Going To The Virtual Map

The next day proceeded to go to Reinhardt

As he arrived in Reinhardt, he saw all the 25 refugees lining outside the city center to receive that was being distributed by the soldiers.

After Max saw over the distribution he went into the city center with Chanakya and explained to him the new information about the system had thought him, but he choose to only tell him the truth about the information of the military units and the not all the other information about the system, Max needed to keep some things secret after all.

For leveling up the soldier's Max told Chanakya that he had been presented with a device that could transport himself and the soldiers for to an ancient battlefield where they could battle soldiers to provide training to the city's army.

At first, Chanakya was against this, since a battlefield was a very dangerous place and the king himself and all the other soldiers had zero experience in fighting and they could get easily killed out there but after Max's constant pressure and assurances Chanakya had to agree with great reluctance but he had decided that if something happened the first time they went in, he would never let Max go in again, no matter the condition.

After this, Max and Chanakya went back to governing, first Max told Chanakya to collect all the information about the refugees, like name, sex, age, marital status, profession, etc. and write a report about it and he also told him to not allow the refugees to talk to the system's resident for now.

As Chanakya went to do his task, Max opened the system and clicked on the buildings tab, now there were a lot of new buildings in the tab that weren't there before like road, garrison, stable, mercenary camp, blacksmith, command post but the most interesting thing that caught his eye was the fort since the words unlocks a general was written in golden font below it.

Max immediately clicked on it, the fort would cost a whopping 50 gold and 50 wood to build and it would allow the military units to occupy it during defense thus giving them a huge advantage, however it said nothing about the general except that it unlocks it. Now Max was stuck in a quandary he could either take the gamble or not, since the system might just be trying to clickbait him.

In the end Max decided to take the gamble and choose to build the fort, it would take 1 hour to build the fort.

Till the fort was built Max tried to look at other buildings but they were all too wildly expensive, so he decided to upgrade the buildings he already had like the farm, the city center, and the archer tower, first of all, he decided to upgrade the buildings he already had, the most important priority for that was the farm since he was running a huge food deficit right now, the refugees required 50 food per day while the farm currently produced only 20 food per day, thus at this rate he would run out of food by tomorrow, so he decided to upgrade the farms.

He saw the farm would cost 25 gold and 25 wood to upgrade, Max was surprised since it seemed that the system has made the price of upgrading buildings a lot, he concluded that maybe it was so high to discourage him from relying on the system too much and start using the terrain more, but Max still decided to upgrade the farm since he urgently needed more food, it would also take an hour to upgrade.

After some time the fort was done and an announcement sounded in Max's head, the host has unlocked the general feature, from now on the host will be provided a fixed general on every upgrade of the fort, the general will have the ability to command troops, but the general is restricted by his level, at level 1 the general can command only 50 troops and no more whoever his commanding capacity will increase once his level increases, the general will have the same leveling system as the host meaning he can gain experience both from killing enemy units himself and the units the soldiers under his command kills. But if a general dies he cannot be retrained he would be lost forever.

After this Max was directed to the military tab where a new option was added the general, as clicked, on the general, he saw a lot of generals from his history, but the only generally available to him, for now, was perhaps, the first great general of the world, a man worshipped by both generals and scholars long after his death for his achievements, a man who almost conquered all of Asia and built the largest empire the world has ever none, it was none other than Alexander the Great.

Max was very excited by this after all who hasn't heard of Alexander and having him on his army would raise their fighting capability to a large extent after all he wasn't called the great for nothing.

As Max clicked on Alexander the following screen popped up in front of Max-

Name-Alexander The Great

Buff- Raises the level of troops by 2 when laying siege to a city, and raises the level of troops under his command by level 1 when in general warfare.

Current limit-50 troops

Maintenance cost-3 gold

The system also informed him that unlike advisors all Generals would always be 100% loyal towards the host but in exchange for this, all their other skills except the ones about warfare has been erased, for example-Alexander now only possess the skills required for a general and thus does not possess the other skills he is famed to have like diplomacy, oratory skills, etc.

Also, all generals are aware of the system's existence and all the information that the system has told the host, maybe more

Honestly Max was fine this since if the generals were not 100% loyal to him he would always have a sword hanging over his neck since he knew that these great generals could easily defeat him and take over if they wanted (well for now at least).

As Max choose Alexander, a man appeared in front of him donned in a shining golden armor, he seems to give off the aura that he was the real king and Max just a pretender, but soon the light from the system faded and he saw alexander.

Alexander came to Max and kneeled before him and said

"My king I am Alexander and I ready to serve as a general to your army and I hereby in the name of Zeus himself make a pledge to lay waste to your enemies and conquerer any city that refuses to bow down to you"

Max was very pleased by this it seemed that the system had given him a very huge gift indeed, with the help of Alexander he would be able to conquer the whole of Westeros if he desired, and the fact that he was ready to serve him made Max so excited that he couldn't believe it still.

After Alexander had stood up Max told Alexander the current status of his city and his military, at first Alexander was shocked after he had commanded thousands of troops but now he was expected to command merely 10 troops, but the programming of the system had worked and

Alexander accepted the situation.

After that Max took Alexander outside and introduced him to Chanakya and then showed

Alexander the troops that he would be commanding, although he was disappointed at first but told that they showed a lot of potential.

By this the farms had also upgraded and on their upgrade their yields had increased to 50 food per day per farm. Max ordered the citizens that were free now to go collect wood.

After settling all this, Max went inside the city center told Chanakya to not disturb him for a while and told the guards at the city center to not anyone in no matter what.

As, Max sat down, he prepared to go to the virtual map that's why he had put himself in isolation and told the guards to not anyone in, after this was the first time he was trying this who knew what would happen.

Max opened the system and pressed the Virtual Map tab.

A light descended on Max and suddenly he was transformed into particles and disappeared from his chair.


Date- 17th November




Food-30 units

Wood-0 units

Gold-100 coins

Daily Maintenance-5 coins for military units


Troops-11(5 Infantry, 5 Archer, 1 General)