The First Colony

The next day the battle went like he had expected.

The city met them with their full might to get revenge for the killing of kings, but alas they had not bothered to establish a clear chain of command, unified army structure, or even a well-planned strategy.

They had assumed that since Max has done something so cowardly was because his army must be very weak and therefore he was scared to face them on the battlefield, and they assumed that the only reason Max has killed the king to weaken their morale assuming they would surrender to him.

Therefore they needed to just show up and crush them with their army but sadly they were utterly wrong about both Max's motivation and reasons. Thus when they saw his army they surprised, his army was a little bigger than theirs.

Then the onslaught began, Max's army began with their archers firing an arrow at the city's army, then the infantry took the lead and adopted a semi-circle formation, they raised their shields in one hand and equipped crossbow in their other hand and started moving slowly towards the city's army.

Seeing this the city's army thought they the commander must be some kind of an idiot spreading his units so thin so they charged, intending to pierce the infantary formation and surround the enemy, but sadly they had underestimated the genius of Alexander, as the city's troops charged, the cavalry and the raiders started moving on the left and right side of the formation.

As the city's army was about to attack the center of the formation, the cavalry and raiders moved from their respective sides and made the semi-circle into a full circle and surrounded the enemy.

The infantary and the cavalry started firing with their crossbows and the archers aimed for the troops that were traped. Soon the cries of the dying soldiers stopped, the soldiers had stopped struggling.

Alexander came down from his horse, and along with the soldiers started moving closer to inspect the piles of body that lay there, they inspected all the bodies and made sure that everybody was dead by stabbing every, body in the chest to be sure.

The battle was over and they had suffered no casualties today.

The soldiers then got ready to lay siege on the city. The few guards that were remaining in the city managed to shut the city gates. As Max's army neared the city gate. The guards from atop the wall had realized that they had zero chance of winning thus they started negotiating with Max about their terms of surrender.

But Max had zero intention of negotiating, he just told them to surrender and he might give them a quick death. After the guards still refused to surrender, he called in the ballista, it barely took the ballista 1 hour to break the door, mainly because the doors were not that strong and because guards did not have the numbers to reinforce the gates.

The army entered the city and started killing the guards, Max had given very strict orders saying that nobody was to pillage the city and no citizen was to be bullied by the army. Therefore the army started rounding up the citizens and gathered them up in the center of the city.

While the citizens gathered,k Max took the people that held high positions in the city and meet with them in the castle of the city's formal ruler. He started interrogating them about all the information about the city.

They told him all about the city, the cities name was Anatolia and the name of the formal ruler was Harold, he had two sons and one daughter, the sons had been killed by Max on the battlefield, while the daughter had been captured by Max's guards.

The city had 50 citizens, 2 families had the most power over the city with only the ruler above them. They then told him about the various resources that the city had and the different types of profession of the city.

Then they presented to him a map of the city which listed all the building in the city and an overall map of the area which listed the surrounding areas of the city along with their geography and the different resources that they had.

Max saw that the city had two iron mines and one copper mine and had many rivers surrounding the city. This was interesting, at first, Max had thought of turning this colony in a food colony since the weather was much warmer, therefore with the seeds that he will have in the future he could grow crops all year around. But now he was thinking of turning this into an industrial colony, they had sources of raw material, plenty of rivers to build factories.

This would mean that he would have to change the plans he had made till now. He then dispersed the people. He studied the map carefully the city had 3 blacksmith workshops meaning production would be easy.

He put it aside for now and went outside the castle. All the citizens had gathered, he started speaking-

"Citizens of Anatolia, I am the king of the kingdom of Lockheart, today I have declared myself the ruler of this city. From now on you all are also considered the citizens of the Lockheart Kingdom.; Some of you may be resenting us now, after all, we have killed your ruler, but know that he was weak, he allowed your city to be conquered, he failed in his primary duty protecting his citizens, you are fortunate that it was us who invaded, if it was someone unlike us, but instead a bloodthirsty king you may all have been dead by now, But know that I will not fail you, I swear in front of that I will protect you from every enemy in the future. I know that you may not be convinced of this in the future but soon you will see the improvement in your lives when your city is ruled by a good king"

Then Max walked off the stage, and again entered inside the castle.

After he entered the castle a message popped up from the system, "The host has conquered his first colony, the colony has been added to the cities the host has, the host can now establish a portal between your capital city of Reinhardt and Anatolia, this portal would allow anybody to travel between the two cities with hosts permission. It would cost 500 gold to build would you like to build it"

Max immediately clicked Yes. There was no point in even considering it. This was very good for Max. The portal was built and it was placed outside the gates of both the city in a non-conspicuous location. Max called a soldier and told him to go immediately to the portal that had appeared outside the city and bring Chanakya here immediately.

The soldier rushed in the portal and a message appeared in Max's head, allow the unit to cross, always or just once. Max selected just once, after some time a message again appeared in his head, allow the two units to pass, always or just once. This could get annoying thought Max as he selected just once.

Chanakya came and sat down in front of Max, there was little look of surprise in his face,

"My lord, how did you conquer this city so soon, I thought that it would take you at least a few days to win, but you did it so fast," said Chanakya

Then Max told him everything up till now. Chanakya was impressed by Max's performance and he was even a little convinced by his reasoning and oratory abilities

He then showed Chanakya all the information about the city and told him about his idea.

"My lord, you are right, this city does possess the resources and environment for good production but we currently do not need weapons, instead we need lots of plows, hoes, axes, and tools like that urgently. The cost of buying them at the city's blacksmith store is just too high, therefore we should make the blacksmiths focus on that here"

Max agreed with this and "Yes you are right about that. Now about what we should do with the colony in the future, I was thinking that you should stay here for a few days, learn about the citizens, the culture of the city, the policies here. Then make a detailed report about it and present it to me as soon as you can."

He continued "You should also select some citizens who show good potential regarding governance, I intend to get rid of current ruling powers completely, therefore we would need some new governors here, also get start spreading my legends around the city. I will leave 15 soldiers half the army for the defense of this city, you can use them however you like. The citizens might be a little resistant at first but I am sure you will not disappoint me and don't worry about Reinhardt. I shall personally oversee it for the meanwhile"

Chanakya agreed and then left the castle getting started on his work.

Max then called Alexander.

Alexander entered the room and sat in front of Max.

"How is the daughter of the ruler behaving" asked, Max

"We have currently restrained her and placed her under a house arrest in the castle, currently she has not made any unreasonable demands or tried to act irrationally, it seems she knows that she is currently a political hostage and is behaving like one, would you like to meet her my lord" said Alexander

"Looks like she has been educated well by her father, at least she knows her role, I'm almost impressed," said Max

"Would you like to meet her Sir?" said Alexander

"No, let her be for now first let the situation get stable. We will deal with her then" said Max

"Ok" replied Alexander

"I had some more things to discuss with you, first, start cleaning up the battlefields, make sure to burn all the corpses according to their customs, then execute the heads of the two families and start taking care of the families in secret. How long would this take" asked Max

"I battlefield cleaning and executions would be done by tomorrow, and the secrets murders and take place slowly over time," said Alexander

"Good, then let me tell you first I intend to have 15 soldiers stationed here for the defense and maintaining order, till we can get the build a garrison here, do you have any problem with that," said Max

"No" replied Alexander

"Ok then, let me also tell you that we currently have only 210 gold left in the treasury, therefore we need lots of gold, so from tomorrow you shall be in the training map continuously, your purpose would not be to train the troops, your sole purpose would be to earn resources, so take raiders and the cavalry and gather as many resources you can, just attack loot and run if you have to, but you must continuously gather resources" said Max

"It shall be done Sir," said Alexander

"Good, because let me tell you that although this colony is supposed to provide us resources, we will have to put a lot of resources in the city, it will generate profit soon but it will take some time. Till then this colony is a money pit"

"Yes Sir," said Alexander

Max then dismissed Alexander

He then went to Virtual town and sold off everything that he could sell. He had earned 200 gold for it.

Then he returned to the city where he soon went to sleep in the castle.



Date- 7th December

Day- 37

City- (Reinhardt Capital), (Anatolia Colony 1)


Food- 1,000 units

Wood- 4,000 units

Gold- 2,210 coins

Daily Maintenance- 790 gold coins (190 Military units, 100 Lord's Staff, 500 Research Budget)

Citizens-80 (30 Reinhardt, 50 Anatolia)

Troops- 30(7 Infantry, 8 Archer,3Raiders,2 Ballista,9 Cavalry and 1 General)