
The two stepped out of the Ferris Wheel; their faces were redder than the setting sun. Clasping her hand in his, the two of them walked down the pier, enjoying the sound of the waves and one another's presence. All the while, Raishun's scroll buzzed in his back pocket. After 3 minutes of non-stop buzzing, he held it up to his ear with an annoyed expression.

"Jesus, what's the big-"

"Raishun! What took you so long!" Laura's voice rang clear through the speaker, her frantic tone worrying the legion. "Gil and I found her, the one who hurt Alisa!"

"What!? Are you sure?"

"I'm looking at them now. They're at the docks with a group of White Fang. They seem to be in the midst of some operation." She explained, "I'm at Pier 3, by the wharf. Gil went back to retrieve our weapons, we'll strike when he returns."

The line abruptly cut, leaving Raishun to stand with the scroll pressed to his ear. [This is it. My chance at revenge, for everything they've done to me.] Fury rose in his stomach, and he felt his semblance briefly burst to life, sending sparks all over the floor behind him. [I'll finally be free.]

He felt Carmila squeeze his hand, her eyes locking onto his nervously.

"Is something wrong? You have a scary look on your face."

"I'm alright. Laura called, she found someone who we've been trying to hunt down for a long time." Letting his anger ebb away, he flashed a sardonic smile at Carmila. "I hate to do this, but you should get back to Beacon. I don't want you getting caught up in my fight."

Carmila's demure demeanor left her. She straightened herself out, eyes brimming with confidence as she started fishing through the purse on her arm. "You won't be getting rid of me that easy. I'm coming with you."

"Hell no! If you want to help, you can tell the teachers at Beacon what's going on. If something happened to you I'd-"

His breath quickly hitched in his throat when he felt an intense pressure on his hand. Looking down, he saw Carmila slowly crushing his hand in hers. The usually cute smile she wore was gone, replaced by a dangerous smile. "Yes I am~ I need to make sure you don't get hurt okay~."

"O-okay." The pressure quickly subsided the moment the words left his mouth. With a sigh of relief, he flexed the muscles in his hand. For the first time in his life, he could understand how Yona was the dominant figure in Castor's relationship.

"Good. Now lead the way, I'm excited to meet this Laura."


Finding pier 3 was a piece of cake, though the sun had long since set when Raishun and Carmila arrived. The duo took care to stay low to the ground and close to the shadows as they approached. To their surprise, they saw Laura peering over a large stack of boxes. Noticing their presence, Laura turned and beckoned the two of them closer.

"Hurry!" She said in a hushed whisper.

Heeding her instructions, they joined her behind the boxes and poked their head over the top. Numerous White Fang grunts were moving boxes filled to bursting with dust, their faces all obscured by Grimm-esque masks. Several of them stood guard on the other end of the pier, their large rifles held at the ready.

Laura's eyes snapped to the pair, specifically on Carmila. "You're Carmila right? Raishun has told us so much about you, it's nice to finally meet you in person." She gave a half bow, something which gave her difficulty as they were crouched down. "I'm Laura, the leader of Team Regalia."

"So I've heard." Carmila replied coldly, her hands clutching Raishun's arm protectively. "You're the one who caused the misunderstanding. I'm torn about how I feel about you. Because of you, Raishun was lost in the forest fighting for his life when we found him."

"What? You told us you spent those months at your uncles shop!" Laura snapped at Raishun in annoyance, "You never mentioned a life or death battle."

"I didn't want you all to worry!" Raishun replied in a hushed tone, "Besides I lived didn't I?"

"That isn't the issue!" Laura let out a quiet sigh and turned to Carmila. "I don't expect you to forgive me, but can I count on your assistance for dealing with these criminals?"

"Yoohoo!~ As much as I love watching soap operas, I'm afraid I have to butt in just this once."

The three Huntsmen jumped backwards and watched as a tall man strolled around the boxes. He wore a black bolo hat on top of neat side-parted orange hair. His white coat stood out in the darkness, along with the cane he spun in his hand. With a dramatic wind-up, he bowed before the three of them.

"I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you fair ladies yet. Oh, and let's not forget Vale's very own Tyrant as well!" He turned towards the grunts and whistled for them to come over. "Boys! Let's give them a warm welcome."

A pair of White Fang grunts approached, their heavy black rifles trained on the trio. While Raishun had seen bullets ping off aura with minimal damage, he wasn't confident enough to try it here. Much to his surprise, however, Carmila stepped in front of him, throwing her arm out protectively. Her hand began to slide to her hip but quickly stopped when Roman clicked his tongue.

"Ah, ah, ah! Hands where I can see them." The tall man levelled his cane with Laura's forehead, the tip flipping open to reveal a crosshair. "We wouldn't want my finger to slip now would we?"

Carmila glared at the man but pulled her hand back over her head. One of the grunts moved forward, snatched the spear from her hip, and rejoined his comrade.

"I'm usually not so rude to my guests, but this is one job I can't afford to mess up. You're free to go once we're done here, until then stay put like good little kids." He gestured towards the other grunts, "Keep moving people, unless you want Cinder to roast us alive!"

The man walked back towards the crowd of grunts, leaving the trio along with their guards. Raishun was content to follow orders. While he disliked the idea of the man getting away with his crimes, there wasn't much he could do unarmed. He wouldn't do anything that would put Laura, much less Carmila, at risk.

That all changed when he saw them. Walking through the middle of the pier was a figure clad in a tattered black cloak. They seemed ethereal, seeming to float over the ground they walked on. The grunts did their best to ignore them, and many went out of their way to steer clear of them.

[That's them! They're the one who trapped me in this hell!] Raishun thought, his body quickly tensing nervously.

[Not a day has passed where I haven't seen them in your memory.] Serah's voice rang through his head. While he couldn't see her, the tone of her voice told him she was bristling with anger. [I want to kill them as much as you do, but we have to be patient. Gil's on his way with our weapons, and we can't put the other two in danger.]

The figure turned its head towards the group. They could see nothing under the hood; it was like a never-ending abyss that stared through them. With a confident shrug of their shoulders, the figure shook their head in annoyance and continued on their way.

[They don't even remember me.] Despite the rage boiling in his stomach, a small part of him felt relieved. It was that part that made him feel so ashamed. [Was I so insignificant that I wasn't worth remembering?]

[Raishun, remember what I said about being patient?] Serah's voice growled in his mind as he felt his arms start to burn with energy. [Forget all that. We're taking them down.]