Waking in Camp Halfblood

Seems like the camp is asleep. Considering what has been going on it's surprising, but it makes the atmosphere seem calmer. The only ones awake are the daughter of Apollo taking care of Perca and Chiron after having the minotaur attack he said it's better if someone walks around the borders to make sure no monsters are let in by anyone.

I am just sitting in my medical bed having my hand bandaged cause Hestia in all her wisdom interested in them giving me nectar cause I could get side effects that no one wants. Well besides me, of course, it would have been fun losing my mind and ravishing every girl in camp.

But I am just gonna ignore that. She explained I am part monster and part God making me an exception to the rules and that she is gonna get me soma the only thing able to heal me. Well, wine is the only thing healing me, certainly is interesting cause its very special and it makes me feel like a king. I am one but sometimes I just feel like the guy with the harem instead of the king.

Maybe it's just what happens I've I take to much time just having fun with my girls. Also, I am happy that the wound will leave no mark whatsoever as soon as I drink the soma. Being invulnerable now is just a bonus to my pseudo immortality and my absolute eternity. Such powers are surely amazing.

Having an infinitely increasing harem of all ranks now is also fitting. While using now infinite bodies to please them is also amazing. I really reached the peak considering I mastered magecraft in all forms. And learned to wield all true magic at its core.

Amazing what cheat skills and powers can do. I take care of my displeasure with my injury by making Apollo's daughter suck me off. And fuck herself cowgirl style on me the pleasure makes me calm down. Also, the fact that I got her virginity. Cause she was already 15 I thought she would have at least had one or two boyfriends she's done it with before.

But I was proven wrong showing that even knowing what gives them pleasure doesn't make me know what's in their hearts. I really need to get some wisdom that womanly wisdom seems the most OP cause knowing what women want and are as well as how to subtly manipulate them is amazing.

Maybe I need to ask Athena about that in the future even though I think I jinxed myself somehow. Maybe I worded something wrong when getting my wishes. Using my magic to confirm I find out that I can't get any knowledge or wisdom from others and that I can only learn about it myself.

I really jinxed up bad. I at least have the skills to give me wisdom and knowledge now that I remember that everything my harem can do I can learn, Including womanly wisdom. Sadly it will not get anywhere close to the power I want.

Now back to the medical tent. To be honest, having the blonde super hot chick born from Apollo bouncing up and down my cock is amazing. But sadly I need to stop cause there are already some people waking up. And letting Apollo see his daughter act like a slut feels wrong somehow.

I start standing up and go take breakfast together with the others, being seated at the teacher table. Chiron takes his seat and starts taking his seat and eating. After a while everyone is done and Chiron goes to the middle and clangs with his hooves getting everyone's attention.

Chiron "So as you all most likely have realized we have a new teacher with us. I would like you to kindly welcome him."

I stand up and go to the middle. Getting ready to speak, I flare all auras that give me Kingly vibes and make me more impressive including the newly gained aura of teaching together with wisdom and knowledge as they help people learn.

Jack "So as my old friend said I am here to teach you kids how to use magic, fight with your hands and how to use shields, lances and swords. Any questions?"

I look around and see some Aphrodite girl holding her hands up, she is pushing her thighs together making them rub her secret spot looking very eager to bounce on me. I should have seen this coming.

Jack "Yes you girl in light blue training blouse and pink exercise shorts."

? "My names Silena Beaugard and my question is... are your looks natural?!"

I just gave her a blank stare and give her a very simple answer.

Jack "Yes any other questions?"

Next I see a cute and sexy little blond hold up her hands.

Jack "You blond with the curly hair."

? "Names Annabeth and I want to know where you know Chiron from as her are tales about all the heroes he trained but you are none of them?"

Jack "I am the reincarnation of Kronos and an unnamed Titaness first born son. I was killed by my father for sleeping with Rhea my step mother and I still do not know if Hestia is mine or dads child?"

I put up an obvious questioning face but the looks on the kids faces is just golden.

Annabeth "Impossible!"

Jack "Just because you cannot understand does not mean it's impossible. I was cursed to be Human by my father. May I add it was upon my own choice considering I was still the son he loved, he gave me his blessing and made it so I could reincarnate."

Everyone is silent till Chiron gets back into the middle of the place again. Making sure he got everyone's attention he starts speaking.

Chiron "I am sure your all shocked but please welcome my older brother kindly as he rejected our fathers rule for a long time. Now everyone your dismissed I see some of you at lunch and everyone else at dinner."

It's really interesting staying her especially cause Hestia is now intrigued and wants to know if I said the truth about not knowing. Maybe she doesn't remember but she was present when I was judged.

How I was a titan with Kronos curse to never bear titans well let's just say I was born before Uranus was castrated. Now let's see what Hestia has to say about this.