Path To Power [P1]

The Silent Valley sect, one of the two major sects which inhabit Falling Leaves city. It was located in the upper district, built into the side of one of the few surrounding mountains, called Mount Wusheng.

Unlike the Martial Fist sect which is most proficient in more aggressive, brutal arts that hold immense power; the Silent Valley sect prides themselves on the subtle arts of poison, stealth, hidden weapons and assassination.

Like most sects, it was built like a pyramid with the weakest at the bottom and the strongest most privileged at the top.

At the base of the mountain, there were thousands of small huts and buildings where the servants and outer disciples lived. Their daily lives focused around completing missions, obtaining reward points and spending them on resources helpful to their cultivations.

The middle of the mountain is where those who have truly entered the sect live, mostly inner disciples and the elders who teach them. It is here where the talented are groomed.

The large palaces located near the top of the mountain housed the ancestors, high elders and a few select core disciples with godly talent. The core disciples have the privilege of being personally taught by the ancestors themselves.


A young man around 18 years of age hovered several feet off the ground. His eyes were closed and his brows were furrowed in deep concentration.

He was extremely handsome with a straight nose, dragon like eyebrows and a strong sharp jaw. His long black hair draped down his shoulders like a waterfall and his pearl white robes fluttered ever so slightly from the mist that surrounded him.

He was in a dark room made from pale stone, the only source of light was from several burning sconces on the walls. Below him was a large purple formation engraved with mysterious runes. The formation seemed to be gathering dense spiritual Qi from the surroundings and pouring it into the young man like a river.

A knocking came from the large door in front of the young man.

"Young Master Mu, I've brought Miss Ying." A old voice sounded from outside.

Dong Mu's eyes slowly opened, with a wave of his hand the Qi around him surged before completely disappearing into his dantian.

As he floated back down to the floor he said in a soft voice. "Come in."

The door opened and a young woman and a middle aged man walked in.

The middle aged man wore a green robe with a snake symbol on it. His face was pallid and wrinkles sprouted from the corners of his brown eyes.

The young woman beside him was a peerless beauty around 5'6. She had big black eyes that shone with innocence, hair silky jet black hair was tied up into two buns that had the excess hair cascade down her back, the buns had two butterfly pins holding them together.

Her face was soft and oval with a small button nose, pouty down turned lips that glistened red and thin, slightly curved eyebrows. Her bosom was plentiful and shapely, her figure like a perfect hourglass. The dress she wore was bright red with long sleeves that hid her hands, it was embroidered with flowers and mystical birds.

The middle age man stepped closer and said. "The headmaster is curious, will you be attending the martial competition today?"

"Yes, I'm interested in seeing the young talents the Martial Fist sect has to offer." Dong Mu replied rather lazily.

The middle aged man nodded in agreement. "There has been a rising star in the Martial Fist sect called Sun Xi."

"Sun Xi? Sounds familiar.. " Dong Mu remarked with a thoughtful look.

"He's a descendant from the fallen Sun family, the one your Dong Family had a hand in replacing." The middle aged man replied with a hint of vigilance in his voice. He was quite wary of this Sun Xi.

"Oh really?" Dong Mu muttered in surprise. "From the fallen Sun family? I thought we wiped them all out?"

"There were a few unimportant stragglers that were deemed not important enough so they were left alone." The middle aged man replied.

"Careless.. " Dong Mu remarked.

"Yes I agree young master Mu, there's also something else. His techniques are rather peculiar from what I've heard." The middle aged man added.

"Peculiar?" Dong Mu repeated curiously.

"Yes, it's possible that they originate from the upper realms. It seems he had a lucky encounter, many have tried to find out his secrets but he's currently under the protection from the Martial Fist headmaster himself." The middle aged man replied.

"Interesting." Dong Mu cupped his chin in thought, after a while his gaze landed upon the beautiful girl.

The young girl's body was slightly shivering. Her eyes were red as if she had been recently crying, and her expression showed a deep emptiness as if she had given up on life..

"To think I would find someone with the Heavenly Moon physique in this little town." Dong Mu muttered as his eyes flashed with a hint of desire.

"Young Master Mu?" The middle aged man said with confusion in his eyes.

"Ahem." Dong Mu cleared his throat. "Leave us."

"Yes Young Master Mu." The middle aged man bowed before leaving, closing the door on his way out.

Dong Mu walked up to the shivering girl and thoroughly inspected her body. The more he looked, the happier he felt. [This girl is truly a beauty, this must be heaven's luck! She was almost married to some wealthy villager.. Humph! He's lucky I didn't pinch him to death.]

The young girl shook even more as she felt Dong Mu's gaze wash over her body, the feeling it gave her made her heart feel an endless resentment and disgust.

Dong Mu stopped his invasive inspection of the girl. Noticing her distress, he clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction. He looked directly into her eyes and asked. "Am I not superior to that commoner you were to marry Ying'er?"

Jiang Ying crossed her arms and turned her head away and replied in a cold voice. "You're not even comparable to big brother's fingernail.. "

Dong Mu chuckled, but his sharp gaze noticed something. His expression turned dark as he grabbed Jiang Ying's wrist.

"Ah!" Jiang Ying cried out in surprise.

Pulling back her sleeves he noticed several cut marks close to her veins, just a little deeper and she would have severed them.

"Stupid girl!" He shouted in anger causing Jiang Ying to shrink back in fear, his eyes gleamed with venom. "Don't even think about killing yourself! Anymore of this silly behavior and I'll kill that trash you think so fondly of!"

"You wouldn't!!" Jiang Ying Panicked as she gripped Dong Mu's robe, tears began to leave her beautiful eyes.

Dong Mu snorted as he replied. "Don't test me Ying'er, you belong to me now!" He grabbed her plentiful breast and massaged it. "When our marriage concludes next week, I'll finally bed you and make you forget all about him."

Jiang Ying tried to escape his grasp but he was far too strong. Tears drenched her cheeks, closing her eyes she grit her teeth so much that it caused cracking sounds and resigned herself as despair overwhelmed her.

Dong Mu enjoyed the soft supple sensation in his hand and felt a heat in his loins. [When I take her pure yin, my cultivation will soar!] He thought.

After a his forceful groping stopped, she slumped to the floor with a gaze void of emotion.

Looking down at her with a little pity, Dong Mu eventually he sighed and said in a calming tone. "Don't be too distraught Ying'er. To be my wife is an enormous opportunity! You'll have all the resources of the Silent Valley at your fingertips and your ascension into the upper realms would be but a breeze.. My background is not as simple as just being the first son of the Dong family and the young master of the Silent Valley sect.. "

Jiang Ying looked up at Dong Mu with an intense glare, a bottomless hatred swelled within the depths of her rich black eyes.

Dong Mu smirked, his eyes flashed and changed to a glowing yellow color. An aura of darkness shrouded his body.

At this sight, Jiang Ying cried out in surprise. There was a flash of fear in her eyes. She pointed at Dong Mu with a trembling finger as she muttered. "You-you're a-"

An invisible force closed her lips frightening her.

Dong Mu's eyes went back to normal and the dark aura dissipated. He turned around and walked towards the door.

"Come along Ying'er, the martial competition is about to begin."