An undetermined day, an undetermined month, and an undetermined year

There is nothing. Not even darkness. Not even colour. It is something inexplicable, something unknown to people, alive people, something like…

"Andrew! Someone call an…"

[May… May? Are you there? Wait, where am I? I remember feeling a sharp pain and now I'm in this, this…

Empty space.]


[I feel a strong warmth embracing me, but it gets colder by the second. I don't want this. Where am I? Am I dead? I can't be dead. This is just a dream, after passing out. I'll wake up any minute now. Any second now.]

[I'm not waking up. I've made up my mind, I'll stay here forever! It is calm, and I can think about anything. And if I do wake up eventually, I'll tell people about this realm. I need to give it a name. I thought of Shadow Realm but that's a bit unoriginal. It has to be something dark, though. This silence gives me dark vibes.]

The temperature in the 'empty space' drops.

[I don't know how long I've been here, but I don't even think time exists here. That drop in temperature scared me, it's really cold now, really, really cold. It feels like my thoughts want me to talk to someone, but I don't think anyone will hear me. Oh! I know of a name. I'm going to call this: Empty Space. I still don't know why I have to think like this. If a God were controlling me, it would probably be a way for him to understand hear my thoughts. Being transferred here after my death really made me think a God could exist, although I don't want to believe it.]

[It feels like years just passed, but also just seconds. Time is truly gone.]

[I don't have anything to think about anymore, now that I think about it. I also can't seem to touch myself, so spending time that way isn't an option either.]

[The cold is making me really sleepy, so I guess I'll give in. Maybe I'll wake up again this time.]

An extremely loud sizzling sound wakes Andrew up. He tries to open his eyes, but his eyelids feel as if they are bound to each other. The sound seems to settle down, and other sounds become audible. His eyelids are also lightening. He is able to open his eyes slightly, and looks in front of him. He is laying on some kind of hospital bed, and he starts to pick up on a conversation of the people behind the glass.

"Brain waves have stabilized, it looks like he is trying to look around too. I think this is a success." The people behind the glass seem happy. "Let's see, time and date of waking up…"

Sunday, June 18th at 3:34 am, in the year 2056.