Chapter 52

Somewhere over the Pacific Ocean.

It was night and the water was very calm as it illuminated the full moon in the sky.

There were two sides that were staring at each other. They both had an emotionless face but you couldn't see it as they both had some kind of item that prevented the seeing of their face.

The mysterious man from earlier with his black mask and red smile. He was starting at angelic sight.

The other side was a woman with long black hair. She was wearing a black silk dress and was barefooted. She looked very graceful.

If anybody could see her, they would be lost at the sight without even needing to see her face.

Each of their respect wear was swaying in the direction of the cold wind.

The woman's face was unclear. It was like the space around it had become distorted.

This woman gave off an oppressing atmosphere but right now she looked to be the defense. She had a majestic silver shield in her left hand and a spear on her right.

She could remember vividly their encounter since it literally just happened minutes ago.

When the mysterious man was back in the forest and saw Mobses disappear, he instantly followed suit.

The space around Mobses had cracked, making him get obliterated into none existence.

This was a skill used by the 12 gods of Olympus called space fragmentation.

The masked man was not after Mobses but this woman instead.

The woman had noticed that she was being followed and had sent waves of space toward the masked man while flying away at high speeds.

The masked man had dodged it effortlessly making the black-haired woman raise an eyebrow.

Although she wasn't being serious, she didn't expect something like this. So she made a dome and prevented him from the use of breathing.

The masked man just raised his hand and the dome made of space instantly cracked into little pieces, just like glass.

The black-haired woman was a little surprised. She didn't sense any cultivation and this definitely wasn't the use of space either.

She then left trying to get as far as way from China while sending barrages of space toward the masked man. It was all effortless but she was just trying to bait him out of China since she knew he was after her.

The weird thing was that the masked man never went on the offensive as they were playing a chasing game.

Now they were over the Pacific Ocean while the woman wasn't underestimating this fellow.

After a couple of seconds of staring at each other, the black-haired woman asked in a cold voice.

"Who are you?"

The masked man didn't respond and kept looking at her. He knew what she was doing but didn't stop it.

The woman didn't care if he responded or not as she was just buying time. It looked like she was waiting for someone.

It didn't take too long before someone showed up. It was another woman.

This woman was beautiful and had blonde hair. She had western features and if anyone could see her they would instantly want an autograph as who wouldn't know this woman's identity.

"Aphrodite, where are the others?" The black-haired woman asked while still keeping her attention toward the masked man.

"Aegis shield." Aphrodite mumbled.

Aphrodite was stunned. She hasn't seen this woman act this wearily in over 20,000 years.

She then shook her head and became serious as she looked toward the masked man.

"They're on their way. I was the closest so I got here faster." Aphrodite said.

And not even a minute later, more people or gods showed up, one by one.

"Athena, you're awake!" Shouted a middle-aged man with a rough beard. He had a chef's uniform. His name was Poseidon.

Athena didn't respond as she still had her guard up.

The other gods noticed how she was being weary toward the masked man and became serious as well.

The one's who had not lost their Divine weapons over the years had taken them and prepared themselves. While the ones who didn't have them; unsealed their space powers to the maximum.

A man with tan skin, curly hair, and tattoos all over his body spoke arrogantly with a bronze trident in his hands.

"Athena, you've just awakened and you can't even get rid of this one guy."

"Ares, stop talking nonsense and be on guard." A handsome man with golden hair said. He had a golden bow on his hand.

"Screw you, Apollo!" Ares said.

"Ares, shut up already!" A beautiful silver-haired woman said beside Apollo.

Ares sneered, "Artemis, defending your little lover, I see."

Poseidon was now angered. He had the famous golden trident in his hands.

"Ares, if you don't stop talking, I'll beat you senseless."

Everybody besides Athena shook their heads. They all knew Ares was a battle junky.

Ares's eyes lit up and said, "If you think you can! First, let me take care of this weird mask guy, and then we'll have our fight."

Ares then rushed toward the masked man with his bronze trident in his hand. He was going to first test how strong his opponent was.

"Ares, wait!" Everybody shouted in unison while Athena said nothing. She wanted to see what the masked man was going to do.

Ares ignored them and was going to pierce the masked man in the chest.


Ares was sent hundreds of meters away in the ocean.


Everybody's eyes widened. They didn't even know how Ares was thrown that far.

Just as Ares was about to strike, the mysterious man had hit him in the chest. Nobody could see it happen because it was just that fast even for these so-called gods.

Athena was the only one who caught a glimpse of what just happened.

Suddenly, Athena had lifted up her shield to protect herself from the incoming attack.


The masked man had rushed toward Athena with a kick.

Athena felt numb on her arm before lifting her spear and striking the masked man.

The masked man swiftly dodged it and moved back to his original position.

Everybody felt shocked and returned to their senses when they saw a crack on Athena's shield.

"H-How can it be?!" Shouted Aphrodite.

"But it's a Divine weapon crafted by a god!" Poseidon said with a shocked expression.

Apollo quickly lifted his golden bow and fired arrows made of fire toward the masked man. His bow was shining brightly, just like the sun.


Suddenly the arrows became extinguished by the wind and lost its trajectory.

Apollo's eyes widened and thought, 'How?!'

He wasn't able to think long before the same wind went toward Apollo with tremendous speed.

Apollo was sent flying in extreme pain. It was like getting hit by a heavy ton truck.

"Apollo!" Artemis shouted worriedly before rushing toward him.

Poseidon didn't waste time and lifted his golden trident. Suddenly the ocean started lifting at his movement.

"Take this!" Poseidon shouted while bringing his trident down and pointing it toward the masked man.

The waves became violent as it headed toward the masked man with full force.

The masked man stayed still and didn't move. Not even when the waves were right in front of his face.

The masked man...was hit!

Poseidon smiled as he looked toward the nonending waves before making them go quiet.

"There. That's the end of him."

Athena didn't say anything as she just kept looking toward the place the masked man had gotten hit at.

As the waves had completely calmed down, the masked man was...uninjured!

The mysterious man's robe wasn't even drenched in water. They looked completely dry.

Poseidon became dumbstruck, "H-How is this even..."

He wasn't even allowed to finish before he was caught by the neck.

Poseidon struggled to breathe as he was being strangled by the masked man. He tried stabbing him with his trident but the masked man had gripped his arm, preventing him from using it.

The masked man then took his trident and spun it before stabbing him on his leg with it.

"Argh!" Poseidon shouted in pain.

The masked man then did a 180 and kicked him in the chest.


Poseidon was also sent flying just like Ares into the water with a trident stuck on his leg.


Aphrodite clenched her teeth. If Athena and Poseidon, the strongest in their group as of now, can't do anything to this man, what can she hope to do?

Aphrodite then looked toward Athena and asked nervously, "S-Should we also call Hades to get here?"

Athena instantly denied, "No. He can't handle someone of this level yet."

Aphrodite wiped her eyes but in the end, nodded.

The masked man then instantly appeared in front of Athena.

Athena looked at him fearlessly. It seems he wasn't going to attack so she did the same.

After a while of another staring off, the masked finally chose to speak.

"Do you give up?" The masked man asked with an unrecognizable voice.

Although Athena had always been indifferent to almost everything, his words got to her. He had taken care of everybody so effortlessly, meaning he can kill them any time he wants but he chose to ask this question.

"Just hurry and kill me already." Athena spoke coldly.

The masked man simply raised up his index and middle finger and slowly moved it toward her forehead.

Athena closed her eyes. She had just awakened, meaning she was in her weakest state and now she was going to die. She was...powerless.

'It seems I will have to go through another rebirth...' Athena thought emotionlessly.

Suddenly she felt the masked man tap something above her forehead.

It was a helmet. Not just any helmet but Hades divine weapon tool. This helmet would hide the presence and face of any god.


The helmet started cracking until it completely shattered, revealing an angelic face.

When the masked man saw this face, he smiled before he completely vanished.

Athena opened her eyes and couldn't see the masked man anywhere so she asked Aphrodite.

"Where did he go?"

"I don't know. He just disappeared." Aphrodite replied; while looking around.

Athena frowned noticing the Helmet the previous Hades had given her was destroyed. She now had to rethink her plans for the future.


Somewhere in a jungle, near a village.

There was a wooden house hidden between the trees. The house wasn't run down but in fact, looked relatively clean compared to the nearby village.

Inside the house was a handsome young man with grey hair. He had a serious look on his face as he kept looking toward a mirror.

The mirror wasn't ordinary as it was showing the exact same scene that had transpired a few minutes ago with the masked man and the gods.

Suddenly the door opened and a middle-aged man with a middle-aged woman entered the wooden house.

"Master, we're back." The middle-aged man said.

The young man was named, Meng Xiaoyao. He was the master of these two.

"Oh, Yuannan and Xuemei. What a pleasant surprise." Meng Xiaoyao said with a warm smile.

The full names of these were Yang Yuannan and Li Xuemei. Although they didn't look all that old, they were over a thousand years.

Yang Yuannan looked toward the mirror and asked, "It's the god you made a bet with 20,000 years ago, Master. But who's the masked man?"

"I don't know." Meng Xiaoyao replied simply.

Yang Yuannan and Li Xuemei became shocked. They knew their master's current level so how could he not know something like this.

"Are you going to interfere with this matter?" Li Xuemei asked.

Meng Xiaoyao though for a couple of seconds before shaking his head.

"No, it doesn't look like this person is going to destroy Earth. Even if he was, I wouldn't stop him. I would be able to travel the universe, finally." Meng Xiaoyao said with excitement.

He had been waiting for 50,000 years for someone to take his place. He had recently found one and made a bet with Athena if he would save the planet or let it be destroyed 20,000 years ago. But with the arrival with someone knew and know this, maybe he might achieve his dream earlier than planned.

"Shall we go investigate him then, just to be safe?" Yang Yuannan asked cautiously.

Meng Xiaoyao shook his head, "No, you two need to stick to cultivation if you ever want to achieve Jade Purity."

Yang Yuannan and Li Xuemei nodded at their master's consideration.


Back with gods.

The gods had slightly recovered but were still in pain.

"Where is he!?" Ares shouted angrily. He was drenched in water and was in a lot of pain after getting hit in the chest.

"He's gone." Aphrodite said flatly.

Ares clenched his teeth and mumbled, "I'll get that fucker, I swear."

"If only we had the power from 20,000 years ago, this wouldn't have happened." Apollo said with difficulty as he was being helped by Artemis.

Poseidon had an injured leg and was in pain all over his body but had nodded toward Apollo.

Suddenly there was a feminine laugh.

"You guys are so weak." Said a pretty woman with brown short curly hair.

"Hera, go to hell! You too Hermes, you could've helped us!" Ares shouted angrily.

Hermes smiled in contempt. He was a short man with a pair of sandals that had wings.

Hera turned toward Athena and gave a mocking smile, "Where was that prophecy of yours, that you're so damn proud of."

Athena looked indifferently toward her and said, "My prophecy only works when someone is weaker than me. He is clearly not."

Hera angrily thought, 'It's that same fucking face! It's like she is looking down on everyone even when she was just beaten!'

Hera and Hermes had watched the whole ordeal from afar and enjoyed the scene.

The masked man, of course, knew this but if they didn't attack him then he wouldn't either.

Aphrodite looked toward Athena and asked, "Shall we inform Hades about this?"

Athena shook her head and said, "No, we stick to the plan."

Aphrodite painfully closed her eyes but didn't refute.

Athena continued, "Especially since we still have the Holy Grail."

Suddenly Athena's eyes widened. The atmosphere then became hard to breathe for the rest of the gods.

Athena has just noticed that she didn't have the Holy Grail on her. It was taken!

Athena didn't even need to guess who it was.

Although the pressure was slightly unbearable, Hera still managed to laugh.

"There goes your stupid plan." Hera said with disdain.

Athena looked at her for a second before the space fluctuated and she vanished.

Everybody had already guessed that the plan didn't go so well.

Hera giggled and mumbled something, "Serves you right, bitch!"

(AN: This is my awful attempt at a shitty fight scene. Well, more like a god bashing but whatever.)