Path To Power [P2]

The morning breeze fluttered gently through the gardens of Jiang Manor, it stood tall and imposing amongst the rather plain neighboring manors that surrounded it.

Clearly it had been recently renovated with expensive materials not available to the common people.

Standing at the large metal gate were Rong Xiaoman and Qin Zhenzhen, both of whom were arguing with the guards.

"I demand to see the manor lord Jiang." Rong Xiaoman glared at the haughty guards.

"Look kid, you should leave before you get beaten. Master Jiang has no time to listen to you." One of guards wearing a feathered cap replied as he crossed his arms and shook his head.

Another guard nodded his head in agreement commenting. "It would be wise of you to leave boy, young miss Jiang doesn't like you anymore so don't bother her again."

Rong Xiaoman's eyes flared in anger, as she was about to raise her hand and knock the gate down, Qin Zhenzhen interrupted her.

"Little brother let me. These problems, i'll wipe them all away." Qin Zhenzhen grinned before cracking her knuckles.

The guard with the feathered cap muttered. "Problems?" With a look of confusion.

A guard beside him elbowed him and replied with a laugh. "She means us captain haha, we're the problems."

The guard with the feathered cap sneered and pointed at Qin Zhenzhen. "Little girl stop playing around and go back to the kitchen were you belong."

"Ahaha good one captain!"

The guards laughed with tears in their eyes.

Qin Zhenzhen's eyebrow twitched. A strained smile appeared on her beautiful face. Raising her lithe hand, a drop of water gathered at the tip of her finger.

One of the guards noticed this and pointed with a smile. "Little girl, are you gonna serve us a drink? You're gonna need more than that."

Qin Zhenzhen harrumphed and retorted. "This is all you need, don't choke on it."

With a flick of her finger, the drop of water bolted towards the laughing guards behind the gate.

When the drop of water clashed with the gate it exploded into a massive wave of water which crushed the gate under it's immense weight.


Shock and fear appeared on the guards faces as their screams were drowned out by the wall of water bearing down on them. When the wave of water dispersed, all that was left was soggy devastation. The guards laid sprawled about with their eyes rolled backwards and the front courtyard was an absolute mess.

Qin Zhenzhen clapped her hands as if removing dust from them. She turned towards Rong Xiaoman and put her hands on her hips and with a smug expression she asked proudly. "Your big sis is strong right?"

Rong Xiaoman nodded and replied. "Very strong."

"Hehe." Qin Zhenzhen laughed in satisfaction.

"Who is it that disturbs Jiang manor!!" A roar of anger came from deeper within.

Rong Xiaoman frowned, she watched as thirteen figures jumped out from distant manor. Like shadows they appeared fifteen feet in front of her. The power radiating from them were telling of their significant cultivations.

Qin Zhenzhen eyed her brother and whispered. "Little brother.. I'm no match for twelve of them, they may be peak innate realm cultivators. Only the one in the middle I can easily beat."

She gulped nervously and suggested. "I think we should go back home and bring reinforcements."

Rong Xiaoman shook her head and replied calmly. "I can handle it, just watch."

Qin Zhenzhen looked at her little brother with bafflement. "He's only at the peak of foundation realm, where's his confidence coming from?"

Rong Xiaoman's steely gaze landed upon the group in front of her. Twelve of them wore green robes with various sinister looking snakes embroidered on them, the man in the middle only had on a simple grey robe. His face was lined with a few wrinkles and he sported a short well trimmed beard. He was Jiang Ying's father, Jiang Jie.

Jiang Jie observed Rong Xiaoman with a hint of disdain in his brown eyes. "Qin brat.. you should have gotten the letter. Why have you come here?"

Rong Xiaoman glared at Jiang Jie and replied. "Why have I come? I came to see my fiance.. Where is she?"

Jiang Jie snorted and replied. "She doesn't have time for you boy. My daughter has a new, far better fiance now. One with far greater prospects than you can hardly imagine.. It'd be best if you forget her for you are not worthy, just a mere nobody."

Rong Xiaoman's glare had become scathing as her eyes narrowed further. "Tell me old man, did she decide this or did you decide for her?"

"Humph.. That little girl knows nothing! I know what is best for her for I am her father! She just needs to do what she is told!!" Jiang Jie snapped as frustration appeared on his face.

Rong Xiaoman took a deep breath. "I see..."

One of the green robed men scoffed and said. "Jiang Jie, why are you entertaining these brats.. let's just hurry up and get rid of them."

Another green robed man with a scar on his face licked his thick lips lustfully as he replied. "Leave the girl.. It would be a shame to kill such a beautiful flower, she would be far more useful as my bedwarmer!"

"You'll take all the benefits for yourself?! Gu Chong you dog! Not under my watch!" A thin green robed man beside the scar faced man remarked scornfully.

Hearing the green robed men, Qin Zhenzhen was absolutely fuming with fire spitting from her eyes.

While the green robed men were in heated discussion over who would take possession of Qin Zhenzhen, Rong Xiaoman was recalling her conversation with her mistress about her incarnation's future path to power.