Hestia and Girl’s Lessons?

I start getting up from the table when Hestia walks up to me and Dionysos conveniently disappears.

Hestia "Older Brother I thou you dead. I am happy your back. But you sure it's unclear if you or Kronos were my father?"

I look at Hestia's child-like body, she can't be older than 11 years in this form and find it quite attractive in an emotional way. Before I collect myself and answer her obvious question.

Jack "Well, to be honest, I never thought you were my sister considering Dad only sentenced me after you were born."

She looks at me with a shocked expression I know so well from my life's so far it's really interesting seeing her like this.

Hestia "This explains the mystery about my earliest memories. I am happy you told me... father..."

It seems she is waiting for my approval of the unasked question. But considering the 6 descendant of Kronos prophecy I am... okay I am an idiot it said descendant, not children. Now onto her answers.

Jack "Just call me Jack."

Hestia "Well Jack can you please explain why Kronos ate me if I am not one of the six children of prophecy?"

Jack "Well I asked myself the same till I realized it, the prophecy talked about descendants not children of Kronos. So he ate you for the same reason as the others."

Hestia "So I am the others sister as-well-as cousin we really have an interesting family tree."

Jack "*chuckle* Well wasn't that kinda obvious."

I can't stop laughing even though she seems to get pissed. And suddenly she starts weakly hitting my chest.

Hestia "*hmpf* I am not talking to you again."

Ahhh she is so Tsundere well what else to expect from the goddess of the hearth. Maybe the fire of the hearth changed her personality over time. I remember her going down the path of the fearsome older sister for the others now she is this cute girl instead I am not complaining.

I see Chiron waving his hands in the distance telling me it's time for lessons.

Jack "I am sorry Hestia but it seems to be the case that i need to teach the children how to survive out here."

Hestia "Don't worry I understand I will come and watch your lessons."

Having made myself clear I make my way to Chiron having Hestia follow me. It seems she wants to see how I teach to get a better feeling for my character. So I am not gonna pass this opportunity and will teach the kids full power. Better be ready cause tomorrow you will be better at anything I teach you.

I arrive in front of Chiron to see that in the Arena are only girls. I am gonna have a harder time then I though. All the girls from camp are here even the hot blonde from the medical room.

And from the look on Hestia's face in the background, I can assume she realized what went down between me and the girl. She seems somewhat happy maybe I am only imagining things, or she really has a fetish to watch the guy's she has a liking to take liberties with other women.

Now that would be strange but exciting at the same time. I look at Chiron for an explanation about why all the girls in the camp are here.

Chiron "Well you see Lord Dionysus thought it would be easier to get someone known to be good at teaching women and girls so we can split the lessons into boys and girls."

He gave me the look saying you obviously should know where this is going.

Chiron "So he told all the girls the teacher will be teaching them everything and be exclusive to them. Some girls from Aphrodite cabin obviously made some jokes about teaching everything only to get the confirmation that it's indeed everything."

Now I start to worry cause The oath on river Styx I made to become a teacher includes I teach everything I am capable of teaching. I should have made some escape paragraph type thing cause this will be so much sex now.

Jack "Well I made a mistake swearing by the River Styx this time around didn't I."

Chiron just gave me a sympathetic nod and went his way to teach the boys their regular lessons while I was left with a whole lot of girls to take care of.

Annabeth "So if I theoretical would ask you to teach me the pleasure of the flesh you would have to our you die?"

Jack "Yes I would have to teach you no matter what unless it goes against my principles. And no I won't die it will just be a moment of extreme pain. Like you never want to feel."

Which I don't have many of anyways I say to myself. But I can already see the eager looks on some of the older girls while some of the younger ones are just curious.

Annabeth "Then teach me archery the knife and architecture. Also the pleasure couldn't do anything wrong."

Apollo Girl "Please teach me the thing from this morning again."

Aphrodite Girls "Teach us pleasure."

Clarissa "Sword, knife and spear with the shield please. Also how to pleasure."

Katie "Sword and shield also please teach me about the pleasure as well."

So all girls want to learn about pleasure now that's gonna be a wild ride. Well I am just gonna use my Incubi powers to teach them in their dreams for now.

Jack "So it seems you all want to learn about pleasure while some of you want to learn to fight. So I am gonna cast a spell with your permission that allows me to teach you about pleasure in your dreams for now. If you still want more then ask again within this week understood."

I got all their permission and funnily Hestia gave hers as well so I just went along with it. Maybe she wants to know what she is missing out on.