Activating The System

Max woke up after what he felt was a lot of time, it had been a while since he had this peaceful sleep, after all in his old world he had a very monotonous life and not very much to look forward to but here he had a golden future waiting ahead of him.

Max finally got up from the bed, he was very nervous and confused, he had decided to finally go out of the room and start his life.

Finally, he gathered all his courage and got out of the door, as he crossed the door he saw exactly what he expected, a typical medieval setting some people dressed very shabbily going back and forth, livestock roaming in the street and also a kind of smell that was unfamiliar to him, it didn't smell particularly bad but more like the stench you would expect out of a ghetto, but he wasn't that surprised after all the most common way of dying in the medieval times was neither war nor starvation but disease, this was mainly due to very poor hygiene and sanitation practiced by the people of that time.

As he looked around a young boy ran up to him and asked "Are you feeling well sir,"

"Yes" replied Max

"Very well then, Lord Stark has commanded your presence as soon as you are feeling well," said the boy

"Very well, let's go then"

The boy walked Max from his quarters to the Lord's Chambers.

As Max walked he had trouble remembering who this young boy was, even though he had inherited all of John's memories he also had the memories of his past, both of these memories and personalities were now merging and conflicting with each other, meaning that the Max now not same Max that existed before neither was he John Snow but he was someone new a mix of both perhaps.

After some walking John arrived at the lord's chambers.

The boy said ' Please go inside sir, my lord is waiting'

John opened the door to the chambers and walked in, as he looked around the chambers he saw not some majestic fantasy building but rather a very minimalistic design at least when compared to the other kings and queens, the chamber was lit sufficiently but no luxurious decoration adorned the room.

As he walked in he saw a man sitting on the chair, the man was writing something on the paper, as soon he saw Jon he told him "Take a seat son"

Listening to the lord Max sat down, as he looked at the man the memories of john snow filled in, this was his father, the Warden of the north, Ned Stark, or at least that was what John had thought but Max knew that he was not his father but that was a secret known only to ned stark and now him.

Ned stark was like what Max had pictured him to be, a man brought up in war, made strong in war, and even though he wasn't on a battlefield now, the military aura from his body could tell you that he was not dulled by his age.

Ned Stark started speaking "Son how have you been recovering from your fall"

'I am feeling much better now father' replied Max

'Well the fall must have hurt, take it easy for a few days.

Very well, I have called you to tell something, Robert has offered me the position of the hand after the death of Jon. I have decided to take Rob and Rickon with me'

As soon as Max heard this he immediately came to realize the exact arc he was in.

Realizing this Max started thinking, Ned Stark probably didn't want to take his sons to the capital but he was probably required to, like in the medieval time in his old world in kingdoms like China and France, lords with powerful position were required to live with their sons in the capital and rest of their family would protect and watch that land until the time king retired the lord of his service, this was done mainly to keep the power of lords in check and also served as protection against rebelling lords since the lord and his sons would serve as both bureaucrats and good hostages and the society was a patriarchal society thus woman were thought as incapable of organizing a rebellion, thus the king would keep his power.

However, John was not required to go to the capital, mainly because ned had requested this specifically of Robert, and due to their years of friendship he had granted him this request not to mention the fact that John was a bastard thus he was not particularly of high value.Ned Stark continued "Thus, Catelyn will rule at my behest, I will also be leaving Sansa, Arya and Bran, be sure to teach them well"

Listening to the words of Ned Stark, Max thoughts snapped off, he could sense the tension in the voice of Ned Stark but he was smart enough to not to put it into words after all Ned Stark was showing him a lot of trust by indirectly telling him what he thought was coming.

It seemed the senses of Ned Stark was still present, after all, John knew what was going to happen the political turmoil, the slaughter, the winter truly was coming.

But Max now faced a choice he could tell what he knew and change the events that were going happen or let it be until he could get into a strong enough position to protect himself.

After a lot of thinking, he decided to let the events play out, since telling Ned Stark what he knew was probably not going to accomplish anything and even if told Ned Stark he would most probably not believe him, therefore Max choose to keep silent and as a price swore to protect his family as much as he could.

"Ok, you can go now, but be sure to get plenty of rest so that your wounds can recover"

"Yes, father" replied Max

After saying this Max took his leave.


Thus some days passed, Max took this time to completely absorb John's memory and spent a lot of time figuring out what his new personality and morals were gonna be like. Although he realized that this was not his old-world thus a lot of the morals learned there, he noted the very few and basic morals that he would keep that would form the core of his personality.

He also took time to figure out how most things in this world works, the most surprising thing he found out was how people hear death with their waste, for commoners they would just simply defecate in a specific part of the forest and for the lords they would just shit in silver bowls that their servants would carry to the forests to throw away. This revelation disgusted Max so much that at first he refused to shit but after a while he was forced to do so by nature. However the sheer thought of the bacterias in a society without soap made him sick, thus on that day he swore to make proper hygiene his first and only priority, not military not sex but hygiene. Max also concluded that the only reason disease hasn't spread around because the weather was cold enough so the waste material would get cold enough to not spread diseases but this was only a conjecture.

After some days when he had gotten used to his situations and living conditions, he decided to activate the system for which the system said he required an initial area of 10x10m, a square of 10m by 10m to establish the city center.

He found a perfect spot for the city some 2 to 3-hour ride away from the city of Winterfell.

As Max approached the vast empty field covered with snow a message sounded in his head, sufficient space detected, where does the host want to build the city center?

Max selected the space he had planned and clicked the confirm button.

As soon as he clicked the button a massive energy field covered the entire area and a building started building itself, after 10 minutes a building stood in front of Max.

A message appeared in his head the city center has been constructed, the host has met the basic requirement, the system has been activated.