Chapter 55

(In Beijing)

Yang Gongming had returned back to his manor with a crestfallen face. Yan Sanniang was trailing right behind him as she had a conflicted expression.

"How could he know about Hongmeng?" Yang Gongming asked the question they both wanted to know.

"He could have met a rogue cultivator." Yan Sanniang said after some thinking. But these were all guesses and they had no way of knowing the truth of the matter.

Yang Gongming sighed and was about to say something when one of his guards approached him.

"Sir, the Prime Minister is here to speak with madam Xuehua. He also brought his son." The guard said respectively.

Yang Gongming was now tired of how the eventful day was going. He then said, "Let him in."

The guard nodded and went to go attend to the guests.

Yang Gongming then turned toward Yan Sanniang and said, "Go fetch Pojun. He should also be present for this."

Yan Sanniang nodded and went to go bring Yang Pojun.

Five minutes later, Yang Gongming entered the room that Yang Lie was resting in and turned toward Guo Xuehua.

Guo Xuehua was looking over her son when she saw Yang Gongming enter and asked anxiously, "How did it go?"

Yang Gongming shook his head, "He refused."

Guo Xuehua eyes started to turn red.

Yang Lie wasn't saddened by this and sneered, "There was no point in asking him anyway. I'll find a way to regain my cultivation and then I'll kill that fucker!"

"No!" Guo Xuehua denied instantly.

Yang Lie could see that his mother was already releasing tears so he clicked his tongue and stayed quiet.

"Xuehua, Ning Guangyao is here to speak with you." Yang Gongming said gently.

Guo Xuehua hearing familiar name wiped her tears and nodded. She then started following Yang Gongming to the meeting hall in order to meet Ning Guangyao.

Once in the meeting hall, you could see a middle-aged man with a refined and dignified look. His black hair was whitened slightly while he had a casual suit being worn. He had a friendly smile while talking to Yang Pojun.

There was also a young man who had similar looks to him while he stayed next to him without speaking.

Yang Pojun didn't have the same rugged appearance as he did yesterday. Once he heard the Prime Minister was here, he instantly washed and removed his lazy attitude. Right now he was acting chum toward Ning Guangyao showcasing their good friendship.

"Mr.Yang." Ning Guangyao bowed from afar toward Gongming. His son followed suit since this was an elder even his father had to pay respect to.

Ning Guangyao then trailed his vision over to Guo Xuehua and his eyes showed outrage.

Guo Xuehua had a pale face and looked as she had gotten a few years older. Her hair was slightly disheveled and her eyes were dull. She hadn't been resting properly for the past few days so this explains her current pitiful look.

Ning Guangyao was great friends with Guo Xuehua and Yang Pojun for the past few decades so he hated the current predicament she was in. He calmed himself since he knew their recent family matter and released a warm smile towards her.

"Xuehua, you look tired. You should get some rest." Ning Guangyao said warmly.

Guo Xuehua shook her head and revealed a slight smile, "I'm okay, thanks."

Yang Pojun looked over to his father, wanting to know the Yang Lie situation.

Yang Gongming shook his head as he realized what his son was asking.

Yang Pojun couldn't help but hate Yang Chen even more. He then smiled and asked, "Guangyao, now that Xuehua is here, what do you want to talk about?"

"We should talk in private since this is quite confidential." Ning Guangyao said with an apologetic expression as he looked toward Yang Gongming.

Yang Gongming, not bothered by this, said, "It's alright. I was just about to head to my garden." He then left the meeting hall with Yan Sanniang following right behind him.

Ning Guangyao showed a grateful smiled before turning toward his son.

"Guodong, stay here and wait while I go talk with Pojun and Xuehua."

Ning Guodong eyes showed a cold glint for second as stared at his father but nobody noticed this. He then nodded and stayed put.

Ning Guangyao and the rest then when toward an empty study room and his face became serious.

"Xuehua, do you remember...Xue Zijing." Nung Guangyao said with bitterness.

Guo Xuehua became slightly dejected and said softly, "Of course."

Yang Pojun had also remembered this woman but he stayed quiet since he wasn't that close to this woman.

"Well, nobody knows this but we actually had a child together." Ning Guangyao said, shocking the two.

Ning Guangyao continued, "This reason I'm telling you this is because she recently has gotten married to someone that is related to your clan."

Guo Xuehua had to think seriously before a sudden thought flashed through her mind. She then asked with a trembling voice.


Ning Guangyao nodded, "That's right. Her name is Lin Ruoxi. The wife of Yang Chen, your recently found son."

Guo Xuehua eyes went slightly red. This was the daughter of her best friend that had already passed away years ago. She couldn't believe it either, her son was married to their daughter.

Yang Pojun was also stumped. He didn't know what to think. Of course, he was focusing on the political side of things. So, what did this mean for the Yang and Ning Clan?

Ning Guangyao showed a comforting smile, "I heard the circumstances about you and your son."

Guo Xuehua bit her lip.

"But I think I can help you with this problem." Ning Guangyao said shocking the pair once more.

"How?!" Guo Xuehua asked hurriedly.

Ning Guangyao said earnestly, "I will be revealing the truth to Ruoxi about her mother and me. Then I will try to be the father she never had. I don't know if she will accept me but if she does then we could maybe convince your son to give you another chance."

Guo Xuehua started releasing tears at the thought of this happening.

"" Guo Xuehua said while sobbing.

Ning Guangyao smiled warmly. But in his mind, there something else going.

'Although we have been friends for years, I could hardly care about your family. Now with your son and my daughter being married, they can give birth to an heir that will joint our two clans together. The resources and connections our Ning Clan from the Illusionary Realm will get; will be tremendous.' Ning Guangyao thought.

The Illusionary Realm was a separate space where the spiritual qi was denser compared to that of the secular world. It was also being settled by powerful cultivators that have reached the Transcends Tribulations stage. But these were mainly elders and clan heads. There were also three major Clans that were top dawg in the area. The Ning Clan, the Luo Clan, and the Xiao Clan.

The Ning Clan was the most powerful since they had the most resources and the most cultivators. Ning Guangyao, being the Prime Minister, had many connections. So he can provide the necessary materials for his underworld Clan to have a comfortable life while cultivating. In truth, Ning Guangyao was more of a lap dog for the Clan so he can be replaced at any time by the inner circle.

This is also the reason, Ning Guangyao had come here. Ever since finding out, Ruoxi was married to the CEO of tbe Soaring Eagle Corporation, he was considering approaching her for her husband's connection and resources. Even after finding out Yang Chen was part of the Yang Clan, he was still conflicted. That all changed when he got a surprise visit by the elders of the Ning Clan. The Ning Clan heard about the matters going on in the secular world, especially after finding out about Yang Chen's identity and were looking for more resources since cultivators were still humans and had to eat food every once in a while.

The Ning Clan also wanted an heir between the two sides as fast as possible to solidify their connection between the two clans. Of course, Ning Guangyao wasn't against the idea since he didn't want to be replaced. There was also Guodong but the relationship between Yang Chen and Ruoxi was far too important as of right now.

Yang Pojun, hearing he can help in bringing Yang Chen to their side, felt conflicted. He hated Yang Chen but...this can help the Yang Clan greatly.

"Unfortunately, I have to take my leave now. Being the Prime Minister is very busy work." Ning Guangyao laughed wholeheartedly.

Yang Pojun laughed as well, while Guo Xuehua was still thinking about the possible near future with a happy smile. She was now feeling more lively after hearing this from her friend.