Chapter 50


Yang Chen woke up to Ruoxi laying on his chest while staring lovingly at him.

Yang Chen smiled, "You're up early."

Ruoxi giggled before she felt something poking her leg. They were both still naked so she didn't need to look down in order to see what it was. 

This was, of course, Yang Chen's little brother. Him seeing Ruoxi's amazing body made his little brother more energized.

"Hubby, how are you still not tired after we did it all night?!" Ruoxi said.

Yang Chen smirked, "I don't know."

Yang Chen was then about to pounce on Ruoxi until he heard a knock on the door.

"Young Master, Young Miss, breakfast's ready." Wang Ma said outside the room.

"Alright. We'll be there in a bit." Ruoxi said using this as an excuse to escape Yang Chen's clutches.

"Oh! So you are awake." Wang Ma said surprisingly.

"I thought you guys would still be asleep after that 'passionate night' that could be heard across the hallway." Wang Ma said teasingly.

Ruoxi madly blushed in embarrassment before turning to Yang Chen and beating him with the pillow.

"This is all your fault! Now Wang Ma heard everything from last night!" Ruoxi said embarrassingly.

Yang Chen caught the pillow and laughed, "You know she can still hear you, right?"

Ruoxi stopped her movements and her face turned as red as a tomato.

"Wang Ma! You heard nothing!" Ruoxi yelled trying to solve the situation.

There was no reply and Ruoxi became confused. She then looked toward Yang Chen who was holding in his laughter.

Ruoxi realized instantly that she was played as a fool.

Ruoxi pointed at him, "You...Hmph."

She then turned her head and said, "I'm not talking to you anymore."

Yang Chen smirked, "Is that so?"

Ruoxi didn't respond and didn't look at him.

Ruoxi, not hearing him say anything else, felt a little guilty.

Just as she was about to turn toward him, she suddenly felt being carried.

Yang Chen smiled evilly, "I guess, I'll just have to make you talk."

"No! I give!" Ruoxi said quickly.

Yang Chen nodded, "Good." He then placed her down.

Ruoxi hurriedly went to get some clothes to wear and rushed off to the bathroom. She even stuck her tongue out toward Yang Chen before closing and locking the door.

Yang Chen shook his head before he chuckled. He then got dressed and headed downstairs.

He could see Wang Ma, sitting in her seat, waiting for them so they could start to eat as a family.

"Good morning, Young Master." Wang Ma greeted with a joyful smile.

"Morning, Wang Ma. Why so much breakfast? I mean, I'm not complaining but what's the occasion?" Yang Chen said as he looked at the table which was filled with a lot of food, just like a buffet.

"No occasion. It's just that young people always need to replenish their energy after a good night's rest." Wang Ma said with a 'wink-wink'.

Yang Chen understood and couldn't help but commend her.

Unknown to Yang Chen, Wang Ma had her own secret plan in the works as she would do stuff like this for him and Ruoxi.

Wang Ma was already picturing the near future and couldn't help but get excited.

Yang Chen then took his seat and it didn't take Ruoxi long for her to come down.

"Why so much food?" Ruoxi asked curiously.

Wang Ma looked at Yang Chen, who had already started enjoying his feast, before whispering in Ruoxi's ear.

"I'll tell you when the Young Master's heads off to work."

Ruoxi was confused but didn't think too much of it. They both then joined Yang Chen in eating the food. 

In the end, it was still too much for the women but luckily Yang Chen could finish the remaining food.

After finishing eating, Yang Chen thanked Wang Ma for the food and kissed Ruoxi goodbye before leaving toward his car for work.

Once he was gone, Wang Ma asked Ruoxi hurriedly.

"Young Miss, are you feeling any different today?"

Ruoxi found her question weird and said, "No, I feel just fine."

Wang Ma then asked seriously, "Young Miss, did you and Young Master use protection last night."

Ruixo blushed, "Wang Ma, why are you asking…"

Then it hit her. 

"You don't think…" Ruoxi said with uncertainty.

"Only one way to find out. Follow me." Wang Ma said and headed to the bathroom as Ruoxi followed her with a nervous expression.

10 minutes later, they came out and they both had disappointed faces.

It seems Yang Chen didn't explain the side effects that came with cultivating since Ruoxi didn't know this.

"Don't worry, Young Miss. You're still young so don't feel too disappointed." Wang Ma tried to cheer her up.

Ruoxi smiled gently and nodded.


(In Beijing)

Beijing this morning was bright and sunny. 

But in a large house, it was anything but bright.

Yang Gongming was in his garden, sitting in his chair enjoying the luscious greenery when Yan Sanniang approached him.

"How is he?" Yang Gongming asked without looking at her.

"Young Master Lie has yet to wake up." Yan Sanniang said with a little bitterness.

Yesterday night, it turns out Yang Lie became a cripple when he was attacked by Yang Chen's True Qi. This meant he couldn't cultivate and had lost the feeling to his legs and every man's important place.

Yang Lie didn't even know this since he was still bedridden since last night but when he wakes up, he'll be in for some big news.

Yang Gongming nodded and asked, "What about Xuehua and Pojun?"

"Master Pojun has been staying in one of the rooms and drinking since last night. While Miss Xuehua hasn't left Young Master Lie's room." Yan Sanniang said with misty eyes.

Yang Gongming laughed bitterly. He then got up from his seat and said, "Let's go check on Lie'er."

Yang Sanniang nodded and followed him to Yang Lie's room.

Once Yang Gongming entered the room, he could see Yang Lie lying unconsciously on the bed while having machines strapped to him.

He then looked over to the small couch that was in front of the bed and could see Guo Xuehua sitting there while looking at her son. She had large bags under her eyes and pale face as she hadn't slept an ounce.

"Xuehua, you should get some sleep." Yang Gongming said gently.

Guo Xuehua didn't respond as she just kept looking at her son. 

Yang Gongming sighed. He then said to Yan Sanniang.

"Call Pojun to come over here."

Yan Sanniang nodded and went to go, fetch Yang Pojun.

A couple of minutes later, Yan Sanniang arrived with Yang Pojun.

Yang Pojun had the pungent smell of alcohol around him. He also had a barely noticeable beard on him.

"What do you want?" Yang Pojun said, dissatisfied. He wanted to go back to his room and drink instead of wasting his time here.

Yang Gongming frowned, "Tell your wife to get some rest."

"Is that it?" Yang Pojun asked, displeased. He then looked at Xuehua and shouted.

"Woman, go get some rest!"

Guo Xuehua didn't respond. It was like she was deaf from both ears.

Yang Pojun then looked back to Yang Gongming and said in a lazy way, "I tried. I'm going back to my room."

Yang Gongming clenched his fist and shouted, "You show behavior like this and you also want to become the next patriarch of the clan?!"

Yang Pojun sneered, "Look around you, we have lost so much support in one day than in the last 20 years! Over what?! Abandoning a soon to be a successful child! What bullshit! I knew we should've aborted him when he had the chance. Would have saved us the trouble in the end."

"You…" Yang Gongming was furiously pointing at him. He was livid at this point and wanted to go slap the stupid out of him but someone beat him to it.


It was Guo Xuehua that had slapped him in anger.

"Shut up! Don't you dare say to abort my child ever again!" Guo Xuehua shouted in fury.

Yang Pojun touched the cheek he was just slapped on. His face then became twisted.

"Admit it! If that piece of shit wasn't alive Lie'er wouldn't be crippled, I wouldn't lose the general election, and the clan wouldn't be declining at such rate! Admit it!" Yang Pojun roared.

Guo Xuehue was going to slap him again when something caught her eye. It was her son, Yang Lie. He seemed to be waking up.

"Lie'er!" Guo Xuehua rushed toward him and gave him a hug while sobbing.

Everybody's attention was now focused on the touching scene of a mother crying out for her son.

"What happened?" Yang Lie asked in a hoarse voice.

Guo Xuehua bit her lip. She didn't want to be the one to explain his condition.

Yang Lie then looked around and asked, "Where's master?"

This time, Yan Sanniang became the bearer of the news.

"He's dead."

"Impossible...No one can beat Master!" Yang Lie shouted with great difficulty.

Guo Xuehua took a cup of water and gently made him drink it in small sips.

Now with his voice, not being so rough, Yang Lie asked, "How did this happen?!" He then thought about the horrifying pressure and Yang Chen.

"Was it him?! Was it that bastard?!" Yang Lie asked with anger evident in his voice.

No one responded, confirming his answer.

"I'll get that bastard back!" Yang Lie said with fury.

"No! He is your brother!" Guo Xuehua intervened.

Yang Lie sneered, "That bastard of a son can't and will never be my brother."

Yang Lie then tried to stand up and noticed something.

"W-Why can't I feel my legs…" Yang Lie asked with a shaky voice.

Guo Xuehua painfully closed her eyes and everybody stayed quiet.

Suddenly the door opened and the doctor, that ran tests for Yang Lie, returned.

Yang Lie quickly asked the man wearing the white coat, "What's wrong with my legs! Why can't I feel them?!"

The doctor had a solemn face and said, "It seems your spinal cord has been injured to a heavy extent preventing you from the use of your legs. There is also no modern medicine able to treat this type of paralysis. I'm sorry but you will never walk again."

(AN: I don't know jack sh*t about medicine so sorry for those who actually understand this stuff.)

Yang Lie felt stumped. He then realized something crucial. He can cultivate and he may even be able to heal himself.

'Huh?! Why can't I feel any eternal energy?!" Yang Lie thought in shock.

"Why can't I cultivate?!" Yang Lie said out loud.

"Cultivate?" The doctor repeated in confusion.

"Thank you for your help doctor but we'll handle it from here." Yang Gongming said from the side.

The doctor nodded, "Then I will be taking my leave now." He then exited the room.

Yang Lie looked over at Yang Sanniang and shouted, "You! I could somehow feel you were different than ordinary humans back then. So answer me! Why can't I cultivate?!"

Yan Sanniang sighed, "You can't cultivate because...your dantian was also crippled."

Yang Lie's face lost all color. He then laid back on his pillow and stared absentmindedly toward the ceiling.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Yang Lie asked in a soft tone.

"Was this also his doing?"

There was more silence as nobody chose to say anything. He just received his answer.

Guo Xuehua already had tears flowing down her eyes. She then looked toward Yan Sanniang and asked quickly, "Is there really no other way to treat him?"

Yan Sanniang's face had a complicated expression. 

After a couple of seconds, she said. 

"There is."

Everybody's eyes instantly lit up and Guo Xuehua asked "What is it then?"

"Yang Chen. He can heal him." Yan Saniang said.

Everybody froze before Yang Lie responded angrily.

"I would rather die than be cured by him!"

"I'll go ask him." Guo Xuehua said hurriedly.

"No! Absolutely not!" Yang Pojun declined instantly.

"Why?!" Guo Xuehua said angrily.

"It's because of him that we're like this so why would he help us." Yang Pojun said.

Guo Xuehua bit her lip, "Then what do we do?!"

Everybody stayed quiet until Yang Gongming said, "There is no other way. I'll go talk to him and maybe try to negotiate with him."

Yang Lie sneered, "We don't need his help."

"Then you will stay crippled for the rest of your life." Yang Gongming said.

Yang Lie became silent. He then clicked his tongue and closed his eyes