The First Battle

As Max opened his eyes he could see a bustling market.

At first he was very confused, where was this, right then a voice rang out in his head, for visiting the virtual town the first time a minimap has been deposited in the host's storage.

Max was finally relieved, so this was the virtual town, Max opened the system and opened the map, it currently showed all the locations system had mentioned, but just by the size of the map Max could tell that this town was not very big he estimated that it would take him just an hour to travel through the whole town.

Now had to decide where to go first, after some thinking he decided to go to the dojo first since he wanted to try the training map later.

After traveling for 15 minutes Max stood in front of a building that had clear Asian influences, so it seemed that the system had gone for the more cliched approach.

Max entered the building where he was greeted by a female attended

"Hello sir, May I know what your purpose is in visiting the dojo today," said the attendant

"I want to learn about weapon level," said Max

"Ok, follow me," said the attendant

As Max followed the attendant, she leads him to a room where an old looking dude was practicing taichi.

The attendant introduced Max to the man and told him that Max wanted to learn about the Weapon level.

After listening to this the old man stopped practicing taichi and focused his eyes on Max.

"So you want to learn about weapon level, do you have any previous experience," said the old man

"No, this is my first time visiting the dojo," said Max

"Ok then now I will explain the weapon levels and their use to you.

First the weapon would gain level just like how you would gain level, meaning it will receive the exp it requires by the number of enemies you kill.

Under the level system you would gain a unique skill related to that weapon every 5 levels.

Also after you gain level 10 in a specific weapon all your other weapons level would increase to level 5, and when you increase the level to 20, every weapon level would increase by 5 again and so on.

Do you understand" said the old man

"Yes" replied Max

"Ok. Now you will have to choose your weapon from the list of weapons" said the old man

Max saw the list and it had all the weapons anyone can think of, like bows, axes even hammers, but

Max had already decided on the sword since it was the most versatile weapon and also while using the sword he could have a shield that he couldn't have if he had gone for a two-handed weapon like axe or greatswords.

After Max choose the weapon, a skills tab was added in his info page in the system but under that, there was just one skill listed-

Powerful Slash

The old man continued

"So, you have chosen the way of the sword, a fine choice for a novice such as yourself, but remember that just because you have chosen the way of the sword does not mean that you cannot use other weapons, in fact on quite the contrary on every weapon your level would be 1 meaning although you could use them like a seasoned veteran, you could use them to the extent of an experienced student but you would not receive any skills for those weapons until you upgrade them to level 5," said the old man

"I understand," said Max

"Good, your introduction is complete, now go to the training map to hone your skills and please come to me once you reach level 5 in any weapon"

After that Max had left the dojo.

Now he wanted to prepare for the upcoming battle in the training map, after all he had no experience in fighting thus he wanted to be as safe as possible, therefore he went to the town's blacksmith shop.

As he entered the blacksmith shop he was greeted by a rough-looking man.

"What do you need, sir," the blacksmith said

As he said that a holographic catalog appeared in front of Max's eyes showing all the weapons and shields the shop sold.

Max looked at the catalog and was shocked by how expensive everything, in the end, he bought a low-quality shield and poorly made sword for 20 gold each.

After Max had left the blacksmiths shop he was still comprehending how expensive everything was in there a perfectly forged iron sword cost 1000 gold coins this was insane, at first Max had thought of buying weapons in here and then taking them outside to the real world, but this was nonsensical since he could just buy weapons so much cheaper in other kingdoms themselves.

Max now wanted to go to the general goods store to see if the system had implemented some kind potion type system or not. Soon, Max reached the general goods stores and went inside. The catalog appeared in front of Max's eyes again but here there weren't that many goods just food, wood, oil, iron ore, etc. So, this was this kind of general store realized Max, but he still purchased some food since right now his food production was equal to his consumption and that was without counting all the people from the system. Thus he purchased 200 units of food for 50 gold.

Also, after chatting a little with the young female attendant, Max was informed that when he would go to the training map he could loot the things from the fighters and also he would be given some item in reward for each victory, and if he didn't need the item he could either sell them here at the store or put them up for auction at the auction house.

Max was pleasantly surprised by this since it would at least give a source for some extra income.Finally after preparing this much Max was now ready to go to battle, he pressed the training map option. After he selected the training map option a screen appeared in front of him which showed all the troops that he had available with him that were available to fight. Max choose 8 troops and alexander but he choose to leave 2 infantry behind that were guarding the city hall.

After Max pressed the confirm button a light beam fell on him and he disappeared from the town.

As Max opened his eyes, he saw Alexander along with all the troops under him, as the troops and

Alexander saw Max they greeted Max.

Alexander and the troops were created by the system and thus already knew about the training map and all the other information.

Alexander came up to Max and said "My lord, you look a little worried is this your first fight"

"Yes" replied Max

"Well you do not need to worry, the training map finds opponents similar in strength, thus you have nothing to worry about not to mention the fact that you have me," said Alexander

Max was a little assured by Alexander's words and thus replied

"Yes, you are right Alexander and please do not call me my lord just call me Max"

"No how can I, after all, you are the king and I am the general the hierarchy must be respected," said Alexander

"Ok, then just call me Sir" said Max

Alexander grudgingly agreed.

Max was just a normal man from the earth just a while ago and although he had been slowly assimilating to this world's norm and his new status, thus he had gotten used to being called lord by the citizens but this was Alexander the Great, a man even he had admired subconsciously not to mention the fact that his first experience with Chanakya had not shaken his confidence too.

But this was something that Max would have to work on soon.

Suddenly a group of 10 infantry appeared on the opposite side.

"Information" loudly yelled Alexander

Listening to Alexander all the troops quickly formed a formation with archers in the back and infantry in the front. While Alexander took the most frontal position atop his horse.

As a cry of charge sounded on the other side, the enemy troops started charging.

Seeing this Alexander instead gave an order of hold, and yelled archers aim, ready and as the enemy kept coming towards him he kept saying hold, hold but then just as the enemy was 20 feet in front of him, he yelled fire and the archers let the string of their bows lose releasing their arrows each claiming one life.

Then Alexander yelled charge and the infantry charged along with him, the archers maintained their position since by this time the enemy had come close enough that they couldn't differentiate between friend and foe. Alexander however was engaged in battle, but there was no one on his level that could match him so he was easily toying with the enemy. In the heat of the battle Alexander yelled that take them alive. But during this period when the noise of metal colliding against metal was heard Max could hear a thing he was overwhelmed by a strange mix of fear and pleasure, maybe this is what they called adrenaline he thought.

Soon the battle was over and Alexander brought three injured infantry in front of Max and said

"Sir, these are the enemy soldiers, but I have brought them before you. Since they are injured they should not pose much threat to you but at the same time should be good practice for you"

"Ok, I shall fight them" replied Max

"Listen carefully this is our king and he currently lacks a sparring partner, if all of you spar with him for some time I shall let you go but if you don't want to do that I shall you right now," said Alexander

All the enemy units agreed, seeing this Alexander said

"Good, but remember do not dare to try to play any tricks, archers aim you bows on them if they try to take the king hostage kill them instantly"

Archers took their aim at the soldier and while another soldier brought two dull swords and gave both of them one.

Like this Max trained for some time, even though it was his first time fighting he could feel an instinctual feeling and thus he fought with the soldiers for some time, and in the end, he even fought all three of them using the skill when he used the skill he could swing the sword with twice the power and twice the speed and even slash his opponent.

But after using this Max very tired, seeing this Alexander stopped the training but just as Max was about to sit down, Alexander suddenly knocked all the three soldiers in the head knocking them out.

Max was surprised by this and asked Alexander what he was doing.

To this Alexander replied

"Sir, I have knocked them out so you can kill them since you can gain level exp by your soldiers kills but you will not gain weapon exp that way, to gain weapon exp you will have to kill with the weapon itself"

Max understood what he was trying to say thus he did not object to this, he picked up his real sword and went up to the soldiers, as he held the sword above their head he was feeling extreme reluctance after all he had never killed before, but he also knew that this was a new world and he could not afford to be weak here, thus he sealed away his fears, and brought down the sword on the soldiers head killing. Blood flowed from their head like a fountain, he knew with this stroke he had not only killed the soldiers but his past self too, the Max now will be a new Max baptized in this blood.

Today he had lived the phrase " For every opportunity, there is a cost that must be paid in blood"


Like this they continued for hours, fighting more and more enemies, and always in the end Max would fight and kill some of them one by one.

Five hours had passed and the soldiers were getting tired for today so they decided to call it enough for now and Max decided to exit the map.

Today's session had gone over well they mostly faced equal enemies and thus due to Alexander they did not lose a single soldier, but in the end however they were faced with a superior force of 15 troops. But instead of escaping Alexander had decided to use many strategies and eventually won by making a full-frontal charge due to which he had taken an arrow in the shoulder

At first Max was very worried about this but Alexander informed him that the units produced by the system can heal automatically by resting and since this injury was not that major he would recover in 8 hours automatically given that he rested.

Max relaxed after hearing this.

After today's session Max risen to level 4 along with alexander and his weapon rank had risen to, while all the soldiers had risen to level 3.

Max had gotten very tired today thus he decided not to go to the store today.

After he returned to the real world he went straight back to Winterfell.

Meanwhile both Alexander and Chanakya were observing Max's action, for Alexander tonight would decide how able a ruler Max will make, while for Chanakya tonight would decide if Max was worth serving or not.

Later,Max had reached in his house, and was laying on his bed, as soon as he closed his each time the faces of those he had killed would appear him. Tonight was going to be a very rough night for him.


Date- 17th November




Food-30 units

Wood-42 units

Gold-10 coins

Daily Maintenance-5 coins for military units


Troops-11(5 Infantry, 5 Archer, 1 General)