Chapter 51


Yang Chen had just arrived at Rose's bar. He entered and made his way to Rose's room.

He saw Rose sitting cross-legged on her couch while her laptop was on her lap. She seemed to be doing some work.

When Rose saw Yang Chen walk-in, she got off the couch and rushed to hug him.

"Hubby!" Rose said worriedly.

Yang Chen was confused until he heard her next words.

"I saw the news yesterday about your biological parents. Are you okay?" Rose asked gently.

Yang Chen smiled and said, "Of course."

Rose felt happy, hearing that he wasn't feeling down.

"Have you met them yet?" Rose asked.

Yang Chen nodded and started explaining what happened yesterday.

Rose clenched her teeth in anger, "Good, that you didn't forgive them. They abandoned you and now they want your forgiveness. How ridiculous."

Yang Chen chuckled seeing her cute reaction and kissed her on the lips.

Rose smiled sweetly before revealing a teasing smile.

"So you and Ruoxi have gotten closer after hearing your explanation about yesterday's events."

Yang Chen wanted to punch himself after not informing Rose about something so important.

"Ruoxi has actually become my woman." Yang Chen said honestly.

Rose clearly not surprised by this said, "Oh, I know already."

Yang Chen was stunned and asked, "How?"

Rose took out her phone and said excitedly, "Ruoxi and I, have actually become texting buddies. She already explained to me that you guys are now a real couple."

(AN: ...Pure thoughts only.)

Yang Chen was astonished. He then shook his head and smiled, "You made a new friend."

Rose nodded happily and said with a giggle, "I just hope you won't forget about me."

Yang Chen said seriously, "Never!"

Rose felt butterflies in her stomach and hugged him tighter, "I know."

After a couple of minutes, in each other's embrace Yang Chen said, "There also another reason that I've wanted to come here."

Rose was confused and asked, "What is it, hubby?"

"Would you like to come with me to Japan for a small vacation in a few days?" Yang Chen asked.

Rose had stars in her eyes and asked excitedly, "Really?!"

Yang Chen nodded and said, "I will also be inviting Ruoxi and Wang Ma."

Rose already knew who Wang Ma was after Ruoxi had told her via messaging. She also had no problems with this. In fact, she was happy that she could spend more time with her man and friend.

"I can't wait!" Rose said elatedly.

Yang Chen gave her a deep kiss and lowered his hands toward her butt and gave a light squeeze.

Rose put her arms around his neck and melted to his kiss.

"Mm~" Rose moaned lightly.

The atmosphere became hotter and just as things were about to escalate, Yang Chen's phone rang.

Yang Chen separated unwillingly from Rose who had a flushed face and was already breathing heavily. She was clearly aroused.

Yang Chen answered the call with a dissatisfied voice.


"Sir, the Holy Grail has been found. The Vatican and Dark Parliament are fighting for it as we speak." Yang Chen's assistant said respectfully.

"I see. Is there anything else?" Yang Chen asked.

"Yes, the Yellow Flame Iron Brigade has found out about the Holy Grail. It seems they have started helping the Vatican in getting the Blood Race out of China in exchange for information for what they are looking for."

"Alright. Send me the location and I'll head over there right now." Yang Chen said indifferently.

"Yes, Sir." The assistant said before they both hung up the phone.

Yang Chen looked toward Rose and said with an apologetic smile, "I have to go take care of something."

Rose smiled gently before pecking him on the lips, "Just stay safe."

Yang Chen smiled warmly and nodded. He then left Rose's bar.


Somewhere in an unknown forest.

There was blood on the ground and countless bodies. Some had dark cloaks and some had shining armor with a red cross on their bodies.

These people and vampires were from the Vatican and Dark Parliament that resided in Europe.

"The Holy Grail belongs to us! Give it back!"

Shouted a handsome man, wearing a medieval royal knight armor, in english. His name was Gabriel and he was part of the elite team that protects the Pope. He was here to bring the Holy Grail back to the Church.

A hot woman with blonde hair sneered, "Gabriel, don't underestimate us. You're still too young to play with me, little boy."

Gabriel wasn't fazed by her words and said righteously, "You have no chance. We the Vatican and with the aid of the Yellow Flame Iron Brigade will stop you monsters!"

A man with long black hair and pale skin that was on the blonde woman's side said hurriedly, "Lilith, why are we still here? We have the Holy Grail already, we should leave before any more people from the Yellow Flame Iron Brigade shows up."

Lilith looked at the man and said with contempt, "Mobses, don't forget who you are talking to. Remember we are helping you in this situation so when we get back to Europe, you will naturally hand the Holy Grail to us, Camarilla. And you could go back to the sewers where your Savath side resides in."

The blood race had two sides. The Camarilla side who have decided to leave their old ways from the urban legends and change their ways in order to fit modern society while blending in with humans.

The other side was the Savath. They were bloodthirsty savages and didn't care about anyone other than themselves. They would prey on defenseless humans, especially young women, and play with them mercilessly before sucking all their blood in their bodies.

Mobses sunk his head back down and clenched his teeth. He didn't dare criticize Lilith any longer since they were helping them in this mess. He wasn't strong enough to do it anyways.

Lilith looked back toward Gabriel's side and said in chinese, "You, girl from the Yellow Flame Iron Brigade. You are a beautiful woman."

The one Lilith was speaking to was Cai Ning.

Cai Ning was sent here by Lin Zhiguo to help the Vatican and chase out the Blood Race from China. She also brought some people to help her.

Cai Ning was also wearing a tight black suit so that she wouldn't feel so restrained while moving since her skill was in the speed department.

Cai Ning looked coldly toward Lilith and didn't respond.

Lilith, not bothered by her silence, said, "The thing is...I hate beautiful women so I think I'll kill you first."

"You'll have to get through me!" A young man shouted. He was clearly trying to impress Cai Ning.

His name was Yong Ye and he was part of the team that was sent here with Cai Ning.

Cai Ning didn't spare him a glance and said coldly, "Don't speak nonsense. I don't need your protection, now get back to the mission on hand."

Yong Ye smiled dumbly, "Ok."

Lilith gave a cold smile, revealing her fangs and said, "Hehe, another little boy trying to act tough."

Yong Ye snorted, "You old witch. If you weren't residing in Europe then we would have already eradicated your disgusting Blood Race already."

Lilith became angry but forcefully held it in. She then looked toward Yong Ye and said coldly.

"Little boy, there are certain things you should never say to a woman, especially a beautiful one like me. Never mention something...about her age."

Just as she said that Lilith took out a curved red blade and slashed toward Yong Ye with tremendous speed.

Yong Ye and the rest widened their eyes at the red slash that was heading toward them. Their years of experience made them instinctively dodge to the side.

Unluckily, the ones who weren't that experienced couldn't escape on time and we're cut in half.

Cai Ning wrinkled her eyes at the gruesome sight before looking toward Lilith and getting serious.

Yong Ye was panting heavily and said with a little bit of fear evident in his voice, "T-That was close. Cai Ning, how long until reinforcements show up?"

Cai Ning couldn't help but look at him with disdain at his cowardly act.

"It doesn't matter when; we just have to hold on till they get here." Can Ning said coldly.

Yong Ye smiled warmly, "Okay, whatever you say."

Gabriel looked toward Yong Ye and scowled while saying in chinese with an accent, "Stop getting distracted and pay attention already!"

Yong Ye snorted but chose to say nothing before looking toward Lilith and getting serious.

Lilith had a carefree smile and said, "It seems that I have missed. No worries, the next one will be right on target."

Lilith was about to send over another attack when something caught her attention.

It was someone wearing a black hooded Robe. You could only see below his eyes, which was showing part of a black mask. The mask had a red smile on it, giving it a creepy feeling.

Lilith became stunned and thought with slight fear, 'H-How long has he been standing there?! I haven't even noticed him!'

Everybody's attention quickly changed when they saw Lilith acting wary toward a direction. They became shocked as well before Yong Ye remembered about reinforcements.

"Cai Ning, reinforcements have shown up! This matter won't take long to settle. So, how about going on a date with me since it's not that late right now?" Yong Ye asked with a bright smile.

Cai Ning gave him a cold gaze and ignored his dumb logic. How could one man be there reinforcements and why is he wearing something that has no resemblance toward the Yellow Flame Iron Brigade?

Can Ning then looked toward the newly arrived person with her guard up.

"Who are you?" Lilith asked warily toward the masked man

The masked man didn't respond and kept looking toward Mobses. It looked like he was waiting for something.

Mobses started sweating nervously and thought, 'Why is he looking at me? Could he know that I have the Holy Grail on me?'

Lilith had the same thinking. She then said, "Are you perhaps after the Holy Grail as well?"

Everybody's ears started to perk up, hearing that he might be after the Holy Grail. Now a new person was after it and they didn't even know what level his strength was at.

The masked man didn't respond.

Lilith was slightly annoyed and said, "If you won't speak then die." She then slashed the air and a blade made of blood was sent toward the masked individual.

The masked man didn't move and just kept stating at Mobses.

Suddenly the blood blade that was heading towards him was instantly flung back toward Lilith.

Lilith and everyone became shocked. She then hurriedly lifted up her curved sword and redirected toward the Vatican's side.

Gabriel and the rest widened their eyes. Only he and Cai Ning were able to successfully dodge with a hair away from their demise.

Cai Ning was panting heavily before she looked around. She wrinkled her eyes as she and Gabriel were the only ones to have dodged that attacked.

Not even Yong Ye survived since he was still shocked by the circumstances.

Cai Ning wasn't affected by his death but secretly prayed for the ones, who couldn't make it, in her heart before turning toward the masked man and getting serious.

Lilith wasn't that lucky either. She had lost her hand from redirecting her own attack but her face showed no panic. The bleeding in her arm had also stopped.

Although an injury like this wasn't that serious, it was still a pain to wait until it regenerated back.

Lilith's eyes showed calmness but there was something else hidden inside them...lust!

'He's strong!' Lilith thought while biting her lip.

In her clan, she was always praised as a talent at being one of the undefeated. There was never a real opponent that can match her. She didn't know if it was because she was part of the Blood Race's royal family or because they were simply too weak.

But now, after feeling the attack that was sent to her without effort, it made her feel excited.

Lilith was fidgeting around at the indecent thoughts she was having about this mysterious man. She even had a slight nose bleed.

Lilith quickly wiped the blood off her nose with the hand she still had and said toward the masked man with a tiny blush on her face.

"Y-You're pretty strong. I wonder If I could know this one's name?"

The masked man was still unresponsive toward anyone.

Lilith would normally feel annoyed at this attitude but now she felt weirdly attracted to it.

Suddenly the mysterious man finally started moving. He was walking toward Mobses.

Moses became panicked until something unexpected happened.

The space around Mobses fluctuated. He then instantly vanished into thin air.

It's as if the mysterious man had expected this and quickly disappeared as well.

Everybody became shocked. They didn't know what just happened.

Lilith was now angry. She had lost the Holy Grail and now, she had lost the opportunity to know the mysterious man's name.

After a couple of seconds, Lilith sighed and said toward Gabriel and Cai Ning.

"The Holy Grail is gone. This fight is now pointless."

Gabriel raised up his sword, "That may be true but I could still get rid of you for the loss of the item."

Lilith gave a playful smile, "Although I have lost a hand, it still wouldn't take that long to get rid of you. Now go back to your useless church. This is getting kind of boring."

Gabriel clenched his teeth before sheathing his sword. He knew it was important to get back to the church and inform the higher-ups about this new enemy.

Cai Ning also knew when to retreat at the right moment. There looked to be no reinforcements showing up and Lilith and some of her minions were still present. She also needed to inform the general about the recent events.

Can Ning then left using her lightness skill with swift and quick steps.

Gabriel also left with a frown on his face at the failed mission.

Lilith was still thinking about the masked man and stopped herself when she was receiving another nosebleed. She was going to research whatever she could find about this mysterious man back in Europe.

"Let's go." Lilith said toward the vampires before they all left into the night.

(AN: If you haven't noticed, the masked man was Yang Chen. Although I don't want to hide MC's power I'm doing this because I want to mess with some people in the next chapter. It will be posted in a few hours since I'm still writing it. Sorry for the cliff-kun by the way. 😢)