The Next Day

Max woke up with a headache.

Luckily he had managed to somehow retain his sanity. Now he had two options either hide away in his city center and let his army do all the fighting or get back into training and get used to seeing blood, fighting on the battlefield, and taking lives.

Thus Maxx decided to focus on raising his weapon level to 5 for the next couple of days.

As Max the Reinhardt today, he gathered Chanakya about his decision and Chanakya agreed with this. Therefore he instructed Chanakya to make all the refugees into fully-fledged citizens and make them collect wood by letting them learn from the system citizens.

After this as Max opened his device to go to the virtual map he saw a lot of things in his storage, he was surprised after all yesterday after he got out of battle he hadn't bothered to check his storage. It seemed that this was all his reward from his victories at the training map.

The rewards were as follows-

500 gold

200 food

100 wood

4 iron swords

4 shields

and a lot of random things he didn't know

Seeing this Max quickly transferred all the 400 units of food, the 200 from victories, and 200 units he had purchased to the barn. He also transferred all the coins to the city's account from his since the city only had 10 gold remaining.

It seemed he could get rich just by training, but as he remembered the sky-high costs of the new buildings he realized just how poor he was, plus he also knew that since he was increasing his level quickly the system may reveal some new information soon, so he decided to save his money.

Thereafter he transported to the town and sold all the rewards that were useless to him for which he got a 1000 gold. After that he equipped the new shield and sword he had gotten and proceeded to the training map.

There, for hours he trained both with Alexander and with enemy troops quickly learning all sorts of techniques and instincts, but these were just the effects by the system since he was leveling up after all with each level he would gain 1 tear worth of experience.

Thus, for three days Max continued his training and ultimately the training worked and he was desensitized to both blood and killing and had gotten accumulated with the system enough that he could now use the veteran experience provided by the system fairly well but as evening was coming to an announcement sounded in his head

"Congratulations to the host for reaching level 10, the requirements have been met, the next round of buildings have been unlocked."

Max was pleasantly surprised by this, it seemed that he had gotten a little too focused on his training and forgotten to check his level but he now had a lot of work pending in his city thus he decided that he had enough training at least for a little while, but he commanded Alexander to continue the training with the army and inform him if any changes happen.

By this time Alexander had also reached level 10 and the soldiers had reached level 6.

After exiting the training map Max first went up to the store and sold all the unneeded loot he had collected over the past few days, the amount he got for his loot was very large, 5000 gold.

Certainly this gold would go help a lot during the construction of the new buildings.

After this since he had a little bit of time left he decided to check out the auction house, after walking for five minutes Max reached the auction house. As he entered the auction house he was greeted by a young male attendant.

"How may I help you sir" asked the male attendant

"Hello, My name is Max and this is my first time visiting the auction house could you please explain the functions to me," said Max

"Of course sir. This is the auction house where you can buy things placed on auction here by other adventurers like yourselves. You can also place any item you have for auction, but remember their price depends on the highest bid they and they have no fixed price thus your item may get sold for much less than you expected or it might not even get sold in which case you would still have to pay the minimum auction fees of 10 gold. But if your item gets sold the auction fees will be automatically deducted and the rest will be automatically transferred to you thus as you can see it is a very easy and hassle-free process. To access the auction go straight down the hallway"After the attendant had finished explaining to him about the auction house, Max thanked the attendant and went down the hallway. As he walked down he saw a door in front of him, as he pulled the door open he saw a very large hall probably like those theatres they have for operas, soon a screen appeared in front of him with two options buy or sell, Max chooses to buy, another screen with a huge list of auctions appeared in front of him.

On the list, the name auctions for kings caught Max's eyes. Max choose to enter the auction. In the auction he saw many things up for sale as he scrolled through the list he saw that an item called grow anywhere seeds were available for sale. He grew very excited by this an instantly clicked on the item for bid but the bidding had started yet thus he was told to wait, releasing this Max waited till the bidding started. But as soon as the bidding started Max due to his inexperience bided overenthusiastically, due to which many players decided to have fun with him and inflated the price a lot, ultimately he got the seeds for 1000 gold but it had not been so inexperienced he would have gotten it for about 600 gold. But oblivious of this fact Max was very happy with his purchase.

But as Max saw the time on the system he realized that it was getting late and he had some things to discuss with Chanakya.

Thus Max exited from the Virtual town and returned to the real world. Their he meet Chanakya.

But before Max could say anything to Chanakya, Chanakya said to Max

"Max 20 days of the system has expired and I am not required to serve you by force anymore"

Max was caught off guard by this, so he quickly pulled out the device and checked the date and it seemed 20 days had passed. Max released that now Chanakya was free of his requirement to serve

Max and thus he could now make a choice. From surprise Max had gone to extreme tension and he said

"So, what decision has guru taken"

Chanakya smiled and said "I have called you my student, I surely cannot abandon you now, I have decided to serve you as your advisor for always and thus I swear to be always by your side as long as you will have me be by your side but remember just because I have decided to serve you means that I will follow your every order, my first role is that of your teacher, therefore, I will object you when I won't agree with the action you are taking or when you are about to do something bad for the kingdom. Also, from now on you are my king, therefore, I shall call you my lord and you shall call me by my name"

Max was ecstatic on hearing this and he lost in his happiness hugged Chanakya and told him that today we will have a feast full of meat and wine gather all the citizens.

Chanakya was also pleased by this and as he went to gather the citizens and announced to them the news of the feast, Max quickly went back to the virtual town and bought a lot of meat and wine for the feast which cost him about 200 gold.

As Max came back he saw all the citizens along with the army and Chanakya and Alexander start gathering outside of the city center. Max went inside the city center and quickly took the meat and wine out of the storage using his quota for the day. Then he went outside and told the citizens to carry the meat and wine outside. At first, the citizens were confused about the reason for the feast but they would get to eat meat which they had not eaten in a long time.

After the citizens carried out the meat and wine Max took Chanakya and Alexander inside the city center and told the soldiers to inform them once the preparations were done.

As Max, Chanakya and Alexander sat down, Max started talking

"From today Chanakya has decided to join us and a new round of buildings have been unlocked by the system which is more advanced than the building we have until now, therefore we now need an established hierarchy of power, therefore I have called both of you here to tell you that Alexander you are now the General of the kingdom and Chanakya you are both the royal advisor and the prime minister, for now, I know it is a lot of work but as we get more capable people your role would become more focused. Now, I have not paid a lot of attention to the city in the last few days do you have anything you want to discuss"

"Yes I have my lord when the last time you built the fort the outside citizens were very surprised by the speed at which the building was constructed but after a lot of convincing and a little intimidation they were convinced that they were just imagining things but if we want to continue in the future we have to come up with a better approach," said Chanakya

"What's there to think about, tell will think whatever the king commands them to think and if they have any problem they can come and have a talk with my sword," said Alexander

"No violence is not practical in this situation Alexander, we have to think of a better idea.I think the best approach is to make up a tale that I am a descendant from a line of people that had existed in very ancient times and they possess the power of magic meaning they could directly talk to god and channel nature itself to wield great power and I am the last remaining of my kind" said Max

"Well, it will be hard but if we instruct them constantly and if they see you building the new buildings out of nothing with their own eyes, especially when they are fully fed, it will become easier," said Chanakya

"Ok, I see no other option, but we will start slowly and since the work that needed to be done is very large tomorrow send to the forest for some foraging, since we have kept them in the temporary houses outside the fence they don't know what the city looks likes, therefore, we will complete almost all the buildings first and then finish only one or two buildings in front of them.

Also, make up some heroic tales about my people's history and heritage and my circumstances to be spread among the people."

"Is there anything else?" said Max

"Yes, my lord. Since you have taken all the soldiers and the generals for training for the days and they have to rest at nights, the citizens have not seen them very often and thus are starting to get a little lax, in fact, yesterday there was an incident of food theft where a citizen was stealing food from a kid but luckily it was stopped by me along with the guards you left to guard the city center.

But I fear these incidents are going to increase and we need a permanent patrolling force inside the city at all times to maintain order" said Chanakya

"Yes, I this seems fully plausible to me," said Alexander

"Yes, I agree the new round of buildings include a garrison build which should help in preciously this matter," said Max

After this Max showed both of them all the new buildings and all the resources he currently had and based on that they had come up with a new city plan.

After they finished with this, they joined the citizens outside in the feast, at first, the citizens were surprised since the nobles never joined the commoners like them in the feast even when they threw them, most of them a feast inside the castle for the nobles and a feast outside the castle for nobles.

But soon Max convinced them with his speech about how much he had valued their work and soon their hearts were touched and the feast was started. Everyone started drinking and eating but

Alexander and the soldiers only eat and not drank since they knew that some people might get too drunk and cause chaos thus they had remained sober, but Max also remained sober since he had to ride home and also because he did not have any good opinions about drinking and the climate around him while growing up had convinced him to ever drink alcohol. Meanwhile Chanakya also took very small sips of wine mainly to just keep appearances and for maintaining the mood.

After the feast had ended it was 8 pm in the night meaning it was very dark outside the city, thus

Alexander himself escorted Max to Winterfell along with the soldiers.

After Max reached Winterfell he was very tired and thus went straight to bed.


Date- 21st November




Food-800 units

Wood-10,000 units

Gold-10,000 coins

Daily Maintenance-50 coins for military units


Troops-11(5 Infantry, 5 Archer, 1 General)