The System Update

After the refugees had settled Chanakya and Max went to the meeting room.

Chanakya started explaining all the information that the system had provided him.

The system was now divided into two sections-

Kingdom and Virtual Map

First the Kingdom section contained all the information about Max's current system and it was further bifurcated into four parts-

1)Buildings- All the buildings that were constructed by the system were shown in this part, it also contained the building that will be allowed for construction in the future after the required perquisites were met.

The system also introduced a new leveling system for the buildings, the building was now upgradable and they would increase their yields by a certain amount when they were leveled up, for example- if the current farms were leveled up to level 2 then it's yield will be 50 food per day but at the same time it would require 50 wood and 20 gold coins to upgrade and the upgrade will take 2 days during which no food will be produced by the farm.

2)Army- This listed the army that the kingdom currently possess along with the type and number of each type of units

3)Resources- This listed the complete resources available for use in the kingdom

4)Diplomacy- This listed all the different rulers of different kingdoms. Currently, It only showed Ned Stark but more will be added as he meets more and more rulers, also by clicking on each ruler's Max could see the land they controlled, all information available about, the status of their current relationship with Max and the treaties and agreement in place with them.

The next section was the virtual map section but Chankaya informed him that the information in this section was confidential and the system would directly explain this system to Max.

Max thought that meant that the dimensional section was really important after all why would the system keep it from Chanakya if it was regular information.

Chanakya was also not offended by this since he had been an advisor long enough and knew what his position and that there some things that must not be shared with anyone no matter what even with the one closest to you, especially when you are a king.

Thus after some time when Chanakya had explained everything to him Max left.


It was night and Max was alone in his room

Max opened the system, the upgraded system has been launched for the first time as a host thus the host has been given the starter pack by the operation.

The system will now proceed to explains the improvements made in the system.The host is currently in a fantasy world thus, a leveling system has been put in place for the host's progression. Now the host has a level and the level will determine the hosts fighting strength. Currently, the host is level 1, a level one posses a fighting strength equal to a soldier with a year fighting experience and as the host gains a level he would gain 1 year worth of experience, for example- while at level two the host will posses fighting prowess similar to a soldier who has been fighting on the battlefield for 2 years and on level 3 three years and so on. The exp required for leveling up will be provided after killing an enemy, the enemy will provide exp equivalent to his level, for example - an enemy of level 10 will provide 10 exp when killed, level 20 20 exp, and so on.

The host will also be allowed to select a weapon of his preference and his level of use of the weapon will be the same as his level.

More information will be provided to the host when the host visits the dojo.

The system has also updated the military units, now the military units produced by the player in the barracks will also have the same leveling system and to stop the player from mass-producing units the player can only possess a limited number of units at a time and although they are housed at the barracks there food and maintenance cost will be provided by the host. Also to discourage hosts from using units in suicide attacks, every time a unit dies its production and maintenance cost will double as well as the experience required for the replacement unit double. Now the soldiers also possess free will and thus will act like humans and not NPC's

Next the Virtual Map-

The dimensional map is divided into three parts-

1)The Virtual town were there many buildings like the auction center, the market, the dojo etc, the adventurers guild that the host can discover by visiting the virtual town.

2)The Training Map- The training maps serves as the experience battleground for the host, it comprises of battles of many situations from easy to hard where the player can train according to his preference. The player can also take his army along in this map to train. (The maps are unlimited, therefore the player can train to his hearts content)

3) The Conqueror's Map- This map contains town for the host to capture with his army, once captured, these towns will serve as colonies and they will generate resources for the host, the will have the same usage as the host's city and thus building can be created on the colonies as well, but these colonies have a loyalty meter that will not be available for the host to see but is maintained by the system if the loyalty meter dips too low the colony can rebel and take over the city and the citizens of the colony will be able to use all the building and resources in the colony to defend itself, the host can also rule the colony and institute policies to improve citizens life or rule with a proverbial topaz fist like a dictator. Depends on the host, both approaches have their consequences.

Note- The number of towns on this map is very limited and they have various levels of difficulties from normal to very hard. Be careful when attacking.

This concludes the virtual map explanation for more information visit the information center in the virtual town

The host should also know that he is being provided with free unlimited storage like that in an RPG game, the host can store all the materials he loots in the training map in this storage space, even the items from the real world can be placed in this storage, but the host should know that although the storage has unlimited storage it cannot store living things like animals or humans, but plants and food are fine and the things when place in the storage will go under time dilation of 1000 years to 1 year, basically meaning whatever the host puts in will remain in its same condition, however, the host will face restrictions when taking the items out of storage but these restrictions will be relaxed as the host's level increases, for example- the host currently only take 2 times twice a day (this rule does not apply to the items provided directly by the system), not exceeding the weight and length of the host currently.

The system has to also inform the host that there is some information that cannot be shared with the host due to the low level of the host.


The system had given so much much information to Max that he was having a really hard time comprehending it. It was just too much process.

But there was one caveat to Max being providing with all the information of the system, now Max can start making plans without worrying that his plan would get ruined by some sudden change of the system, to be honest, Max knew there was still a chance to be surprised by the system since the system had said that some information could not be shared with him due to his low level.

But this was the risk that Max was willing to take since the chance was small.

As Max was about to go to sleep he remembered the starter pack received from the system, he, therefore, opened the storage screen in the system and clicked on the glowing starter pack in the screen.

As he clicked on the screen, the starter pack transformed into glowing orbs and transformed into a device that looked exactly like the smartphone that Max used in his previous world, after the phone had appeared before him the system sounded in his head, the player has received the mobile travel system, the host can use this device to have the same access to the system, it will even perform the same functions, it will show the current time, date and year, however, this device is not useful for anything else, it does not have the internet facility, the system also told him that he could now get the storage function in a travel form to, however it came in two forms, either a ring or a pouch.

After some thinking, Max chooses the pouch since it will be less noticeable and thus more easy to hide and he could also use it as place put the mobile device he had been given after that Max chooses to have it permanently attached to him meaning it could not be separated from him meaning if it was taken away from him it would come back to him hidden inside his clothes.

Max was very grateful for this device since using a holographic screen was cool and all but it was not something Max was accustomed to not to mention that the screen was visible to everyone and thus he could not use it in public, however, this was not the problem with his mobile device, he could easily fit it in his palm and thus use it anywhere and the pouch would be an easy place to store it, not to mention how accustomed to using a mobile device he was from his years of training, to be correct this wasn't exactly like a mobile phone but rather a Nintendo game boy shaped like a mobile phone.

After this Max tried to practice using the pouch, first he tried to put the device inside the pouch, as he put the device inside the pouch he felt it vanish as soon as it went in and a screen appeared directly in his head showing what was inside the pouch, he focused on the device in the storage and the device and the device appeared in his hand, after that Max but the device on his bed and focused on the device, suddenly the device vanished and the storage screen appeared in head, he took the device out again, after this, he focused on the stool on his room and thought of it appearing inside the bag, suddenly the stool vanished the storage screen popped up in his head.

This time Max tried using the device, the device almost exactly same as the system screen but it had an additional info section which listed all his details, like his level his age, name, gold coins (which were zero at this moment), etc, the other sections were kingdom, virtual map and storage.

He clicked on the storage button, and then clicked on the stool in the storage, after which the stool appeared exactly where he had intended it to appear. This was very fascinating to Max.

But at this time Max was very tired and thus wanted to sleep, he went to sleep thinking about the information that the system had provided to him and his strategies for the future.

Although in the night he was cursing the always with him option of the pouch since the system had meant it literally and would not budge even as Max was begging for mercy, eventually Max had to sleep in discomfort crying with the pouch poking him.


Date- 16th November





Wood-100 units

Gold-128 coins

Daily Maintenance-2 coins for military units


Soldiers-10(5 Infantry, 5 Archer)