Chapter 57

Yang Chen woke up with Ruoxi snuggling on his chest. He smiled and gently shook her.

Ruoxi opened her lazy eyes before getting up and yawning, "Morning, hubby."

Yang Chen pecked her on the lips, "Morning."

Ruoxi then got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. She was going to shower since they both slept right after their lovemaking.

Yang Chen was, of course, going to shower with her so he got up and trailed behind her.

Ruoxi cutely glared at him and said, "You better not try anything. We already did it all night."

Yang Chen crossed his heart with a serious face and headed into the bathroom.

Ruoxi nodded satisfied and followed him inside.

For the next 20 minutes, you could hear loud pleasant moans coming from inside the bathroom.

What happened inside, no one could tell.

Yang Chen walked out of the bathroom while drying his hair with a satisfied smile. Ruoxi trailed behind him while limping with a glare on her face.

"You promised!" Ruoxi shouted while blushing.

"I have made no such thing!" Yang Chen said innocently.

Ruoxi clenched her teeth, "Then why did you cross your heart."

"What are you talking about? There was just some dust on my chest and I had to wipe it off." Yang Chen said confused.

Ruoxi clenched her fist, "Hmph!"

Yang Chen smiled and held her by the waist. He then pecked her lips.

Ruoxi tried to hide her sweet smile but in the end, she couldn't. Her smile disappeared when she felt a pair of hands feeling her butt.

They both hadn't changed yet and were completely naked with the exception of the towel, Ruoxi was using to dry her body and hair.

Ruoxi revealed a frightened look as she remembered what happened in the bathroom and pleaded.

"Hubby, have mercy!"

Yang Chen chuckled and separated from her before getting changed in a black suit.

Ruoxi released a sigh of relief. She then giggled and changed into her office attire.

The couple, after finishing changing, went downstairs to have breakfast.

Wang Ma, seeing their arrival, showed a teasing smile.

"Who new, young people can scream all night long."

Ruoxi blushed, "Wang Ma!"

Wang Ma giggled and stopped her antics. They all then started eating breakfast.

As they were eating, Ruoxi asked, "Hubby, my car was left at Yu Lei's parking lot yesterday. Can you drive me there before you go to work?"

"Sure, but how can you forget something as important as your car?" Yang Chen asked while shaking his head at the latter part.

Ruoxi wrinkled her cute eyes, "Wasn't it you that brought me here last night."

Yang Chen stopped eating and he indeed remembered what happened yesterday.

"Well, let's just say, it's both our fault." Yang Chen said.

Ruoxi became stunned. How shameless could this guy get? She then turned her head and refused to speak with him throughout the breakfast.

Wang Ma was slightly snickering as at their interaction but chose to not meddle in.

Yang Chen chuckled and continued eating his breakfast.

After they were done, Yang Chen and Ruoxi got up from their seat and headed to his car. They then proceeded to head over to Yu Lei.

Once at the company, they both got out and Ruoxi asked confused, "Hubby, aren't you going to your work?"

"Can't I spend time with my woman" Yang Chen question.

Ruoxi hurriedly shook her head and smiled sweetly.

Yang Chen smiled before he placed his arm around Ruoxi and they both walked into her company.

The people at Yu Lei weren't shocked as much at the way their boss was acting toward a man since they were married but it was still a rare sight.

Ruoxi wasn't as embarrassed as the first time she came in with Yang Chen as she had a happy smile on her face while walking together with him.

They both made it to her office and entered inside. Ruoxi sat down on the sofa and snuggled next to Yang Chen. This was her office so she could do whatever she wants.

Just as they were getting comfortable, there was a knock in the door.

Ruoxi reluctantly separated from Yang Chen and got up from the couch before heading to her chair. She then madly blushed as the evidence of yesterday's act was still on her desk.

It was just her bra and the fur coat. It wasn't much but to her, it was indecent to the core. She then placed the bra and coat that smelled of weird fluids into her cabinet.

"Come in." Ruoxi said with a still visible blush in her face.

Wang Yue entered and once she saw Yang Chen, she couldn't help but look at him disdainfully. She then turned to Ruoxi and smiled.

"Boss Lin, yesterday's report is right here." Wang Yue said as she unclipped the papers from her clipboard and handing it over to Ruoxi.

Ruoxi took the papers and nodded while slightly blushing.

"Anything else?" Ruoxi asked.

"Yes, Li Minghe, our new transfer of the Muyun Group in Hong Kong has been settling in perfectly." Wang Yue said with a slight blush.

Yang Chen's ear perked up at hearing this man's name.

Ruoxi looked over at her secretary and said, "Bring him over. I need to talk to him."

Wang Yue became a little bashful at going to fetch this person but nodded quickly

Yang Chen's eyes grew cold at this man being mentioned but he stayed quiet. He wanted to observe first.

Not even five minutes and Wang Yue had already come back with a handsome man. He was tall and was wearing a blue navy suit with a red tie.

This man was Li Minghe. He had a friendly smile as he walked in and he would occasionally give noticeable glances toward Wang Yue.

Wang Yue had a slight blush but didn't say anything.

Once Li Minghe saw Ruoxi, his eyes showed absolute hatred toward her for a quick second but nobody noticed this. On the outside, he always had a friendly smile.

Yang Chen was the only one who could sense the faint killing intent he gave off for a second.

"So you're our new transfer from Hong Kong?" Ruoxi asked indifferently.

Li Minghe nodded, "Yes, Boss Lin. I hope I can reach a level that is satisfactory for the company."

Ruoxi nodded. In truth, she wouldn't care or meet him but she can tell the way Wang Yue was acting toward him. She was thinking of preparations for the future.

"Alright. Yu Lei is happy to have you. You may be excused now." Ruoxi said coldly.

Li Minghe gave a smile before turning around and walking toward the door. His vision then trailed toward the couch and nodded toward Yang Chen. He had noticed him and knew who he was so be didn't dare act recklessly.

Once Li Minghe left the room, Yang Chen got up from the sofa and said, "Ruoxi, I'll be right back."

Ruoxi smiled and nodded before turning to Wang Yue and starting speaking about some things.

Yang Chen then left the room and could see Li Minghe walking toward the elevator.

"Hey!" Yang Chen shouted toward him.

Li Minghe turned around and became confused at seeing Yang Chen. He then released a friendly smile.

"Hello, what can I do for..."

He wasn't allowed to finish as Yang Chen had slapped him.


Yang Chen had controlled his strength greatly so his slap only made him slightly dizzy.

Li Minghe started stumbling but Yang Chen had gripped his shoulder, preventing him from falling.

Li Minghe slowly regained his vision and could see Yang Chen was staring indifferently toward him.

"Listen well, walk out of this building now and never come back or I'll snap your neck."

Li Minghe needed a couple of seconds to process what is happening. Was he being threatened?!

"S-Sir, why are you doing this..." Li Minghe asked with a shaky voice.

Yang Chen's grip on his shoulder became tighter, making him grit his teeth at the pain.

"Don't fuck with me, Xue Minghe."

Li Minghe's face became deathly pale at hearing this name.

"H-How did you know..." The now named Xue Minghe said with a trembling voice.

Yang Chen didn't bother answering him and brought back his earlier question.

"What is your answer?"

Xue Minghe was shaking nervously. He didn't know what to do. His plans had been comprised and he had only just started working here for a few days.

Yang Chen sighed. He now had to explain to Ruoxi about her blood relations.

Yang Chen then dragged Xue Minghe by his suit back to Ruoxi's office.

Xue Minghe tried to squirm away but it was all for naught.

Ruoxi and Wang Yue were surprised by Yang Chen's sudden entry but became even more shocked when he saw how he was dragging Xue Minghe like a dog.

"What are you doing?!" Shouted Wang Yue worried for Xue Minghe

Yang Chen looked at her for a second, "Shut up and get out." He then looked over to Ruoxi.

Wang Yue gritted her teeth and was about bark back when she heard her boss.

"Wang Yue, can you leave the room." Ruoxi said gently.

Wang Yue was speechless and became conflicted. She could never disobey her boss's demand so she nodded and started walking out the room while glaring hatefully at Yang Chen.

Once she was gone, Ruoxi turned to Yang Chen. She would always be on Yang Chen's side no matter what. She was already finding Xue Minghe a little weird and was going to investigate him. So seeing Yang Chen bring him inside the way he did, made her suspicions strengthen.

Yang Chen threw Xue Minghe on the ground without mercy.

"Ah!" Xue Minghe shouted in pain. He was about to stand up furiously until he suddenly felt a foot on his back, holding him down.

Yang Chen had a serious expression while looking at Ruoxi.

"Ruoxi, do you know any relatives from your mother's side?" Yang Chen asked.

Ruoxi slightly trembled. Why would he ask this, especially now?

Ruoxi shook her head and didn't respond. Ever since growing up, her mother would never pay attention to her. No matter how hard she tried, her mother just wouldn't look her way. She would always see her mother with this sad and lonely expression and it pained her to see this.

Yang Chen looked down over to the Xue Minghe, who had stayed quiet when he heard him start to talk about Ruoxi's mother. If you could see, his face became twisted and his eyes showed pure rage.

Yang Chen then looked to Ruoxi and said gently.

"This man is named Xue Minghe and he is your maternal cousin from your mother's side. He only came to work for you so he can scheme against you and take over Yu Lie International."

"That's because Yu Lei International belongs to us! The Xue Clan! If it wasn't for this bitch and her betraying mother, then we wouldn't have lost everything!" Xue Minghe couldn't control his anger and shouted in fury.

Yang Chen was now annoyed. So he knocked him out with his True Yuan and looked over to Ruoxi.

Ruoxi's face had turned pale. Her mind was in turmoil as she heard Xue Minghe. What did this mean about her mother and her grandmother?

It was stated that Ruoxi's grandmother had founded Yu Lei International but she now didn't know what to believe.

Ruoxi looked toward Yang Chen's eyes with bitterness.

"H-How do you know this, hubby?" Ruoxi managed to ask.

Yang Chen sighed deeply, "I had my people investigate this after finding out something about Lin Kun."

Ruoxi's breathing started to become slightly unstable.

Yang Chen walked up to her and hugged her gently.

Ruoxi became calmer as she was in his embrace.

After a couple of seconds, Yang Chen asked gently.

"Do you want to know?"

Ruoxi nodded while still in his embrace.

"...He is not your biological father. He was born sterile."

Yang Chen hugged her tighter as she trembled uncontrollably.

After a couple of minutes, Ruoxi looked up and showed a sad smile with dull eyes toward him.

"I knew it...I knew he never looked at me like a turns out, I wasn't..."

Yang Chen wanted to kill Lin Kun right now but he forcefully controlled himself. He would be paying him a visit real soon.

"Is there more..." Ruoxi asked with a soft tone.

Yang Chen nodded with a bitter smile.

Ruoxi snuggled gently back into his chest, "I'm ready."

"Your biological father...he has always known your situation. He just never approached you because he believes it would hurt his image."

Yang Chen could feel hot tears on his chest. Ruoxi's heart couldn't take this much. After finding out the truth about Lin Kun and now about her crushed her. Her mother didn't look her way, her stepfather hated her, and her biological father just refused her without even meeting her.

Yang Chen clenched his fists. There would be a lot of people that would be dying real soon.

Yang Chen then held her as she cried her heart out in his embrace.

After a couple of minutes, Ruoxi stopped crying and her breathing was stable. This had meant she was fast asleep.

Yang Chen smiled warmly and carried her. He then looked over to Xue Minghe, who was still knocked out, before taking out his phone and sending a message toward someone.

Yang Chen put his phone away and teleported back to his house since he wasn't about to let anyone see her in this condition, other than Wang Ma. Their cars would be brought back later by some of his subordinates after they complete their recent objective.

Yang Chen placed Ruoxi on the bed before going downstairs to look for Wang Ma.