Chapter VII: Callisto's Compendium

Deucalion, a blonde-haired man in his thirties, sat at the helm of his pack of Alphas. Next to him was his lifelong friend Ennis and Ennis's mate, Kali. Though if it ever came down to it, Kali would choose Deucalion over Ennis any day.

Ennis is the strong silent type, the brawler of the pack. Kali is as beautiful as she is deadly, the most animalistic wolf of the pack.

Across from Deucalion were the Twins, two Alpha wolves, and blood brothers. Adian and Ethan. They were the youngest of the pack, and if not for their Alpha Spark, they would be the Omegas.

"Deucalion, why are we here?" Kali asked. "The Hale boy is too young and only has a few betas. And even you don't want to fuck with Satomi Ito. Beacon Hills offers us nothing."

Deucalion looked at Kali with bright red eyes that lacked a pupil. "We are here because of the Compendium. We will watch Derek Hale. If he is even half of the Alpha his mother was, we will extend the invitation."

Deucalion then closed his eyes, and his breathing slowed as he relaxed. The Alpha pack got the message and moved to leave the room.

Outside of the room, the Twins finally asked their elders what the Compendium was.

"A book that used to govern the werewolves. Deucalion has the original written in Lycaonian, now called Arcadian." Kali explained.

"So it's like a bible for werewolves," Ethan commented.

"Unlike the Christian bible, the Compendium was written by the hand of the God-King, Zeus. The son that Lycaon killed was actually his Grandson, Arcas. Zeus tricked Lycaon's daughter, Callisto, and ruined her life. Lycaon then tricked Zeus and was turned into a wolf. To help her father, Callisto asked Zeus for reparations, A compendium of knowledge about the Werewolves that her father and brothers had become. She convinced Zeus that knowledge would be used to protect Arcas against Lycaon. But instead, she gave the Compendium to her father, Lycaon." Kali summarized the origin of the compendium.


In Tenko's Manor, Malia, Mareth, Melissa, and the new guy, Jack Arlo, sat around as Tenko held the Werewolf Compendium in his lap. Mareth had finished with Boyd and told Tenko that Boyd had untapped potential and considered offering him a spot in the pack.

Tenko explained that Beacon Hills was giving birth to a traditional pack of werewolves that could form a True pack of ancient times. This revelation caused Tenko to reveal the compendium and explain it in depth.

"You all know that pack has an Alpha, Beta, and at times Omegas. That's the simple way to define a pack. But generational packs, like the Hales, had pups and Gammas. Gammas are Adult wolves that come into the pack and help with pack affairs. They are mates, caretakers, teachers, healers. They are above Omegas and below Betas. Though their strength is equal to Betas." Tenko explained.

"There are also Alpha mates below Alphas but above the Betas. That would be Malia for us and Jennifer for the Hale Pack. Now that brings us to specialties. Like Talia Hale, Laura Hale, and most likely Derek, some werewolves have abilities that put them in spots where they advise the Alpha and answer only to the Alpha regardless of strength."

"Like Seers and Shamans," Mareth commented.

"Yes. Like Seers and Shamans. Usually hereditary from ancient Druid shifter ancestry." Tenko replied.

"Okay, so how does all of this make a 'True' pack? And what does it have to do with Beacon Hills?" Malia asked.

"Well, in the Compendium, a pack consists of True Alpha, True Alpha Mate. Followed by a True Beta Pair that manages the Betas, Gammas, pups, then Omegas like Jack Arlo."

"So I'm less than then a pup?" Jack asked.

"That's what I just said," Tenko replied.

Jack sighed and hung his head. Malia looked confused by Jack's presence and just shook her head. 'I can't believe he survived the bite.' she thought.

"Anyways, Jennifer and Boyd have the making of a True Alpha Mate and Beta. That means somewhere close is a True Alpha and another True Beta. The Compendium says these people can be determined by their sparks, by an Alpha who know what to look for."

"I thought only Alphas had Sparks." Mareth leaned forward with intrigue.

"The Alpha Spark isn't made out of thin air. Every Alpha is a descendant from a True Alpha. The Spark was taken by force or passed on at will. But a True Alpha upgrades his spark by sheer will. The Compendium says this is the reason why werewolves are constantly devolving and evolving. It's the spark that we all have."

"Like a soul..." Jack Arlo muttered. " I have a weak soul."

"Yes, Jack. You have a weak soul. But that's why you have a pack. So, that weak soul doesn't get you killed. Stick with us, buddy." Said Tenko.

Malia placed a hand on Jack Arlo's shoulder and said, "You may be a bitch, but you're our bitch, now. So, cheer up."

Mareth and Tenko palmed their face. Melissa wanted to comfort the Omega, but Tenko glared, and she forced herself to go against her maternal instincts.

"Okay! Listen up! I'm leaving in a few days. My mom and I are going on a trip. While I'm gone--"

"No." Malia interrupted.

Tenko raised an eyebrow.

"You're not leaving without us. We're a pack. And I know you want to leave us here so that we can help Derek, but I'm here to help you. So, no, you aren't leaving in a few days. 'We' are leaving in a few days." Malia spoke with her natural intensity.

Mareth and Melissa smiled at the werecoyote then shifted their attention to their Alpha. Tenko looked at Mareth, and she gave a single gesture that said it all.

"Alright," Said Tenko. "We're leaving in a few days. We're going to Alaska."

The group frowned, but none of them protested.

"Melissa?" Tenko asked.

"I can get some time off. Scott can stay with Stiles. It's not like we've been talking much, anyway." Melissa spoke, a bit saddened.

"Well, I actually have something I need to do." Malia rose from her seat. She moved across the room and shared a few kisses with Tenko before she left.

"I need to get the newbie ready for the trip," Mareth spoke as she dragged Jack Arlo away.

Tenko and Melissa held each other's gaze for a moment, then Tenko asked if she blamed him.

Melissa swore that she didn't, but her and Scott's rift had reached new distances when she decided to join Tenko's pack. Scott thought of Tenko as a murderer without a consciousness. He believed that he could have saved Jackson if Tenko hadn't killed him.

But Tenko didn't trust Scott to handle the threat, and he needed the threat to be eliminated. Melissa understood this on a primal level. She understood why Tenko eliminated a weapon that happened to be Jackson. But her son couldn't accept it. Her son couldn't accept his mother's sense of morality.

"Your son is a self-righteous prick," said Tenko. "Maybe my life has shaped me differently. It has shaped me differently. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. But it would be best if you talked to Scott. Lay it all out before we leave. Don't fight, but don't hold back. The mother-son dynamic changed the moment you two became supernatural. Besides, I kicked my mother out of my clan, but I still love her till death."

"Did you forgive your mom?" Melissa asked.

"Haha, we were born Kitsune. Stubbornness is in our nature. Family is in our nature. Alpha or Emperor matters not. My mom will always think of herself as in charge because she will do whatever it takes to protect me. Extreme is the only level that wakes her up. But in the end, as her son, I wanted her forgiveness. Because I knew that I hurt her when she was only trying to protect me."

Melissa took a deep breath, sat in silence for a moment. "What if he doesn't feel that he did any wrong?"

"Then he is as arrogant as he is self-righteous. He still thinks this is just a game, and if he can't see that you are trying to protect him, it is best that he stays a lone wolf and make his own pack. We are each other's responsibility from now on. Our Pack."


At a private Airport, Tenko and his pack were loading up their luggage when a black SUV rolled up next to the private jet. A few moments later, three doors opened, and Allison stepped out with her father and mother.

Everyone could hear and smell that the Argents had come alone. Tenko handed his bag to his mother and met Allison halfway.

When Tenko and Allison stopped in front of each other, Allison asked, "Are you coming back?"

"How did you know I was here?"

"Scott. We officially broke things off today. No more anything." Allison spoke as she stepped forward to shorten the distance between them, "But the hardest thing today is telling you that you should stay away from here."

"Are you worried about me?" he asks teasingly.

"I am. My grandfather wants your head."

"And what about you? What do you want?"

Allison flashed a half-smile then sucked her bottom lip. "I'm selfish, Tenko. But you gave me perspective. You are no good for me. I put your pack at risk. Magic is real, so maybe in a parallel world."


Allison choked up. Tenko chuckled. He then leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

"Give me a hug," he said.

Allison made a quick step, and the two embraced each other. "When I kill you. It's not because I hate you. When I turned away from you, it wasn't because I didn't want you. We both have responsibilities. So forget about me and handle yours."

"I wish I could have taken you for a spin, Tenko Nakashige." Allison's voice quivered as she tried to sound lighthearted.

"I feel the same about you, Madamosielle Argent. Don't ever feel ashamed about what your heart wants, and never cower away from what must be done."

Allison leaned back and looked him in the eyes. She wanted to remember him. She caressed his face then gently touched his. "I'll remember that. Take care of yourself."

Tenko felt a sudden thud, and Allison's emotions enveloped his being. He felt everything that she felt—the emotions on the surface and those buried deep.

Allison took turned away, and the wind caught her hair. At that moment, Tenko saw an expression that matched the feelings hiding deep in her heart.

Tenko snatched her arm to stop her. Allison was then pulled back with a firm tug. "Life is all about hard decisions. But it's not your life if you aren't the one deciding."

Allison gulped. "Scott never even had a clue...". Allison was surprised and wondered about the full spectrum of Tenko's abilities.

Tenko released her then they went their separate ways.

"Did everything go well?" Chris asked Allison.

Allison stopped and faced her father. "Let's end this and leave. I don't want to be anywhere near here when he comes back."

Her mother scuffed and rolled her eyes.

Allison frowned. "Dad, would you kill mom if it meant protecting me?"

Chris stiffened.

"Mom, could you bring yourself to kill dad even it meant your death if you couldn't?"

Her parents looked at each other.

"Exactly. I don't ever want to see him again." Allison climbed into the Suv and slammed the door shut.

Chris and his wife looked at Tenko as he climbed into the private jet. The man that killed Kate Argent, Allison's favorite person. And yet, she was comparing how she felt for him to the love that Chris and his wife shared. It was mind-boggling. But still, they failed to see the complexity of Tenko and Allison's relationship.

Though Tenko and Allison never got intimate. It was Allison's first mature relationship.

Allison sat quietly as she replayed Tenko's last words in her mind. Her lips formed a sad smile as she thought, 'If I was as strong as you, maybe I would break free. But I have to save Scott, even if that means handing over the reins of my life."

On the plane, Malia rested in Tenko's lap. "Is she gone?" she asked.

"Yeah. Were you worried?" he asked in turn.

"Not at all. Because your heart is right here." Malia held up an empty palm.

Tenko smiled, then kissed his love.

Malia could smell the loss and wonder on Tenko. But she said nothing as the scent would fade, and not once did his feelings for her waver.

While everyone on the plane rested without worry. Tenko knew that Beacon Hills was about to start the second battle. Tenko felt slightly bad that he couldn't be there. But the Alpha pack problem trumped Old man and Kanima problems. Besides, Allison was all in all, as long as her friends remained safe. Tenko didn't have to worry about Melissa losing a son.

However, Tenko worries about Hale Pack and whether they'll survive.