Chapter 56 (+18)

Yang Chen was in his room, sitting on his bed in a lotus position. After Ruoxi and Rose had left, he chose to cultivate in his spare time.

Yang Chen opened his eyes and started revolving his True Qi around both his hands. But something was a little different than before.

Usually, his True Qi could be visualized as light green energy. But now, the color had changed into a dark green color. This had meant, his True Qi had evolved into True Yuan.

Yang Chen was now one step closer to achieving the Great Purity Divine Thunder.

Yang Chen now stopped revolving his True Yuan around his fists and thought, 'I'll stop cultivating from here on out since I don't want lightning to be struck down here. Once I come back from Japan, I'll continue where I left off somewhere else.'

Yang Chen then got up from his bed and changed into a grey sweater and black sweatpants. He was planning on going to see Ruoxi at her office.

After Ruoxi had left the orphanage with Rose, she went back to her company since she still had some paperwork to finish up.

Rose had gone back to her bar and Jingjing had left back to her apartment. Ruoxi had liked Jingjing's character so much that they exchanged numbered between the three.

Yang Chen then teleported over to Ruoxi's company since it was evening and the staff had already finished their shifts.

Yang Chen opened the door since he already texted Ruoxi that he would be coming to see her.

Ruoxi was still in her pale yellow dress with white flowers. She also had an expensive brown fur coat over her shoulder since the climate was becoming colder as the season was changing. It would be the end of the year in a few short months and a busy time for everybody.

Ruoxi, seeing Yang Chen come in, got up from her seat, and rushed to hug him.

Yang Chen then gave Ruoxi a peck on the lips.

"Did you have fun, today?" Yang Chen asked warmly.

Ruoxi smiled sweetly, "Yup! I even made another friend today with Rose while I was at the orphanage!"

Yang Chen found her behavior cute. She was this happy about gaining another friend. So he pinched her cheeks.

"Stop that!" Ruoxi said cutely while trying to remove his hands from her cheeks.

Yang Chen chuckled and removed his hands. Ruoxi huffed and turned away.

Yang Chen then separated from her and went over to her chair and sat down. He twirled and spun the chair while looking around Ruoxi's office.

"What are you doing, I still need to complete my work." Ruoxi pouted while walking over to him.

"Fine then." Yang Chen stopped messing around before he pulled her toward him and had her sit on his lap.

"Ah!" Ruoxi yelped in surprise.

"There. You could finish work now." Yang Chen said while taking a whiff of her beautiful fragrance. He was also holding her waist tighter.

Ruoxi slightly blushed but didn't get off him. She then returned back to her paperwork.


Yang Chen slightly moved her hair to the side and started giving light kisses to her delicious neck.

Ruoxi's blush intensified, "W-What are you doing?"

Yang Chen moved to her ear and whispered, "It seems you forgot. I told you that you wouldn't be safe tonight." He then gently bit her ear.

Ruoxi slightly trembled. Her eyes became hazy as she was slowly feeling aroused.

"N-Not home..." Ruoxi managed to say.

Yang Chen smirked. He then slightly lifted up her dress so his right hand can feel her bare thighs.

Ruoxi quickly stopped his hand's movements with hers since she knew where this was heading.

"Hubby...we shouldn't..."

Yang Chen, hearing her barely audible words, just moved his left hands upward, in order, to feel her big breasts.

"Mm~" Ruoxi lightly moaned as he started fondling her left breast.

Yang Chen's right hand wasn't idle either. He was slowly moving into her secret garden until he felt something slightly wet.

"What is this? Someone can't maintain themselves." Yang Chen's said teasingly.

Ruoxi covered her face with both her hands and madly blushed.

"I-I'm sensitive down there..." Ruoxi managed to say between her hands with mosquito-like voice.

Yang Chen smiled before he moved her panties to the side and started playing with her pussy.

"Ahh~" Ruoxi moaned loudly.

Yang Chen also removed the straps from her dress, lowering it in order to see her white bra. He then unhooked her bra and started playing with her bare breasts.

Ruoxi was on cloud 9 and was lost in pleasure until she felt something hard poking her butt. She knew what this was so she started moving her hips to feel more stimulus.

Yang Chen then suddenly flipped Ruoxi around and started french kissing her.

As their tongues intertwined, Yang Chen was fondling her breast, making her moan lightly.


After separating lips, Ruoxi was breathing heavily and her eyes showed love and lust as she was staring right back at him.

Yang Chen didn't waste any time and lowered his pants slightly. His shaft then became free. He then placed his tip on her lower lips and started rubbing her slowly.

Ruoxi couldn't take any more teasing and said quickly, "Don'"

"Weren't you the one that didn't want to do this here?" Yang Chen asked with a playful smile.

Ruoxi became embarrassed and looked away.

Yang Chen didn't want to keep teasing her so he pushed his cock inside her.

"Ahh! ~" Ruoxi moaned loudly.

Yang Chen then started sucking her breast while fucking her. Ruoxi subconsciously pulled his head deeper into her breast while her hips were bouncing up and down.

Yang Chen had also moved his hands behind her and started gripping her ass.

Yang Chen then stopped sucking her breast and started kissing her. Ruoxi returned the kiss while placing her arms around his neck.

Yang Chen then got up from the chair while lifting Ruoxi as they were still kissing.

Yang Chen stopped the kiss and had Ruoxi bent over the desk. Her lovely face looked back at him as their movements had stopped but his shaft was still inside her.

Yang Chen grabbed Ruoxi's fur coat and gave it to her so it can be substituted as a pillow since he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

Yang Chen then lifted her dress so he can see her wonderful ass and her white panties.

Yang Chen slapped her ass before he started thrusting once more. Ruoxi's breast was smudged on the desk as she was being fucked from behind.

"Ahh...Ahhh~" Ruoxi moaned loudly.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Ruoxi became pale and turned around to look at Yang Chen.

"H-Hubby, stop. Someone's at the door...Ahh~"

Yang Chen didn't stop his thrusting but did slow down his pace. He then went toward her ear and whispered.

"Don't worry. I locked the door when I came in. Just act natural."

Ruoxi became dumbfounded. How was she supposed to act natural when they were literally doing an indecent act?

"Boss Lin, I've come to give my daily report today before I head off home." Said a feminine voice from the outside of the room.

It wasn't any voice either but Ruoxi's secretary, Wang Yue. It turns out she hadn't left the company yet.

"I-I's okay! You could do that tomorrow...Mmm..." Ruoxi tried to say but Yang Chen quickened his pace.

"Boss Lin, are you okay?" Wang Yue asked with slight worry.

"I-I'm could head home already..." After saying that, Ruoxi quickly covered her mouth in order to prevent any moans from escaping.

Wang Yue was confused by her boss's behavior but didn't think anything from it.

"Okay. I'll be leaving now." Wang Yue said before leaving the other side of the office.

Ruoxi still had her mouth covered and waited for a little while to make sure Wang Yue had really left.

"Ahh...Ahhh~" Ruoxi couldn't control herself and orgasmed all over Yang Chen's cock.

Yang Chen gripped her ass and grunted as he also released his cum inside her.

Ruoxi was breathing heavily and laid her head on the fur coat.

"Hubby...why didn' stop?" Ruoxi asked between breaths.

Yang Chen smirked, "Me? Weren't your hips moving during the end?"

Ruoxi madly blushed, "D-Don't speak nonsense!"

Yang Chen chuckled before he suddenly carried her.

"Hubby, at least wait for a while until we get home!" Ruoxi pouted.

"Alright. We'll head home right now." Yang Chen said while smiling.

Ruoxi was confused and was about to ask until her surroundings changed. They were now back in their bedroom.

Ruoxi's eyes widened and she looked over to Yang Chen.

"Hubby, how are we here?"

"Teleportation." Yang Chen replied.

Ruoxi suddenly remembered that he possessed many different abilities. Although it was something grand, she still felt a little weirded out about the sudden surrounding changes.

Ruoxi was still half-naked and was being carried by Yang Chen. He then walked over to the bed and placed her gently.

Ruoxi knew what was to come next. She blushed and slowly removed the clothing that was still on her body only leaving her white panties.

Yang Chen's little brother was already up and running and waiting to have another go. He then smiled and walked over to her so they can have another sleepless night.