Chapter III: Family Affair Pt.1

"Hey...I know what you said the other day. And I understand your choice, but I just wanted to talk. Gerard...My...Grandfather has come to town. He doesn't know about you. But he just left with men and they're looking for Derek."

Tenko looked at Malia and Mareth. They both nodded in silent agreement to Tenko's obvious question.

"Thank you, Allison. I owe you one." Tenko replied and ended the call before she could say anything more.

"So we go and help, Derek? That's what we do for our Packmates and allies." Malia spoke as soon as Tenko ended the call.

"Yes, Malia. We go and help Derek. But we do it because Tenko wants to. Derek needs us more than we need him. And rather or not they are an ally, we weigh the risk against reward. When everything is just right, then we help an ally." Mareth explained. Because Malia and Tenko were set on being mates, Mareth began to teach her Pack leadership.

"So even an enemy can be saved, if the reward outweighs the risk. An ally can be left for dead, if the risk outways the reward. But in the end, Tenko decides what we do." said Malia.

Mareth smile and nodded her head. "We trust him to see all the rewards, the immediate, and the future rewards. We trust him to see all of the risks as well. But most importantly, we trust him to care for, respect, and love us, as much as we care for, respect, and love him. That is why we follow him into dangerous situations." Mareth added.

Malia smiled, "Sounds good." she replied.

"Can we go now?" Tenko asked staring at the women.

They both stared at Tenko. Without saying a word they just left the room. Tenko watched them leave and mouthed, 'What the fuck?', confused about the odd display between the women.

Tenko and his pack, Moved through the woods and finally stopped 100 yards away from the old Hale house. From the distance, the pack watched as red lasers pierced through the dark shroud of the night.

Behind them a branch snapped but no one moved, as Derek and Jennifer appeared next to them.

"I'm glad you told me to move."

"Yeah, or you and your Beta would be sitting ducks right now. So, they're coming after you, what do you want to do?" Tenko asked Derek.

Malia then interrupted and said, "I think we should say, hello."

Tenko looked down to see that Malia had already brought her claws out. He then looked at Derek and the new alpha said, "Let's say, hello, then".

"Spread out and keep the glowing eyes to a minimum. They can see that shit in the dark and makes you a target." Said Tenko.

The group of five then fanned out and circled Gerard and his hunters. Tenko then whispered, "Remember, it's just a greeting."

Tenko's voice carried to everyone's ears except for Mareth's. Malia was now barefooted as she stalked to hunters. Derek had his prey in sight, Jennifer sat perched in a tree, overlooking three men. Mareth snuck into the Hale and waited atop the steps, while Tenko as standing on the roof of the Hale house.

Gerard looked at his men and gave them a silent order to breech the Hale house. Kicking in the door the hunters tossed in flash-bangs. The flash-bangs did not affect Mareth due to her protection spell. As the Hunters rushed into the house, Tenko's red eyes shined and Gerard gritted his teeth when he saw the crimson dots surrounded by darkness.

Tenko frowned and released a roar that woke the sleeping animals in the beacon hills preserve. When the roar reached his pack and allies, they attack. Malia launched herself into a forward roll then tore the Achilles heels from her targets. She then ripped the throat from one man and shred the arms of the other. Before disappearing into the night. Jennifer lept from her perch like an assassin. She dropped down on one man, shattering his spine. She then grabbed the closest hunter to her and used him as a shield to protect her from gunfire. The moment Jennifer heard the riffle click as the bolt locked to the rear, due to the lack of ammunition. Jennifer through the human shield and punched the last hunter in the chest, cracking his sternum.

As Jennifer fled into the darkness, Mareth tried a small vibration spell in a new way. The moment her spell was cast, the hunters tensed up and their bodies shuck for less than two seconds. When the spell ended two men and women collapsed. Mareth had succeeded in literally rocking their brain. But the ones that remained standing were disoriented enough for Mareth to flee.

Tenko flipped off of the roof, when he landed he snatched the weapon from one woman and used it to hit her across the jaw. He then turned the weapon on another hunter and saw that it was Phil Harty, Tenko then proceeded to shoot the man in both of his shins. Gerard rose his pistol to shoot Tenko when a force lifted him into the air and slammed him to the ground.

Derek's eyes glowed crimson red and he roared like a beast as he showed his blood-drenched fangs. Gerard stares at the Hale Alpha with so much hate and rage that his face and neck turned red. Derek put on a smug look and said, "Welcome to Beacon Hills where hunters are hunted for sport. See you around Argent."

Derek then ran off into the night, meeting the rest of the deep in the woods. Together, the group of five went back to Tenko's house for a BBQ in high spirits.


The city of Chicago.

Cora Hale was panting heavily as she sat with her back against a brick wall. After she had learned that her brother was alive and well. Cora attempted to flee the city ahead of the original schedule. The hunters could kill her brother at any moment, this fact pushed her too reckless choices.

After packing her things, Cora sought out a man named, Roco, he ran a biker gang knowns as the Demon Knights. Cora had no idea that small-time smugglers were getting ambitious and trying to find a way to the Italian-American Mafia, the Mafia ran by Benny Paolucci.

Cora now found herself pinned down in an ally with blood on her claws and cold steel-blue eyes. One of the men she killed was a fresh pledge looking to earn his patch. It was him or her, so Cora put her hand through his chest. Whether or not he was trying to kill her, he was considered innocent and caused her eyes to change.

Gathering her bearings. Cora looked around to find a way out. She could hear the voices of them hunting her and the sounds of motorcycles revving. Across they ally, Cora spotted a manhole. With think too much, she darted over yanked it the metal plate up. Climbing down the ladder, Cora stopped and closed the manhole to cover her tracks before dropping into sewer water that smelled of shit and pisses.

Taking off her backpack, Cora pulled out her computer and got her hands on a map of the sewer lines.

"Okay, Derek… Here I come," she spoke as she exhaled.

Cora sent the map to her phone and started to move, when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. Looking down at her slim stomach she saw two bleeding bullet holes…


Tenko handed Derek a joint as they sat at the patio table watching the ladies dance and cut loose.

"We can't get high," Derek said.

"Yeah, we can. Weeds not poison. It dulls the senses but it's more of medicine than a poison. So our healing doesn't treat it as such. And haven't you heard of the werewolf compendium?" Tenko asked.

"No.." Derek shook his head.

"There's a lot of shit in there about you. The herb section affects most canids though. Marijuana is in there. You should check it out."

Derek just nodded his head and stared at Jennifer. Tenko rolled his eyes. "Dude, what's wrong with you?"

" I bit Jackson…"

Tenko's brow furrowed at Derek's distant and disturbing voice. " Before or after the full moon that just passed?"

"The day of… He bled black blood and he hasn't been to school."

"So you left the boy alone, bleeding mysterious black fluids, after you bit him. Real classy, Derek." Tenko chided him.

"What was I supposed to do?" Derek snapped.

"Anything! At the very least make the fucking body disappear if he dies!" Tenko roared and the ladies stopped dance looked towards the Alphas.

Derek put slammed his fist against the denting it.

"And I'm telling my mom you fucked her table up. I'm not getting hit for that, and I'm damn sure not getting hit for a dead teen boy with black fluids leaking from his body." Tenko spat.

"What now?" Derek asked.

"The fuck you asking me for? It must be a werewolf thing." Tenko replied as he hit the joint to calm his nerves.

Derek's eyes went wide with frustration. "Says the guy who was just bragging about the werewolf compendium!"

Tenko's head snapped towards Derek. "That just might work," said Tenko.


"The werewolf compendium. It could tell us if you're a defective alpha or if that dick for brains, Jackson, ingested something that rejects the bite." Said Tenko.

Derek had a face sudden enlightenment. "Remember when I got shot by Kate?"

"Yeah… So what?"

"Dude, I almost died. The wolfsbane was rare and extremely toxic. When I went to find Scott because you were MIA. I attacked Jackson. The claw mark was healing but he could have been poisoned by the wolfsbane that was in me." Derek explained with a new bout of happiness.

Tenko clapped his hands sarcastically. "Wooo! Derek doesn't have performance issues! Are you telling me, that you don't have more Betas because you forgot that you poisoned a kid and ended up psyching yourself out?"

Derek squinted at Tenko. " That does sound embarrassing."

"Haha, yeah. So what's the new plan?" Tenko asked.

"Jennifer does the recruiting and I lay low. When the pack grows, we finish the Argents and every Hunter they brought with them."

Tenko looked at Mareth and she nodded before leaving. If Derek wanted every Hunter dead. Then they had to find out who the new hunters in town were. So, Mareth would have to get an updated dossier from the Harty family.


The next day, Malia and Tenko were walking through the manor on the hill with a security firm agent named Mr. Wallis. Mr. Wallis looks around the house and jotted down notes and numbers. When the walkthrough was finished, Mr.Wallis gave Tenko and Malia a sheet a paper with a big number and a list of things that could be added to the Manor.

For the money and Guns, Two rooms would be retrofitted to secure both valuable items. The basement would be retrofitted to act as a training room that would cave under the strength of a pack of supernaturals. The walls of the house have bullet-resistant fiberglass paneling the windows will be bullet resistant. The manor will be soundproofed. A gate will be built around the perimeter and the latest security system will be put in to secure the area.

"If you would like to add any more questions, you have my number. But if you like to add these notifications to your home. I suggest you let my firm finish the construction from her. The place is completely gutted and all of the old material has been ripped away." Said Mr.Wallis.

"You can start immediately. We want this finished as soon as possible. And discreetly." Tenko replied.

" The Firm prides ourselves with our utmost discretion."

"Can you also do the modeling? Our current contractor was going to do it. But if we fire him. We don't want to rehire him just put in cabinets and countertops." said Malia.

"Of course, Mrs.Nakashige. Whatever you want, you can send it to our interior design team, and they'll take care of all of the needs." Said Mr.Wallis.

Malia smirked when she was called, Mrs.Nakashige. Though it wasn't her name, she didn't care to correct the man.

Later in the day, Tenko was sitting in class when Scott and Stiles and sat behind him.

"You're not in this class." Said Tenko.

"You aren't answering your phone," Scott explained.

"The alpha is dead, we have nothing to talk about."

"Yes, we do. A man was torn apart. Stiles told me that Derek is making new werewolves, and Allison warned me about her grandfather. I know what's going and it needs to stop before more people die. " Scott did his whining and Tenko toned him out with an indifferent face.

Tenko then raised his hand to get the attention of his teacher.

"Yeah, they aren't in this class," Tenko Spoke out and Scott stopped talking as he and Stiles stared the teacher.

"If you want to play captain save a hoe. By all means, do so, but don't come bitching to me. I have my pack and Derek has his, what we do and why we are doing it is our business." Tenko whispered as the boys were pushed out of the class.


A few days passed and Tenko only focused on his pack and getting better. He was aware of the things that were happening in Beacon Hills. Scott was set on making it his problem and for some reason, Derek was keen towards the boy. With those two handling things, Tenko paid no mind to town affairs.

The hunters were still licking their wounds and regrouping. Mareth stayed in contact with Harty's and kept the hunter dossier updated as much as possible. But this gave Tenko the time he needed to teach Malia, Mareth had time to work on herself. All in all it was like the Nakashige pack had dropped off of the map. Malia and Tenko had just had another intense night. They laid under the blankets in silence, though they were in the middle of very deep conversation. They exchanged emotions and light telepathic thoughts through the connection.

They valued the connection between them, but it was obvious that Tenko was beginning to get worried as the connection or rather his power grew. When Malia finally drifted off, Tenko slipped from her embrace and left his room. Tenko had a couple of inclinations about what was happening. After he left his room, he went downstairs and opened the family safe underneath a floor panel in the living room. The moment Tenko opened the safe his face contorted.

He pulled out two boxes and opened them both. The first box had nine obsidian shurikens, perfectly intact. But the second box caused Tenko's rage to increase. The box had three obsidian kunai and six missing spots where obsidian chunks used to be.

Tenko slammed the boxes shut and put them away before going upstairs. He went to his room and grabbed his ninjatos. He then entered his mother's room and drew his blade with the sound of singing metal. With the blade to her throat, Nikita opened her eyes and stared at her son.

When Mark woke, he pushed himself up from the bed and looked at Tenko with a face of mixed emotions. Tenko looked at Mark and said, "This is Kitsune business."

He then looked at Nikita and asked, "Where are they?"

Nikita shrugged. "I don't know what you mean."

"The obsidian chunks and my father's scroll. Where are they?!"

Nikita smirked she waved her hidden tanto and knocked Tenko's ninjato away. Nikita lept from the bed and said, "You are not ready."

Tenko's eyes glowed red and Nikita' glowed gold. Their fox avatars then manifested in the foxfire that covered their bodies like battle armor as the mother-son duo faced off.