Chapter 58

(AN: Sorry for the not uploading recently. I haven't been feeling too well these days and it was difficult to write this. Don't worry, it's none of that serious sh*t and I'm feeling quite better already. I'll try to write another chap but it will be a little tough so no promises:)

Yang Chen headed downstairs and could see Wang Ma doing some chores.

Wang Ma was a bit surprised seeing Yang Chen back at the house.

"Young Master, didn't you and the Young Miss head to work not too long ago?"

Yang Chen shook his head.

Wang Ma could tell something wasn't right.

"Young Master is something wrong?" Wang Ma asked with worry.

Yang Chen frowned and started explaining what just occurred with Ruoxi.

Wang Ma had many different facial expressions as she was hearing the recent events until she heard that Ruoxi was upstairs.

"Is the Young Miss okay?!" Wang Ma shouted panickily.

Yang Chen nodded, "She's upstairs right now. Wang Ma, I have something to do so look after her while I'm gone."

Wang Ma sighed in relief, "Okay. Just stay safe, Young Master."

Yang Chen gave a slight smile and nodded before he left the house.


In a dark room made of stone, there was a young man in a blue suit chained up to the wall. He slowly opened his eyes and could barely see a thing.

This was precisely Xu Minghe. He was confused and stood up before noticing his legs were being restrained making him unable to move from his spot.

Xue Minghe was starting to feel scared at his current circumstances. He then started to hear a voice that was really close to him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." A male voice kept repeating these words to himself in a soft voice.

"Who's there?!" Xue Minghe shouted toward the direction where the sound was coming from. He wanted to know the person that was speaking.

Xue Minghe got no answer and kept hearing these same words. Almost as if the one behind these words couldn't hear anything besides himself.

Xue Minghe was going to shout again until a door opened revealing the light from the outside.

Xue Minghe put his hand in front of his eyes in order to protect himself from the sudden brightness. He could barely see the figure of a man walking inside.

The door closed and the room became dark until a light was turned on, illuminating the whole room.

Xue Minghe squinted his eyes and adjusted to the lighting and saw Yang Chen staring at him with an emotionless face.

Xue Minghe was shocked before he became afraid as he noticed what position he was in right now.

Yang Chen was looking at him before his vision trailed to the side of him. It was a middle-aged man with a full head of white hair. His body was skinny like he has been starved for days.

This person was Lin Kun. You couldn't even recognize him anymore at how different he looked. He was sitting while holding his knees and rocking back and forth.

Xue Minghe also saw how broken Lin Kun looked and started sweating nervously.

After Lin Kun had tried to kill himself, Yang Chen had him relocated to this place.

Yang Chen wouldn't care if he tried to kill himself again but right now he was very pissed off.

Lin Kun looked toward Yang Chen and shouted fearfully.

"Ah!" Lin Kun then started crawling toward Yang Chen's feet while saying quickly.

"S-Sorry sir, Sorry sir, Sorry sir..."

Yang Chen was annoyed and kicked him on the head.


Lin Kun's head hit the stone wall and started bleeding mildly.

Lin Kun was hardly affected by this and quickly kotowed toward Yang Chen and started apologizing repeatedly.

Xue Minghe, seeing this, was now scared shitless. What did this man have to go through to become like this?!

Yang Chen looked toward Xue Minghe and asked, " Do you want to live?"

Xue Minghe nodded subconsciously while sweat was dripping from his forehead.

Yang Chen then said while motioning toward Lin Kun.

"Then kill this guy with your bare hands and you'll live."

Xue Minghe's face turned pale. There was only one person he had the guts to take away their life from. But he couldn't do it by his bare hands either, he wasn't a cold murderer. Especially an unknown man that looked really sick.

Yang Chen furrowed his brows, "What's wrong? Not up to it?"

Xue Minghe became conflicted. After a couple of seconds, he finally made up his mind. It was either this man or him, he didn't have to think that deeply into it. Especially after knowing nothing about this man, made it quite easier for him to do it.

Xue Minghe started walking toward Lin Kun with an apologetic and pity expression.

"Sorry Mister, but I want to live." Xie Minghe whispered to himself.

The chains that were holding him could barely reach Lin Kun's position.

Xue Minghe was now in front of him and apologized again in a soft tone so he could hear.

Suddenly, Lin Kun got up furiously and jumped onto Xue Minghe. He then started attacking relentlessly.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Xue Minghe shouted while protecting himself from Lin Kun.

Lin Kun didn't respond and kept attacking him while screaming his lungs out. His eyes were also bloodshot.

(AN: My precious...)


They both fell on the floor while Lin Kin didn't stop his assault. His body was weak so his punches didn't amount to anything but he made up for it by scratching, biting, etc...

Xue Minghe was starting to become bruised from these attacks so he reached with one hand toward a big rock that wasn't far from him before hitting Lin Kun on the head with it.


Lin Kun fell off of Xue Minghe and started bleeding more from his head.

Xue Minghe didn't stop there either, he rushed toward Lin Kun and started hitting him on the face with the rock repeatedly.

*Bam, Bam, Bam...*

After a couple more seconds, Xue Minghe finally stopped while breathing heavily. Lin Kun's face was unrecognizable now as it was covered with blood and some flesh was off his face.

Lin Kun was now dead.

Xue Minghe looked toward the corpse and just kept looking at it while being absent-minded.


The rock that was in Xue Minghe's hands fell on the floor. He then looked toward his hands which were covered in blood. His face also had some of the blood from Lin Kun.

Xue Minghe looked back toward the corpse and threw up whatever was in his stomach. He then held himself while shivering uncontrollably.

Suddenly there was a clap coming from his side, making Xue Minghe turn his head toward the direction of the sound.

Yang Chen was watching the whole ordeal with an indifferent face while clapping.

"You get to live."

Xue Minghe didn't even feel anything toward those words. His mind was still remembering the scene that just occurred.

"Why so down? You get to live, well whatever. Don't worry though, your efforts weren't in vain. And since I'm so nice I'll even reward you." Yang Chen said with a grin.

Suddenly the door opened and a big burly man entered the room. He had short hair and had a ruggard beard.

Xue Minghe looked toward him and became deathly pale. He then subconsciously crawled backward until his back hit the stone wall.

"It seems you remember this fellow over here. Well, he was your good buddy back in prison." Yang Chen said with a chuckle.

Years ago, Xue Minghe was sent to jail for a crime he didn't commit. He didn't have a backing since his Clan had fallen and they were forced to move toward the United States in a shitty unknown town. Those months in that place were constant hell for his body, mind, and soul.

The burly man released and evil grin while licking his lips, "Missed you so much bud! I was recently bailed out just to come and hang out with you. How awesome is that!"

Xue Minghe shouted subconsciously, "Don't come closer!"

The burly man started walking toward him, "What's wrong my friend? Don't you want a hug from your best pal?" He even saw the bloody corpse that was not too far from him but this didn't affect him. He had seen much worse.

Xue Minghe looked toward Yang Chen and begged, "Please not this! Anything but this!"

"Stop!" Yang Chen shouted toward the burly man.

The burly man stopped and didn't move. He wouldn't dare disobey the man that bailed him out.

Suddenly Yang Chen appeared in front of Xue Minghe instantaneously.

Xue Minghe widened his eyes but before he could say anything, he felt a hand grasping his neck and lifting him off the ground.

"You tried to take over my woman's business and you were even planning to kill her." Yang Chen said coldly. He was extremely angered by this.

Xue Minghe couldn't breathe but he still let out a painful "No". He would do anything to survive so he didnt dare explain the truth.

Yang Chen looked at him right in the eyes and said, " You will stay in this room for the rest of your life while this man will come and visit you from time to time. Oh, and the person that was helping you, she'll get what's coming to her."

With that said, Yang Chen dropped Xue Minghe on the ground mercilessly and started walking toward the door.

Xue Minghe started coughing painfully while holding his neck.

"He's all yours." Yang Chen said indifferently to the burly man before leaving the room.

The burly man was already sweating nervously and subconsciously nodded. Once he was gone, he looked at Xue Minghe and smirked.

"You messed with someone you shouldn't have, cupcake." The burly man said while licking his lips before walking toward Xue Minghe.

Xue Minghe was shivering immensely and backed up even more but it was all for naught.

Outside the room, you could hear painful screams and cries.