Worlds Fall

The Negoran had left Regalus in ruins the third attack in under a month. The Blue Regalan were being were cleaning up the debris clearing the streets so that all of Regalus would be able to evacuate to the cruisers. A few of the richest of the Red Regalan families were already making there way toward the cruisers surrounded by their Blue Regalan Slaves.

The Third World was far from perfect, slaves had not been freed but it was illegal to beat them, trade them, or work them to death, so it was better than most other planets. Negoria, for instance, beat slaves ruthlessly destroyed even the neutral planets.

As the the royal family of Regalus approached the boarding platform the building behind them exploded. Regalan screamed as Negoran soldiers filed out of the building. Their swords blazed as they rushed forward to slay the royal family. The queen, and her children stumbled back. Their guards rushed forward to protect the family but before the Negoran could get to the guards something happened.

A Blue Regalan in a black cloak rushed up from behind the royal family. He leaped over them and their guards and collided with the Negoran soldiers. He drew a knife and the blade glinted wickedly. He darted forward and slew three with his blade. The others rushed him but he jumped over them and they collided. Two of the Negoran were slain by their own swords. Only one remained. The Blue Regalan leapt behind the last Negoran and stabbed him in the back.

The last soldier fell and the Blue Regalan looked back at the royal family. He locked eyes with the princess. He gave her a impish grin, winked and darted off into the shadows. Leaving the princess and the rest of the royal family to stare dumbly at where he disappeared and wonder who the mysterious Blue Regalan had been.