Arriving In Westeros

'John, John are you okay'

A panicked voice reached the ears of MaxMax was a little surprised by this voice as he had never heard it before. All he remembered was that he was walking out of the bookstore after buying the last book of the A Song Of Fire And Ice series or as it was commonly known in his world the game of thrones novel. He remembered a truck coming straight towards him as he was crossing the road.

'Maybe, this is the hospital' thought Max

But right them a ring sounded in his head, and a loud bell was heard after which an announcement came "The host has received the domination system, installing the system, forced reboot will be required"

After which a sharp pain pierced through his head and Max passed away.

After some time had passed Max woke up and started looking around to check his surroundings.

He found that he was lying in medium-sized bed and was covered with a shabby blanket, the room he seemed to be in looked very medieval or probably even older similar to the Scandinavian type houses that existed in history.

Max was now very confused about where he was, at first, he thought that he was hit by the truck and the pain earlier was Migraine, but now he wasn't so sure, after all, there were no building like this in the city he was from.

An intense feeling of confusion and sacredness started building up inside of him. At that moment suddenly that confusion of the situation gave in to a sudden feeling of desperation and he suddenly burst out yelling "WHERE THE HELL AM I?"

As soon as he said this a voice sounded "Dominations system active host can activate the system"

As he heard the voice Max was so shocked that he almost yelled out What the Hell but instead the voice continued "will the host prefer a holographic projection or a neural link"

Max was confused by the question, therefore he asked the system "What do you mean by that"

The system replied "The host has the choice to view the system either through a hologram or a neural link that will display all the information directly to the host's brain"

Max was already to freaked out by this situation and instantly replied "Holographic"After he replied I huge hologram appeared in front of him with all sorts of information displayed before him. As he was about to begin reading the voice started speaking again "The host has been transported to the Westeros continent with the dominations system due to a random pick of the system after the host had died"

"What do you mean the Westeros continent and that I died," asked Max

"The host mental state is not currently stable, it is recommended that the host currently rest and let the host's body adjust, all the information about the system is displayed in the holographic screen, which the host can access anytime by focusing on it in your head, any other question the host has maybe resolved by the handy FAQ section of the information" replied the state

Max was pissed off about the system's response but he was feeling pretty weak, so he decided to take the system advice and went to sleep.------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-----------------------

As soon as Max woke up he was in a serious problem, which was that he had to pee but he didn't knew where the toilet was and there was no way that he was leaving this room without knowing all the facts, thus he was stuck in very perplexing position but after minutes of debating and the mounting pressure he just decided to relieve himself on the spot.

After he was done with this Max was feeling very ashamed, after all he wasn't a child but a full-grown adult.

But soon he got over it and started reading the information provided by the system.

By reading the information he had a general idea about the situation he was in.

The system told him that as the truck hit him he immediately died but he suspiciously possessed a very strong desire to live thus he luckily merged with the dominations system and was transmigrated into this world.

First about the world-He was told that this world was just like that of the game of thrones, thus he was in the known lands, in the continent of Westeros, in the north. But this world was not the same as the world he had read about in the books, the system told him that George R.R.Martin once had a heart attack and thus saw this world for a couple of years but he highly dramatized and fictionalized the world for the novels, although this world did contain some so-called magical and fantasy element, most of the plot of the book was fiction thus Max should be careful and not treat this world exactly as the novel or else he would be in trouble. The world he was currently in was just as real as his world and people in this world are their own self not the exact copy of themselves in the books.

Second about the host's body-

The host is currently occupying the body of John Snow. Almost all the characteristics of the John Snow of this world are the same as the John Snow of the book thus this was selected as the most appropriate character for the host.

Third about the system-The host currently possess the system called the dominations system, this system allowed the host to use the Dominations game that he wasted so much time in playing in his previous life, in this world. More information would be available to the host after he establishes a city center. The criteria for establishing a city center was that the host needed a very large area of open land the rest would be handled by the system

After Max read all this he was very surprised at first, it seemed that George R.R. Martin just stole his story from the world he saw. He was pissed, after all, he had praised his world-building many times in his previous life.

The fact that the world was not exactly like the books was interesting to him but it did not come to him as a big surprise, this world will probably be more realistic just like how mythology and actual history was in his previous world, it was a relief to him since now he was suspecting that the white walkers were not these zombies like creatures but rather just a foreign race or kingdom that the people of this continent had never met before.

After he analyzed all the information he was also pissed of about something else, the fact that he was born as John Snow the bastard son with nothing and not born as Joffrey Baratheon the king of(well prince for now) of the seven kingdoms, after all then he could have fucked Margaery Tyrell and do whatever he wanted with his power but alas he did had a cheat system and the world will belong to him sooner or later, he would just fuck her than.

As started thinking and planning more about his future, he started getting excited after all this was the world he had always dreamed of living and now he was here and with a cheat system nonetheless. From tomorrow he would make all his dreams come true.

After several hours of planning his actions for the next few days Max got really tired and went to sleep both dreaming and thinking of the life he would lead from tomorrow and the future that lay ahead of him.