Knowledge Of The Kings

As Max sat down Chanakya, first started telling about the basics of the system.

The first thing he told him was that the system would only provide the food for 30 days after that Max will be responsible for feeding Chanakya.

This was expected by Max thus he didn't react to this.

After this he told him about the basics of the system, first the fact that the system would start from the medieval age and not the stone age like in the actual game, thus all the technologies and building design till the Medieval era would be fully unlocked and usable from day 1.

Max was very glad to hear this after all the technology of stone age would be completely useless currently it would take some time to even bring it to the current level of technology, he would also have faced the danger of being found out or his buildings destroyed by external forces.

Chanakya also told him that although the system would provide the buildings like farms and mills it would not provide every type of building that a city would need. The system would provide only highly specific and highly crucial building, for example, it would provide the farm building but not a school, also the building provided would be limited in quantity thus for example if the system provided two farm buildings, a third one would not be constructed by the system nor will its blueprint be provided thus if a third farm was needed the citizens would have to research how to build a farm on their own.

Listening to this Max was getting more and more sure that the system would not be like an OP cheat system but like a tool that its host could make use of to evolve and learn.

Thus it seemed that he would have a lot of autonomy when it would come to the planning and making of his city, this was both good and bad in some ways, good since it would give Max more freedom and thus he would be able to adapt quickly with his environment and bad since it would take longer and more work for him to grow his city into a prosperous one.

After that Chanakya told Max that the rest of the information about the system was very technical and thus he would not be able to understand them at his current status therefore from tomorrow

Chanakya would teach Max the basics of city planning and economics for five days after which depending on Max's progress they would proceed further.

Max was completely fine since even he knew that he did not know he would understand all the details the system would throw at him.

Therefore making the plan for tomorrow Max left the city center and returned to Winterfell.


When Chanakya started teaching Max, Max had taught that he would use the knowledge he learned in his university to blow away Chanakya, he was from a time much more evolved than

Chanakya's thus information that wasn't even thought of at Chanakya's time wasn't even for 12 years old children in his time. But reality proved to be quite different, it seemed that the system had given Chanakya all the modern knowledge thus he had no way of easily impressing Chanakya left.

Thus Chanakya taught Max continuously for five days, he would teach for straight 8 hours but unlike the teachers from his previous world who would just read from a textbook and called it teaching, Chanakya taught him by presenting real-life examples, plenty of practical lessons. At the end of five days, Max had all the information he would need for further use of the system after he had studied for 40 hours, in fact unbeknownst to him his regular sneaking off had already raised suspicions in Winterfell but thankfully Catelyn was not very suspicious of John thus she put the suspicions of others at rest otherwise Max's journey would have come to a halt just as it was beginning.

As Max was thinking, Chanakya was also in deep contemplation, at first he had almost no expectations from Max after all he knew how he had gotten the system by pure luck, he was even thinking of leaving Max after 20 days if his attitude during their study session was not good, after all when a king fails the first person to die is his advisor and he had no intention of hooking his wagon to a dead horse. But fortunately Max's attitude was good, although he could not be called a genius, he did catch on pretty quick to new concepts, and worked hard without complaint even once. This had created a favorable opinion toward Max in Chanakya's heart, he could see at least some potential in the boy.


After five days had completed Max was ready to start the planning of his city.

Firstly, Chanakya suggested that the first thing built should be houses for citizens to take full advantage of the 30 days of food provided by the system. Thus Max imagined the system screen and the screen appeared in front of him, from the screen he choose the houses and selected the locations they had agreed upon. The system had a limit of three houses at first, each house would contain 2 citizens, a married couple, a husband and wife, Chanakya also told Max that unlike him the citizens would stay completely loyal to Max for 1 year after which they will have free will required that they are fed properly.

Max was relaxed by listening to this, it seemed that he would not have to worry about loyalty for a year at least.

As Max watched three houses were built one by one, he was surprised at the speed at which they were built.

Seeing this Chanakya replied " Max the houses are being build this fast only because they a very basic level building"

As they were talking, all three houses were constructed and three couples walked out of their homes, all of them had fair skin (Max was thankful for this since it seemed that at least the system has kept the geographical condition and this world in mind while spawning citizens.

Max first looked at the houses that were build looked like typical houses of the Medieval Ages in Europe, they had a chimney and slanted roofs to remove ice, but the surprising thing was that the houses had windows, it seemed that the system had created houses from a mold and not factored in their current location, they were in the north where getting goods from the cities was so difficult that they could not buy many things that were available in the capital, therefore glass was an unimaginable luxury, likely in all of Winterfell only the manor of the lord and very few nobles had glasses, he would have to do something about it since if anyone found out about it the consequences would be massive.

All the people walked up to Max and bowed before Max and greeted him as their lord.

Max also noticed that all the citizens looked very generic, they looked so average that they would get easily lost in the crowd.

Thus, Max controlled himself and assigned each citizen their work, at first Max wanted the citizens to rest for today but he just couldn't waste time and also earlier Chanakya had informed Max that the construction of other building would require wood, the system had provided tools for cutting and processing of trees and the citizens knew how to cut and process the tree thus they could create 2 pieces of wood per citizen per hour by cutting the nearby trees, and they would work for 11 hours each day, Max was fine with this and thus ordered the citizens to start working.

As the citizens started cutting down the trees, Max and Chanakya went inside the city center and started drawing up a city plan placing where each building would go up next, since Chanakya had told Max that system would only give Max five chances to move around the building once they have been constructed, thus a city plan was very important.

At first, Max thought that Chanakya would take the lead in making the city plan but surprisingly Chanakya made Max plan the city with only giving his opinion when Max asked for it and took a back role, this was because Chanakya knew that ultimately Max was the king so he would have to take the lead sooner or later, therefore this was right moment since it would also help him in judging what Max had learned till now and what to teach him ahead, not to mention the fact that this would make Max happy and validate the efforts he made in the five days.

Thus Max and Chanakya worked till almost sunset and came up with a city plan that could be used until they reached the Industrial Age.

After this Max left for Winterfell hurriedly since it was getting late.