Chapter II

"Stop turning..." Tenko mumbled half asleep.

"I can't do this. It's too weird." Malia said.

Tenko opened his eyes and patted the bed. He then thought about his time as a fox. "Okay get up," he said.

Malia squinted and slowly rolled out of bed.

"Pull everything off. We're putting it on the floor." He said.

Malia looked a bit skeptical but followed along. When the pallet was made. Malia and Tenko laid down and she couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, this isn't bad," she admitted. She put her head on his chest and looked up at his sleepy face.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing, I'm just happy I hid in your den that day," she replied.

"Have you gone back to your den?"

"Yeah. And then I smelled you all over the place. "

"Haa sorry about that. I was curious and worried" he said.

Malia smiled and playfully bit Tenko's jaw. "Thank you, for not killing me and licking my wounds. And... for the hunters. Did you kill them?" she asked.

"Does that bother you?" he asked in turn.

Mallia laid her head on his chest and said, "I just wish I did it myself. or at least been there to see it."

Tenko grins to himself and held her tighter. "I like that about you. You're a fighter," he said.

"I like that about you too. So, what are we going to do with all of that stuff we took?" Malia asked.

"It's complicated. Everything is going to the den. But we need to get the drug out of Beacon County. If it's tied to the Russian mob. RICO will be all over it."

"What's RICO?"

"And overreaching task force that hunts big-time criminal organization."

"Like us," Malia said.

"No, not like us, Malia. But the people we fought tonight. Like them." said Tenko

Malia nodded and Tenko continued. " The guns and the money will be kept though. We need them both. When the house is finished. We'll move everything there and we'll probably burn the drugs."

"But we have everything we need to support the pack?"

"Yeah, and then some," Tenko replied.

Malia then moved to straddle Tenko. "You're a good alpha." She said as she looked down on him.

Tenko took one look at Malia's naked body and she felt a rush of his emotions. Malia's back arched and she took in a deep breath of air. "Why does that keep happening?" she exhaled.

"I don't know," Tenko replied. "It's like we're connected."

They're emotions and physical sensations were now in a constant exchange. Tenko grabbed Malia and pull her down into a heated. It was overwhelming and intense. They fed on each other's emotions and abused their connection. They knew exactly what they other wanted.

Tenko's cock grew large and hard, while Malia's liquid arousal dripped from pink folds, damping the light hair that coated her outer lips. Malia began to grind herself on Tenko's thick rod, soaking him in her fragrant nectar.

Malia then hovered above Tenko as she took his large cock into her hand. Using the tip of his manhood, Malia teased herself by rubbing her clit and playing her wet swelling pussy lips Her moans and pants filled the room as they increased with her arousal.

Tenko laid back and enjoyed the feeling of his cock being used as Malia's dildo. He could feel her pleasure as she edges herself closer to climax. Malia's held tiled back and her mouth open.

Tenko's tip circled her swollen pink clit and her tits bounced as she took in sharp breathes as she panted.

"Yes..yes… ahhhh. Fuck, I'm... I'm...Ahhhhh!" Malia cried out in orgasmic bliss. Her body convulsed and a tidal wave of ecstasy collided into her as she experienced the first orgasm of her life.

Malia held Tenko cock against her clit, rubbing herself vigorously through a world-changing experience. Though the connection, Malia's orgasm was carried on by Tenko's pleasure and Tenko was at the very edge as he experienced Malia's mind-blowing orgasm. Tenko's cock stiffened and grew in size.

Malia instinctively messages the head of his cock. Tenko tensed and his balls hiked up as ropes of creamy white spunk erupted from him and painted Malia's pussy and raven black hairs. Their vision blackened and the mind's sparked with white lights as their orgasms meddled together and took them to new heights.

As the young couple came down. Tenko grabbed Malia by the waist before rolling them over, changing positions. Not waiting for their orgasm to trickle out, Tenko ceased Malia's lips and their tongues wrestled, fueled by the unfiltered feelings that had for one another. Tenko then aligned himself with the heart of femininity before thrusting forward with his full length. Her barriers feel without a fight and Tenko explored her deepest regions before touching her core.

They erupted in unison once again. Drunk on each other's love and carnal urges. Malia and Tenko meet each other thrust for thrust.

Pah. Pah pah pah. The sounds moist flesh striking together filled the room. Tenko and Malia moaned without a care of who heard. Tenko took her every way he could, plowing her with a sense of divine purpose.

Malia happily took the pounding and turned the tables to ride her man into their next orgasm, every chance she got. A mutual battle of love and pleasure lasted until dawn. As their last orgasm sapped their energy from their bodies. The couple lay intertwined, joined at the hips. They held each other while they drifted off into a satisfied sleep. Tenko's shaft eventually went limp, slipping from his lover's sheath, following by stream of mixed juices spilling from Malia's freshly fucked cunt.


Some hours later, Tenko and Malia washed each other's bodies under the shower of steaming hot water. They didn't share words as they just enjoyed one another presences. It wasn't until Tenko was washing Malia's hair when she broke the silence.

"Is it always like that?" She asked.

"Hmm, no. Maybe for us. But I've never experienced anything like that with anybody else, ever."

Malia smiled. "So you're telling me I'm special?"

"You are special," he replied.

"I know." She said. " Can we do it again?"

"As much as you want to. But not now. I need to go see a friend." said Tenko.

"What's her name?"

Tenko raised an eyebrow. But continued to rinse the shampoo from Malia's hair. "What make you think it's a she?" he asked.

"I could smell her on your sheets, Besides Mareth, somebody else was in your bed. But know, All I can smell is us." Malia replied with a proud tone.

Tenko tittered. " Her name is Lydia. But we've been odd, lately. I fucked up this guy, and she thinks I'm a little too… aggressive. Then I sort of helped kill her best friend's aunt, and now she just thinks I'm a bad guy."

"Why don't you fix it?" She asked.

"Well, she's not like us, in any way. I also have you, and you aren't going anywhere, but I don't think she would be up for sharing, and most importantly, she has a boyfriend and an insane amount of internal conflict. I partially think the fox likes stirring up that storm in her, and the rush of taking what's not mine gets the fox going."

"Like the fox has a mind of it's on?" Malia asked.

"Yeah, just like your coyote. But my Kitsune are different, our inner animal could take control if we allow it…" Tenko sighed as he thought about the growing fox inside of him. Female Kitsune hit maturity after their first tail. Males, after their fourth, but when males hit maturity, it's two times tougher than females and all the more dangerous. At least that's what his mother told him.

Malia sensed his worry and turned around to face him. She cupped his face and said, "If that fox tries to take my man, I'll kick his ass. Okay?"

Tenko nodded. "Okay," he said.

Malia planted a sensational kiss on his lips and pushed out a feeling of comfort. She wanted Tenko to be okay. As a member of his pack and as his mate, she wanted him to know that she was there for him.

When they parted, Malia looked into his eyes as if she was waiting for something. Tenko smiled and asked, "You pushed those feelings out on purpose?"

Malia bit her bottom lip and nodded. She was a woman of few words and the connection they shared worked perfectly for her.

"That was ingenious," he said before kissing her and sending the same emotions her way. They two reached a mutual understanding.

As the couple finished their shower. Malia wrapped herself in a towel as she said, "If I don't like her she can't stay."


"Yeah, her," malia replied.

"Don't worry about her. That won't last much longer."

"And Mareth?"

"Ehh, Mareth and I aren't like that," he said.

"I think she wants to be. You two should figure it out."

Sometime later, Malia and Tenko sat in his truck. Malia had an odd face, but Tenko let her be. She assumed they were going to see Lydia. But Tenko was going over to Derek's and decided to bring Malia with him.


"So, this is where she lives? My den looks better than this." Said Malia.

Tenko chuckled. "This is Derek's house. This is the friend I was talking about."

"Oh," she said.

The two then made their way to Derek's house and found Derek and Jennifer in the living room.

"Yo. It's been a while."

Derek looked up at Tenko with a friendly smile. " That's because you disappeared for a coyote," he said. "She's the one."

"She can speak for herself." Malia cut in.

Derek looked her over. Then he walked over and held out his hand. "I'm Derek, nice to meet you."

Malia squinted and sniffed the air. She then looked at Tenko and then back at Derek. "So you're an alpha? Hmm. I'm Malia."

Derek just pulled his hand back when he realized Malia wasn't going to shake it. Tenko them moved the conversation along. The group was currently talking about pack building. Derek had a few people in mind. But wanted to talk to Tenko first.

Derek had planned to turn teenagers and wasn't sure how Tenko would feel about it. He was elated when Tenko all but said he didn't give two shits who Derek turned. The first Beta on his list was Jackson. The guy was angry, intense, and showed leadership skills, Derek felt that it would bring power to his pack.

The next person, was Issac Lahey, abused, recluse, and had major daddy issues, be drove himself to perfection.

The third was, Erica Reyes, Epileptic loner, and outcast. Tenko realized then that Derek wasn't feeling too confident as alpha and was striving to find innate loyalty in the people he turned by changing their lives for the better.

The last person was Vernon Boyd. The best choice that Derek presented all day. Boyd was athletic, a loner -yes, but he worked for a living and has discipline that stemmed from his need to provide for himself. He could stand on his own two feet and Tenko knew the guy.

"What about Stiles?" Tenko asked.

"Who's Stiles?" Malia asked.

"A Man with potential," Tenko replied but kept his eyes firmly on Derek. "What part of war don't you understand. I think Scott's stupidity is rubbing off on you."

"Why do you always have to get so intense?" Derek asked.

"Says the guy who's a favorite insult is telling people that you're going to rip their throat out in new and creative ways," Tenko replied.

Malia giggled. "That sounds cool," she said.

Derek smirked with a bit of pride and Tenko shook his head.

"What's wrong with Stiles? Did he turn you down?" Tenko asked.

"Only because of Scott. I think he wants to be a wolf. But he also wants to keep his best friend." Derek explained.

"Fuck it. It's a headache just discussing it. So, this week is pack building. Gerard arrives in two days for Kate's funeral. And he's riding heavy, so get your people straight. But I suggest you get yourself some new digs." Said Tenko.

"What's wrong my house?" Derek asked.

"It's a piece of shit," Malia answered him.

"Like she said. It's a piece of shit and it's no place for a pack to meet. Especially a young pack."

"What makes you an expert on packs?" Derek asked.

"Mareth. She's been teaching me shit. You should get a druid too." said Tenko.

"Eh, I'll think about it. So are what are you going to be doing?"

"Pack bonding. But if you need help, give me a call."


Tenko and Malia were sitting in his room looking at ways to make the new house look nice once it's finished. They were waiting on Mareth to show up and decided to kill some time.

"Something like that" Malia said as pointed at the computer screen.

Tenko raised his eyebrow. "You sure you don't want a more modern set up?"

Malia smiled. "This is perfect. And when you teach me how to shift back, the coyote will love it," she said.

Tenko chuckled. "Alright. Let's do it."

"Really?" Malia asked showing a toothy smile.

"Yeah!" he replied and she hopped on his lap causing the both of them to fall off the chair when it tipped backward. They laughed at each other when Mareth opened the doors to see the two idiots.

"Your late!" Tenko shouted from the floor.

"I was busy. You two ready or should I come back?"

"No! We're good. The faster I learn how to be a werecoyote, the fast I can perform a full shift. " Malia called as she pushed Tenko down, to help herself up.


Sometime later, the pack of three were in the woods practicing. Mareth and Tenko were teaching Malia how to fight without fangs and claws. They taught her how to properly punch and kick, then showed her some basic moves -strikes, holds, takedowns, dnd helped her channel her enhanced abilities.

Malia was a fast learner. Most due to her drive for revenge. But the important thing was her progress. As for her supernatural abilities. She pretty much knew everything she needed, but she was just getting used to the application as a human.

Mareth spent her time perform spells to increase her endurance. She focused on master smaller spells to make them more effective. Medium ranked spells would then become her heavy hitters the more she practiced and gained battle experience.

Tenko did his usual training and even started to learn a new weapon, The Kyoketshu-Shogei Knife. Besides weapons he began to practice with his thunder/lightning ability.

Then next day, Malia repeated the training from the day before but she also learned how to perform a partial shift. Summoning her claws and fangs at will and not just in heated situations like sex, battle, and high-stress moments. She learned how to trigger hear healing and how to focus her senses. Tenko and Mareth then taught her about everything that was a threat to her life from hunters and wolfsbane, to wounds caused by alpha, electric shock, high pitched noises, and answer howls from wolves that didn't belong to her pack.

When they weren't working as individuals, Tenko had them working as a unit, learning each other's strengths and weaknesses to help increase the odds of everyone's survival in a crucial situation.

On the day of Kate's funeral. Tenko taught Malia how to control her anger. With Hunter running around town. Malia couldn't be impulsive and they couldn't risk her shifting sporadically because someone bumped her in passing.

Because of Malia's internal struggles. Controlling her anger and impulsive emotions were the hardest thing Tenko had to teach her and the hardest thing Malia had to learn. She got irritable at times. She and Tenko even came to blows a few time. But it was a work in progress...