Chapter 53

(AN: Some of you are asking why I had Yang Chen hide his identity when he was fighting the gods. Well, it's simple, in the original I hated how Yang Chen was manipulated and how the idiot acted all arrogant and shit like he was the strongest when he was literally being a toy for Athena and that Immortal. His fate was already predestined or something like that...So in this fanfic, I'll have the MC get back at every single one of them since he won't be anyone's toy. :)


Yang Chen returned home late at night. He had already taken off his disguise and changed into casual clothes.

Yang Chen then looked toward the couch and saw Ruoxi sleeping.

Ruoxi was wearing a black silk dress and was barefooted. Just like a certain someone that he had just met.

Yang Chen walked up to her and carried her. He was going to take her to bed.

Ruoxi's eyes slightly opened as she was suddenly being carried. Her drowsy eyes looked toward Yang Chen and she released a content smile.

"Hubby, I missed you." Ruoxi was still half asleep as she said that. She then hooked her arms around his neck and proceeded to go back to sleep on his shoulder.

Yang Chem smiled and took her to the bed so she can rest properly.


Yang Chen opened his eyes while feeling something on his stomach.

Yang Chen smirked and thought, 'What a sight!'

It was Ruoxi in her black silk dress as she straddled Yang Chen and gave him a seductive smile.

"You're awake~" Ruoxi said in a sultry voice.

Yang Chen simply lifted his hands and held her waist.

"Babe, what's up with you right now?" Yang Chen asked curiously but from the sound of his tone, he wasn't complaining. He even lowered his hands down in order to feel Ruoxi's soft butt.

Ruoxi blushed slightly and said seductively while moving her hands, feeling his bare chest.

"Can't I just pleasure my husband~"

Yang Chen didn't waste any more time as he heard her. He was about to pounce on her when he noticed something under the pillow, Ruoxi slept on.

It was a blue book and it had no title. He became curious especially after Ruoxi was acting like this so he decided to check it out real quick.

Ruoxi, seeing what Yang Chen was going for, shouted in desperation.

"Hubby, don't!"

Yang Chen ignored her and opened the book.

The title was, 'How to become sexy toward your lover.'

Yang Chen didn't need to read a page as he now understood.

Yang Chen then laughed out loud.

Ruoxi madly blushed and snatched the book away from Yang Chen.

"Forget what you saw, right now!" Ruoxi said embarrassingly. She even tried to cover his mouth with her hands so she could stop his laughing.

Yang Chen then suddenly flipped positions with Ruoxi. He was now on top.

Ruoxi became startled before Yang Chen gave her a deep kiss.

She subconsciously hooked her arms around Yang Chen's neck while returning the kiss.

They both then separated lips and Yang Chen smiled, "We should head downstairs since Wang Ma is waiting with breakfast ready."

Ruoxi nodded with a dazed face from the earlier kiss.

Yang Chen pecked her on the lips before getting off her and changing.

Ruoxi also got up and decided to get changed. She was blushing slightly as she was going to get changed in front of him. They had already seen each other naked so it wasn't that difficult for her but she was only doing it to show Yang Chen.

Ruoxi removed her black silk, revealing her black bra and panties.

Yang Chen's breath became hot. He was now really reconsidering skipping breakfast.

Ruoxi was also feeling aroused as Yang Chen kept staring at her half-naked body. He was her man after all.

Ruoxi then slowly unhooked her bra, revealing her huge breasts as they jiggled in delight at being set free from their prison.

'Screw breakfast!' Yang Chen thought. He was about to have something better in a few seconds.

Yang Chen was about to rush toward Ruoxi when he suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong?" Ruoxi asked worriedly.

"We have a useless visitor from a useless clan." Yang Chen said annoyed.

(AN: Yeah that...I'm totally not cock-blocking the MC here...againđŸ˜„)

Yang Chen walked up to Ruoxi and hugged her.

"You may have gotten lucky but you won't be safe later tonight." Yang Chen whispered in Ruoxi's ear.

Ruoxi looked away with a blush on her face.

Yang Chen then slapped Ruoxi's butt and kissed her on the check.


Ruoxi yelped with a cute voice. She then glared at Yang Chen but it was too late since he was already gone.


Ruoxi then smiled before getting changed into a pale yellow dress with white flowers on it. She was now going to head downstairs.

Back downstairs, Yang Chen had seen Wang Ma in front of the door with an awkward expression.

It was Yang Gongming and Yan Sanniang that were in the doorstep.

"Wang Ma, you could head back in. You don't have to deal with this." Yang Chen said warmly.

Wang Ma smiled caringly and nodded before going back to the kitchen.

Yang Chen then looked over to the Yang Gongming, who had a serious look on his face, as he looked back at him.

Yan Sanniang still had a gentle smile as she looked toward Yang Chen.

"Is it fun for you, to disturb someone's home this early in the morning?" Yang Chen asked with a dull voice.

Yang Gongming, not bothered by his tone, asked, "I would like to discuss a proposal with you?"

Yang Chen felt he heard this line before.

'Oh, yeah. It was Lin Zhiguo who asked the same thing...the next time I meet him, I should probably make him suffer. He just brought me endless annoyance.' Yang Chen thought.

"Nope, I'm good." Yang Chen replied indifferently.

Yang Gongming clenched his fist and decided to still speak his proposal.

"If you heal Lie'er, I will offer you something in return."

Yang Chen almost felt like laughing. What could he possibly need that he can offer?

"Amuse me." Yang Chen said.

"The Yang Clan." Yang Gongming said seriously.

Yang Gongming was already old and he needed to choose the next Patriarch for the Clan soon. He was going to have Yang Pojun be the Patriarch but after the recent behavior he has displayed, he needed to rethink his options. Yang Lie was out of the question since he was far too immature and was now crippled. The soldiers wouldn't follow Yang Lie anywhere.

The only other viable option was...Yang Chen. He had built a successful company by himself and his ruthless nature would make the soldiers want him as their leader.

Yang Chen stared indifferently toward Yang Gongming for a couple of seconds before asking.

"Why the fuck, would I want your useless clan?"

Yang Gongming pointed furiously at Yang Chen.

"You..." He couldn't utter a word.

Yang Chen wasn't dumb either. He knew the Yang Clan was declining at a rapid pace. It wouldn't be long before they would be out of the top 4 Families in Beijing.

Yang Gongming just didn't want the Clan he fought so hard for to be eradicated. So he chose to give it to someone that can prosper it and reach new heights.

"How about I just kill the useless guy and the problem will be solved for everyone." Yang Chen said in a bored tone.

"No!" Yang Gongming instantly denied.

"Then you can go fuck yourself." Yang Chen said.

Yang Chen then turned toward Yan Sanniang and said, "My women will be cultivating really soon. If Hongmeng tries to take them, I'll burn the sect to the ground. This is a warning so their fate is in your hands."

The reason Yang Chen said this was because; once a cultivator has reached the Soul Formation Stage they are forcefully required to join their sect. Yan Sanniang was also the daughter of Hongmeng's leader. She was keeping a promise toward Yang Gongming and his late wife to be their protector so she had been in hiding for the last 50 years.

Yan Sanniang widened her eyes but before she or Yang Gongming was able to say anything, Yang Chen had slammed the door in their faces.

Yang Chen then suddenly felt being hugged from behind. He turned around and saw that it was Ruoxi.

"Hubby, you don't have to go that far." Ruoxi said gently.

Yang Chen smiled, "Silly. Of course, I do." He then pecked her on the lips.

Ruoxi smiled sweetly before remembering something.

"Oh. Hubby, Rose will be arriving a little later. We will be going over to the orphanage today." Ruoxi said happily since she hasn't been there in some time.

(AN: ...Deep breaths)

Yang Chen slid his hands toward her soft butt, "Oh, yeah?"

Ruoxi slightly blushed and nodded.

Yang Chen smirked before he slapped Ruoxi's butt.


"Ah!" Ruoxi yelped.

Ruoxi gave Yang Chen a cute glare.

"Hubby, stop doing that!"

Yang Chen smiled, "Make me."

Ruoxi turned her head, "I'm not speaking to you anymore."

Yang Chen smiled evilly and whispered into her ear.

"Keep that attitude later tonight. Let's see what happens."

Ruoxi paled and said quickly said, "Hubby, stop playing around."

Yang Chen chuckled, "I obviously kidding."

Ruoxi hmphed and left toward the dining table to have breakfast without looking back.

Yang Chen chuckled once again and followed her toward the table.

(AN: Does Aphrodite really love him? In the original, she had slept with Yang Chen at the end of the novel but she still left the planet. If she really loved him then she would have stayed for him, well I think she just slept with him out of gratitude but that's just my opinion. Also, idk about Athena being in the Harem but I'm neutral toward it. In the canon, she was basically the antagonist but she did give birth to Lanlan when 17 had died... I think. So she's not totally evil but it's up to you.)

(PS: Quick disclaimer, Athena has awakened but she can not experience what Ruoxi is experiencing since she is really weak right. This means; she has no knowledge of what Ruoxi does and the same can be said for Ruoxi whenever one is controlling the body.