Farming Starts In Another World

Max arrived at the city center the next morning.

There he asked about the work the villagers had done, to his delight he found out that he could easily see all the resources of the city in the system's hologram.

Thus he checked the information and found that the citizens had collected 50 pieces of wood yesterday.

But before Max could do anything else, Chanakya came to him and told him that since the first citizens were settled, they were required to select a name for the city.

Max thought about it and he agreed that they needed a name for the city, they couldn't keep calling it just land in front of the citizens, so he needed a name that would sound majestic but also be easy to pronounce for the people of this world, after some thinking, he came up with the name Reinhardt.

The name had come from the old German word for fox and its literal translation would brave and like a fox. This is how Max wanted the people of the empire to be brave but at the same time cunning and smart.

Taking care of this matter, Max started work towards the city plan that had been constructed yesterday, he also had found out that although the basic buildings would only require wood to construct, buildings above that would cost gold to built and the basic buildings would also require gold to upgrade.

This had worried Max at first since he had no source of gold at the moment, after all he was just a bastard of the family and was not given any sort of allowance and currently, neither the city nor he possessed anything that could be traded for gold.

Luckily the system was not that cruel, it informed him that he could that 10 gold a day automatically from the system but to activate this would require two citizens and for the time they are with the system they couldn't perform any other tasks. Also later a market system would be unveiled, but information about that would be given when he would reach the required level.

This had relaxed Max and he got back to work.

The first thing Max needed to build was the farm, Barn, and defense.

The cost of construction of each building was like this-1) Farm-

10 wood required

would produce 20 pieces of food per day(works for 24 hours)

2 can be constructed.

2 citizens required to construct

Time to built- 10 min

2)Barn- Functions as food storage( food produced by system farm will automatically be stored in the barn and would never spoil)

20 wood required

1 can be constructed.

3 citizens required to construct

Time to built- 1 hour

Max first decide to send the 2 citizens required to produce gold, after that he first ordered the barn to be constructed, I was going to take 1 hour, until then he assigned the remaining citizen the task of scouting the terrain of the area in 5 km radius from the city center.

Quickly 1 hour passed and the barn was constructed after that Max started building the farm and told the remaining citizen to help the other citizen in mapping the terrain.

Like this some time had passed, all the building had been constructed but the mapping work hadn't been finished off yet, so he told the 2 citizens to go gather wood and he started reading the information on the system.

The barn had a storage capacity of 1000 pieces. He was also informed that a regular citizen would require only 2 pieces of food per day, this was very good news to Max since he would not have to worry about food for the citizens even after 30 days not to mention the fact that he now had a huge surplus which would allow him to get more citizens, also as far as the citizens go Max was already informed that the system would only provide a very limited number of citizens and would thus he could not rely on the system for increasing citizens, it seemed that he would have to smuggle some people out of Winterfell.

He also studied the defense structure provided by the system, the system provided three types of structures currently-


10 wood to build

builds instantly(weak defense can be upgraded using gold)


20 wood to build

builds instantly

limit 2(weak defense can be upgraded using gold)

3)Archer tower-

requires 50 wood

1 hour to build

limit 2

Note-4 archers will automatically be provided with the tower but they cannot be taken outside the tower and will shoot in defense, Also unlimited free arrows will be provided for the first 30 days after being built

Currently however Max had only 10 pieces of wood left so he decided to postpone the defense to the future.

This was worrying him a lot since even if he would not get attacked by other people, animals could still attack the village and at this point the loss of even a single citizen would be catastrophic to him.

But since there was nothing he could do he decided to continue his lesson with Chanakya for the day.

Today Chanakya was teaching him about the political situation of this world and some basic information about the world. He first told him about the different kingdoms in the worldThe first was the Kingdom of the North, ruled by House Stark of Winterfell, the Kings in the North, The second, Kingdom of the Mountain and the Vale, ruled by House Arryn of the Eyrie, the Kings of the Mountain and the Vale,The third, Kingdom of the Isles and Rivers, ruled by House Hoare of Harrenhal, the Kings of the Isles and the Rivers,The fourth, Kingdom of the Rock, ruled by House Lannister of Casterly Rock, the Kings of the Rock, The fifth, Kingdom of the Stormlands, ruled by House Durrandon of Storm's End, the Storm Kings,The sixth, Kingdom of the Reach, ruled by House Gardener of Highgarden, the Kings of the Reach,The seventh, Principality of Dorne, ruled by House Martell of Sunspear, the Princes of Dorne,and

The eight however although not a kingdom but still which held massive power were the free cities, which had more city-states that kingdoms and their rulers were mainly focused on trading.

Most of this knowledge Max already knew from the books he had read in his world.

After this Chanakya taught Max the basic knowledge of this work, first he taught him that the time system followed here was the same as earth however the people here didn't possess the technology to construct accurate clocks however thus there was no concept of 24 hours, thus people just got up at sunrise worked till sunset and went to sleep.

This world also followed a calendar similar to earth's but in this world, a year was made of 12 months and each month consisted of 30 days. The winter lasted for 4 months, the summer for 4 and the spring for 4 months.

It seemed that the winter was not as long as the books had mentioned which lasted for years but just a little longer than on earth, this was good since this eased some of his worries.

Chanakya told him that the current date was 8th of November, and Max had established the system on the 1st of November thus all calculations, were being done on that basis.

As Chanakya had finished teaching Max this, the citizens arrived with a crude map drawn of the terrain, at first Max tried to read the map but could not read it, so he told one of the citizens to explain it to him, they explained to him that, the terrain was relatively safe, there were lots of trees so they didn't have to worry about running out of wood anytime soon, there some fruit trees and foraging goods also, they spotted some deers, while they were surveying.

Max was pleased to hear all this, it seemed that he wouldn't have to worry for now.

As soon they were done Max ordered them to go collect wood.

After this Max and Chanakya discussed some things about the future and as the sun was setting

Max proceeded to leave, however, as Max was going he told the citizens to automatically collect wood every time if no task was given at that time.

After this Max left for Winterfell, however as he riding he was wondering what he would have to do to get some citizens from Winterfell to Reinhardt.