Raishun had fought countless battles throughout his life. From days spent studying complex course material to meticulously practiced duels on his high school stage. Add in the life and death skirmishes against Grimm, and he could be considered a somewhat experienced fighter. Yet even all those battles paled in comparison to what he was facing today.
It all started in the morning when Laura and Serah found out he was planning on going to his date wearing his school uniform. The two of them started yelling at him for his choice of clothing. This reaction only grew worse when he recommended his Grimm hunting outfit as a replacement. The white-haired huntress was so put off by his suggestion that she took it upon herself to make him presentable. Serah had taken over his body and trapped him in a chair while Laura styled his hair. Once she was done, Gil had lent him some clothes, which seemed to have been hastily altered to fit him.
"I'll have to ask Gil about any other skills he has when I get back." Raishun stroked a finger through his hair, slightly grimacing at how neat it was. His usually wild hair had been somewhat tamed. Many of the stray tufts of hair had been combed into place, and gel made sure it wouldn't come undone.
Likewise, the clothes Gil had lent him felt foreign on his body. A simple pair of dark brown pants, a black dress shirt, and a white t-shirt. The whole ensemble reminded him too much of what he'd worn back on Earth.
[It's kinda jarring in a way like I can close my eyes, and I'll be back in my room.] He chuckled half-heartedly at the thought. [Like that'll happen, though. Serah, how do I look?]
[Hmmm....] He could feel the spirit's eyes on every inch of his body. Her consciousness rhythmically poked against his, not unlike the way a cat would toy with its prey. When she came to a decision, the prodding stopped, and she let out a content hum. [Yeah, it's good enough for a date... buuuuut, if we added another layer, it'll be good enough for our wedding. Maybe even the honeymoon after!~ Hehehehee!]
Raishun could only roll his eyes at his partners' perverted cackling. It was easy for him to imagine her with a nosebleed that rivaled Yona's during his fight with Castor. He could only hope the floor would be free of blood the next time he visited the troublesome spirit.
A quick tap on his shoulder pulled him away from the disturbing thought. Turning around, his eyes settled upon a bashful Carmila. Her outfit was identical to the night of his exhibition match, only with the addition of a pale green vest and a black sweater tied loosely around her hips.
The two of them silently admired one another until their eyes met. The two of them bashfully looked away, only to sneak small discreet glances at the other.
"You look beautiful." Raishun said, mustering all the confidence he could. "The vest really compliments your hair."
"Thanks." She murmured while playing with her fingers, "You look really cool."
"Glad to hear it. I wouldn't wanna look lame on our date." Pushing his anxiety to the side, he gestured to the city with his hands. "Check it out. This place doesn't get any better than during the Vytal Festival."
Carmila looked around the city center. A countless number of people walked in tightly packed groups throughout the streets. Shop owners hastily put up decorations and posters depicting the teams that would be participating in the tournament. The atmosphere was abuzz with excitement, and it made her feel warm on the inside.
"So this is Vytal." She said in an awestruck voice. "It was never this busy whenever I'd come to buy supplies for the village. I can't imagine how people don't lose their minds in such a tight crowd." Her shoulders lowered as she seemed to curl into herself just a tiny bit at the sight of the crowds.
At those words, Raishun cringed. [Damn! That's right, she's shy! I forgot because we got so used to being around each other.] Dispelling his doubts with a shake of his head, he smiled apologetically at the purple-haired girl. "Sorry, I know crowds can be a little intimidating. I know a couple of roads we can take to avoid the crowds."
Carmila blinked at his words. For a moment, Raishun thought he'd ruined the day for her, but all his worries disappeared the moment she smiled softly. It was the same smile she wore whenever she'd tease him. Before he could utter a word, she clasped his hand and hers, squeezing it for comfort.
"You're such a meanie, thinking up an excuse to hold a girls hand." She said, her chinks tinged a light shade of red. "The crowds won't bother me so long as you don't let go."
"Good." He breathed a sigh of relief, "I know a couple of shops we could hit if you're hungry, and there are some places where you can get a good view of the city."
"I'd be happy to have some food. But first I need to buy some new clothing." She stepped forward, dragging him along with a finger pressed against her lips. "You'll carry my bags, won't you?"
As the sun started to descend below the horizon, Raishun and Carmila found themselves inside one of the many cars of a Ferris wheel. The view of the marina and the lights from the city were beautiful. No sooner had the two sat down than Carmila began to fuss over the blue-haired Legion.
"Fufufu! I can't believe you managed to get ice cream all over your face like that. Right before we hopped onto the ride too." Carmila laughed while dabbing at Raishun's cream-covered cheek with a handkerchief. "I understand you were trying to cheer up that crying child but still... how on Remnant did the ice-cream end up in your hair?"
"I have no idea." Raishun let out a half-hearted chuckle, leaning forward so Carmila could dab at his cheeks easier from her spot across from him. "The trick was to lean back so the coin would slide down my neck and come out through my sleeve. I dunno how I messed up, but it was like the coin and the ice-cream swapped places."
"I think that child liked the sight of ice cream in your hair more than he did your magic trick." With a satisfied nod, she finished removing the last of the ice cream. Her attention suddenly shifted from him to their surroundings. The car was starting to reach the top of the ring, and she was happy to enjoy the view from up high.
Raishun, on the other hand, couldn't see outside very well due to the mountain of bags beside him, all full of clothes Carmila had bought. It didn't bother him much, not when he had something far prettier to look at. The last rays of the sun illuminated Carmila's face in such a divine light that he couldn't tear his eyes away from her.
It was because he was so transfixed by her beauty that he noticed her fingers fidgeting in her lap.
"Something on your mind?" He asked in a concerned voice, "Do I still have some in my hair? I could've sworn I washed it all off."
"No, it's nothing like that. It's just..." She glanced at him bashfully, then looked down at her hands. "When will you be coming back to Dadabarunga? If you come back, will things be the same as before?"
"It takes 4 years for a student to get a huntsman license from Beacon. Once my four years are up, I'll come home." He explained, "Things'll be different, I'll be able to stand on somewhat equal ground with you and the others. There'll be times where I have to leave to take on requests from the Kingdom, but it'll be worth it if it means I can provide for you-"
He quickly stopped himself, realizing that he'd just exposed a sensitive piece of information. From the red pigment on Carmila's cheeks, it seemed she picked up on it as well.
"It seems I've let the cat out of the bag." He said with a nervous laugh. "I planned on telling you right from the get go, but I wasn't sure how."
"You told me just now didn't you?" Carmila moved and sat beside him. Her hand sought out his, clasping it before slipping her fingers between his. "You're not the only one who couldn't choose the right time to say what they really feel."
Turning her body towards him, she undid the ring around his neck with her free hand. "It's a village tradition for mother's to gift a ring to their daughters when they're born. When we find someone we want to be with, we make them a ring that resembles ours, only with our own little touch."
Holding the inside of the ring to the light, Raishun could see the metal wasn't all gold. Two lines were running through the center of the metal, one blue and the other purple. They seemed to be made of some sort of gemstone as they shone brightly in the setting sun.
"I know it looks a bit cliché." She said, "But I thought it was nice. You could look at it when we're apart, and remember me. That you have a home to come back to."
Placing the ring back in his hands, she looped a finger through her own and pulled it free. Holding the two side by side, they were indeed nearly identical. Other than Carmila's alterations, the only difference between the two was that hers was copper in color.
"It's beautiful." He whispered, though deep down, he felt embarrassed. She'd given him such a heartfelt gift, and he'd taken her clothes shopping in return. "I wish I had more to offer you than a promise."
"You've given me more than enough already." She spoke, her voice suddenly calm and composed. "You helped change the village and my life for the better." Reaching behind her neck, she reattached her ring, then his. But her hands didn't pull back when she finished, instead cupping his cheeks with them.
"I love you Raishun."
In one swift movement, she closed the distance between them. Raishun's eyes widened in surprise as he felt her soft lips press against his. Time seemed to slow as if he was struck with his own Chrono Thorn. The red tinge on her pale cheeks, the way the light shone on her hair, all of it made his heartbeat out of control.
For the first time since he'd arrived in Remnant, he wished he could stay forever.