said softly.

Yang Chen, hearing her, took his right hand and slapped her ass while gently biting her nipple at the same time.


"Ahh...Ahhh~" Ruoxi moaned loudly.

Ruoxi climaxed in pleasure and soaked her black panties. It turns out she was very sensitive.

Ruoxi was breathing heavily and felt drained until she felt Yang Chen carry her.

Ruoxi instinctively put her hands around his neck and looked at him with loving eyes.

Yang Chen headed to the bed and laid her down gently. He then proceeded to undress her.

Ruoxi was embarrassed but didn't stop him.

After removing her skirt, Yang Chen saw how soaked her panties were and smirked.

"Someone couldn't control themselves." Yang Chen said teasingly.

Ruoxi blushed and turned away, "It's your fault, you know."

Yang Chen chuckled before sliding her panties down and he could see her shaven pink pussy.

"Don't stare..." Ruoxi said softly while avoiding eye contact with him

Yang Chen's male hormones had reached its peak, seeing her cute face. He then lowered his head and started kissing her inner thigh.

"Mm~" Ruoxi moaned lightly.

He then started licking her pussy and snaking his tongue inside, making Ruoxi moan loudly.


Ruoxi subconsciously grabbed a fistful of his hair, unknowingly pushing him deeper inside her, as she was lost in pleasure.

Ruoxi being close to her second climax said, "I-I'm about..."

Ruoxi not being able to finish, climaxed then and there. She was breathing heavily as she just had her second orgasm.

Ruoxi then saw the huge tent on Yang Chen's pants and blushed. She didn't want to be the only one to feel good so she went up to him and started removing his clothes.

When she removed his shirt, Ruoxi trailed her fingers across his abs before taking off his pants. She then removed his boxers and gulped.

'How can it be this big?!' Ruoxi thought with a little bit of fear before she shook her head. She wanted to please him after he made her feel so good.

Yang Chen smiled and said, " You don't have to force yourself."

Ruoxi shook her head once again and said, "No...I want to feel good."

Her voice became lower as she said the last part while her blush increased.

Ruoxi then placed her hand around Yang Chen's cock and starting to move it up and down slowly. She was remembering the movements she did this morning in bed for him by accident.

Yang Chen grunted as he felt Ruoxi start to jerk him off.

Ruoxi, hearing his sounds, became happy, and started to increase her speed.

Yang Chen then suddenly started to furiously kiss Ruoxi while he gripped her ass.

Ruoxi was startled before letting out a light moan.


Yang Chen's cock was pushed up against Ruoxi's thigh, making him grunt in pleasure as she was still jerking him off.

Yang Chen, now being close to his release, informed Ruoxi.

"Ruoxi, I'm almost there."

Ruoxi didn't say anything and increased her speed, making Yang Chen release his sperm on her thigh.

They were both staring into each other eyes as they were breathing heavily.

Yang Chen pecked her on the lips before he cleaned her thigh with a napkin and gently laid her on the bed. He then placed his shaft on her entrance.

"Are you ready?" Yang Chen asked caringly.

Ruoxi was nervous but still nodded.

Yang Chen then slowly entered Ruoxi's pussy and groaned at how tight it was. He then stopped when he saw a painful expression on her face.

"Should I stop?" Yang Chen asked worriedly.

Ruoxi had tears at how painful it was.

"J-Just for a little." Ruoxi said.

Yang Chen nodded and waited for her pain to subside.

After a while, Ruoxi said, "O-Okay, you can move now."

Yang Chen nodded and continued pushing his cock inside her. He felt a slight resistance as he was entering but he continued going.

"Ahh!" Ruoxi cried in pain, making Yang Chen stop once more.

Yang Chen looked down and could see blood dripping down from Ruoxi's pussy.

This time Yang Chen wasn't going to allow her to suffer so he slightly healed her to relieve the pain. He wasn't going to fully heal her since she would just regain back her hymen and that would be stupid.

Ruoxi, not feeling the enormous pain she was feeling before, looked at Yang Chen. She knew her pain couldn't subside so quickly.

Ruoxi gave a gentle smile toward him and said, "You can continue now."

Yang Chen smiled warmly before continuing until his whole shaft was inside her.

After a couple of minutes for Ruoxi to get accustomed to his size, she gave the approval to continue moving.

Yang Chen then withdrew his shaft and pushed it back in.

"Ahh~" Ruoxi moaned loudly.

Yang Chen didn't know why but just from these slow thrust inside Ruoxi's pussy, he felt great pleasure.

Yang Chen then lifted up her legs while holding on to them and increasing his speed.

Ruoxi's heart jumped around in happiness, seeing Yang Chen's face that was full of pleasure.

You could only hear lewd sounds and the sounds of their skin slapping together.

Ruoxi's breast shook with his every thrust.

Suddenly, Yang Chen placed her legs down and started fucking Ruoxi sideways.

"Ahh...Ahhh~" Ruoxi moaned loudly at the immense pleasure she was feeling right now.

"I'm almost there." Yang Chen said.

"Me too, hubby~" Ruoxi said affectionately.

Yang Chen gripped onto her ass and released his sperm inside her while Ruoxi climaxed on his cock.

Yang Chen then fell next to her while they were both panting heavily.

-------(+18 end)

Ruoxi was cuddled up in Yang Chen's embrace when she suddenly remembered something.

"Hubby, didn't you say there were two ways to prevent the short life span?" Ruoxi asked.

Yang Chen smiled at the way, Ruoxi was intimately calling him.

"There is." Yang Chen said.

"What's the other way?" Ruoxi asked.

Yang Chen made the Fountain of Youth appear in his hand.

Ruoxi became surprised by the sudden appearance of the drink.

"What's this drink?" Ruoxi asked curiously.

"This drink is called the Fountain of Youth. It gives the person who drinks this, eternal life." Yang Chen explained.

Ruoxi became astonished until she heard his next question.

"Ruoxi...will you drink this?" Yang Chen asked hesitantly.

Ruoxi looked at the drink before looking back at Yang Chen and asked, "Hubby, have you already drank this before?"

Yang Chen nodded.

Ruoxi didn't even need time to think. She then gently took the drink and drank it.

She then fell unconscious for a couple of minutes before waking up to Yang Chen smiling warmly at her.

Ruoxi smiled tenderly. She then held his neck with her arms and gave him a sweet kiss.

Ruoxi then felt something poking her thigh and blushed. She knew what this was.

Yang Chen smirked and hugged her tightly.

That night was a sleepless night for both of them.

(AN: Won't lie, I felt conflicted when explaining the stuff to Ruoxi. I was having trouble deciding whether to tell her about the souls. One: I won't remove 17 soul from her since I want Ruoxi to be the mother of LanLan. I also won't repeat the way she adopted her in the original. I'll make it more natural. Two: Athena will appear soon but I won't kill her since there will be no antagonist in this fanfic and I won't be creating an OC either. In the next few chapters, the gods will be introduced, you'll just have to stay tuned for it. :p)