Chapter 59

Yang Chen returned home and went upstairs towards his bedroom. He opened the door and saw Ruoxi sitting on the bed while looking absentmindedly toward the window.

Wang Ma was also inside the room while sitting on a chair as her face was filled with sorrow.

They both turn their heads at the sound of the door opening.

Ruoxi released a faint smile, "Hi hubby."

Yang Chen smiled before he looked toward Wang Ma.

"Wang Ma, let's talk for a bit."

"Okay, Young Master." Wang Ma said before getting up and leaving the room.

Yang Chen looked at Ruoxi and said, "I'll be back in a bit."

Ruoxi nodded before she turned back to the window.

Yang Chen left the room and looked toward Wang Ma who was waiting in the hallway.

"Did you say something to Ruoxi?" Yang Chen asked.

Wang Ma nodded hesitantly and started explaining.

Wang Ma had informed Ruoxi that her mother had fallen in love with her biological father when she was young and never stopped loving him. This had caused her to neglect her daughter over the separation from her lover. There was still some rare occasion where they would meet, all thanks to the Old CEO

Wang Ma had also explained that Lin Kun was always so cruel toward Ruoxi because he had known about his supposed wife's cheating even though they never loved each other. Along with the fact that he was sterile, made his pride diminish greatly. Every time he would see Ruoxi, he couldn't help but be reminded by the fact of his shitty life.

Lin Kun's mother supported the cheating of her daughter in law and accepted Ruoxi as if she was her own flesh in blood. This had caused his anger to take a new toll and escalated when he received news that Ruoxi would become the successor for the Old CEO.

This was all Wang Ma had known and noticed as she was working for the Ruoxi's grandmother all these years. She still never knew the name of Ruoxi's biological father.

Wang Ma wiped her eyes as she finished recounting the story.

"I'm sorry Young Master for not saying this earlier." Wang Ma said with a guilty expression.

Yang Chen waved his hand and smiled warmly, "It's alright. Besides, this was all before. There is no reason to be stuck in the past."

Wang Ma released a gentle smile, "You're probably right. Well, I should leave you to the Young Miss now."

Yang Chen nodded and entered the bedroom.

Ruoxi turned to him and saw that his hands were behind his back seemingly carrying something.

"Hubby, what do you have behind you?" Ruoxi asked curiously.

Yang Chen smiled and revealed what he was carrying. It was a box of glutinous rice balls that he had quickly made when he entered the room.

Ruoxi revealed a tender smile before stretching her arms out like a child.

Yang Chen rolled his eyes, "What, are you a kid now?"

"Yes. Now gimme, please?" Ruoxi asked while her eyes were focused on the glutinous rice balls.

Yang Chen chuckled before he took one rice ball for himself and gave her the rest.

Ruoxi grabbed a rice ball quickly and started nibbling on it.

Yang Chen then went to lay down on the bed, making Ruoxi lean up against him, before eating the rice ball.

While they were enjoying their time together, Yang Chen suddenly asked something that made Ruoxi stop eating.

"Do you want to know that man's name?"

Ruoxi didn't need to question him as she knew what he was talking about.

After a couple of seconds of silence, Ruoxi lowered her head and nodded hesitantly.

"His name is Ning Guangyao. The Prime Minister of China."

Ruoxi froze. The rice ball that was in her hand fell on the bed. She was absolutely shocked.

It was minutes before she finally regained her train of thought. She then looked up to Yang Chen, just to see his serious face.

It all made sense now. The reason he never approached her or even tried to communicate with her was because of his position.

Ruoxi's eyes started to turn red but she refused to let any tears come down. If that man chose his position over his daughter then why should she care for him?

It wasn't worth shedding tears for a man like that. So Ruoxi didn't.

Ruoxi then picked up the rice ball that had fallen on the bed and put it back inside the box. She then snuggled onto Yang Chen's chest.

"Hubby, let's not talk about this anymore." Ruoxi said softly.

Yang Chen smiled warmly. It seems Ruoxi wasn't going to be blinded by the relation of blood.



Ruoxi opened her eyes only to see Yang Chen changing into a black suit.

"Morning Hubby." Ruoxi greeted lazily. She was still wrapped in blankets as she was naked right now.

Yang Chen smiled as he remembered their good night yesterday.

"Ruoxi, don't go to work today. We will be leaving for Japan later today." Yang Chen said as he finished changing.

Ruoxi became excited. She needed a break from all these sudden matters so it was a perfect time to leave.

"Okay. I just need to make a few calls and then I'll pack up with Wang Ma. Where are you going then?" Ruoxi asked curiously.

"I'm going to go have a chat with some people before I go pick up Rose. Then I'll come back so we can head to the airport." Yang Chen replied while making his way toward Ruoxi.

Ruoxi started to worry, "Hubby, I won't ask but please be careful."

Yang Chen pecked her on the lips, "Don't worry. It's just a small chat with some people. Nothing serious."

Ruoxi's worry began to ease and nodded.



Yang Chen was in his in his office, sitting on his chair. He was flipping through some documents as he was waiting for someone.

The door to Yang Chen's office opened and his assistant walked in.

"Sir, she's here." The assistant said respectfully.

"Good. Let her in. By the way, have the plane ready since I'll be leaving with my family today."

The assistant nodded and went to retrieve the guest.

A few minutes later, an elegant middle-aged lady with short brown hair walked in. She was dressed in a white formal western suit and a pair of black high heels while carrying an expensive white bag over her shoulder. It was obvious this lady took great care in maintaining her outward appearance.

The lady looked around the office with a carefree expression. As if nothing could make her worry.

"So why would the CEO of the Soaring Eagle Corporation want to meet me?" The lady asked.

Yang Chen looked up from the documents that were in his desk and replied.

"Don't play stupid, woman. You know why I wanted to meet you."

The woman lightly giggled, "You surely don't like to play. Hey, how did that bitch of a wife of yours react to my little present?"

Yang Chen grabbed the documents that were in his desk and showed it to her.

"You mean this?"

The woman raised an eyebrow, "Has she not seen it then?"

"Nope." Yang Chen replied.

These documents had all the information regarding Ruoxi's leftover family that was residing back in the US. It also stated that they were being held captive and all the details regarding the decline of the Xue Clan caused by her mother.

Yang Chen, of course, wasnt going to show this to Ruoxi. She had enough on her plate right now and this would make her conflicted. She would think this was all her fault and she would do anything to save these people.

'They probably hate Ruoxi and her mother, after all, they've been through so why should I save these people. Ruoxi would never meet them and they would probably try to take back Yu Lei after knowing the great success it has shown over the years.' Yang Chen thought indifferently.

The woman clicked her tongue. "What a waste of time then. Especially that useless Xue Minghe."

This woman was the Prime Minister's wife, Luo Cuishan. The document had also stated that she was the one that had planned out everything so Ruoxi could know who had hated her so much that she would send her this.

"I have been keeping an eye on these people for years, especially that Xue Minghe. And after not hearing his daily report about the scheme, I know he has already failed. It's only been a few days and he already fell flat, come on! How can someone be so useless!" Luo Cuishan complained.

Luo Cuishan looked at Yang Chen, "It was probably you, right? Well, it doesn't matter, this visit was a complete waste of time. I'm leaving now.

Luo Cuishan then walked toward the door and opened it.


The door was shut right in front of her face, preventing her from leaving.

Luo Cuishan widened her eyes. How could the door close itself?

"Who said you can leave?" Yang Chen asked indifferently.

Luo Cuishan turned around and looked coldly toward him.

"Do you not care about Ruoxi's relatives? I could have those dogs be put down whenever I want."

"You could torture them for all I care." Yang Chen replied.

Luo Cuishan became stunned for a second. She then regained her composure and quickly pulled out a small handgun from her bag and pointed it at him.

"Do you really think I'm stupid to come unprepared? Those documents are just copies and I could send Ruoxi more of them."

This was one of Luo Cuishan's bargaining chips.

"And besides, have you forgotten who I am? I am the clanswoman of the Ning Clan and the First Lady of this country! If you dare to hurt me, I will make sure the entire China would be in for your head!" Luo Cuishan shouted resolutely.

Luo Cuishan continued, "If I am not back in Beijing in the next hour, my people will know something is wrong. It will also be publicly known to them that I came specifically here. Unless you and your family don't want to become the targets of many people, I suggest you let me leave."

Yang Chen chuckled, making Luo Cuishan confused.

Suddenly the handgun that was in her hand started trembling before it was slowly aiming toward her leg.

Luo Cuishan started sweating nervously as the sudden force was overpowering her. Before she was even able to let a shout the gun went off.


"Ah!" The gun dropped to the floor while Luo Cuishan shouted painfully as she fell on the ground and clutched her leg.

Yang Chen quickly knocked her out with his True Yuan as he didn't want to hear her annoying screaming.

The door of the office opened and the assistant walked in again.

"Take her to the place." Yang Chen said indifferently.

The assistant nodded and asked, "Anything else, sir?"

Yang Chen thought for a second, "Have our men taken the serum yet?"

"Yes. With Miss Jane's help, we successfully recreated the serum. The men back overseas have yet to take it but all the men in this building have."

Yang Chen nodded, "Alright. We will have a lot more visitors soon. If they dare to attack first..."

"Kill them all."

The assistant nodded and bowed respectfully before picking up Luo Cuishan and leaving.

Yang Chen was now considering leaving this country for good. He wouldn't really care if there was a bloody battle on the streets caused by him but he didn't want his family to be heavily affected by this.

"Well, it all comes down to the people that would be showing up soon." Yang Chen said to himself before going to make a few calls on his phone.