The Winter Continues

Days started going by fast, after the conquering Anatolia Max didn't have any resources on him. Therefore the only thing he could do was train and gather as many resources, as could.

He started living in Reinhardt and going to Winterfell only twice a week, to train with Arya and talk to Bran. In the case of Bran, his condition was worsening day by day, the healers in Winterfell had already declared that they had no way to heal him and the best-case scenario will be that he will be a cripple for the rest of his life, to them Bran's death was entirely confirmed, the question was how long will it take.

Max was a little saddened by this since he could see that he was a decent boy but there was nothing he could do.

Therefore he focused on the development of the colonies. Every day, he would fight and then would immediately use all the resources in building improvements in Anatolia. After 20 days he had brought the level of Anatolia to that of Reinhardt. The garrison along with defensive buildings, university, etc. He upgraded the gates and the walls to level 5.

The public order had also stabilized by this point. The citizens of Anatolia had accepted Max as their king and the legends that Chanakya was spreading along with very fast pace development that he was doing had convinced the citizens about his legends and they also had begun to trust in him and follow him.

Max had enrolled the citizens here with potential in the university too which the citizens were all too happy to accept, meanwhile, he instructed the 3 blacksmiths in the city to accept apprentices and teach them and at the same time told them that their weapons would no longer be needed and they would need to produce tools from now. At first they did not agree but when Max presented them with the hoe blueprint he bought in the auction, they were surprised by the complexity of the design and got intrigued by it.

After seeing the blueprint they had accepted his demands and started making tools, but it would still take them some weeks to figure it out and start manufacturing the tools.

He now started focusing on Reinhardt again.

The citizens had completed the land reclamation and made the lands ready for cultivation, Max had then given them the seeds and they had started planting it.

By this time the first batch of students at university had completed their basic classes (they had reached class 2). He had been informed by the system then that he had met the requirements to upgrade his university to level 2.

With a level university, the class size had expanded to 5 from 3 and a new subject was added Governance. The Governance subject had some restrictions placed on them, unlike other subjects the students had to first know the basics of reading and writing to enter the governance class. If the student had attended any other subjects other than the required one, for example- blacksmithing, medicine. They could then choose to specialize in governing that subject also. Like someone who chooses medicine specialization could become the health minister etc, but that would naturally take a lot longer.

By deduction, Max made a prediction that probably all the citizens would need to reach class 3 to upgrade the university again. So he first placed the citizens who met the requirements in governance class since he urgently needed governers, then he filled all the classes with students at class one again. This was done mainly to prioritize efficiency, if Max would have let the earlier students to attend class 2 then the class 2 could begin with three students only. So, he decided to make at least some more people learn the basics for now.

Meanwhile, he told the students who had graduated, to start practicing what they had learned in real life. They started doing what Max had told them to and the results were starting to show themselves, the medical students had started finding different herbs and plants and started practicing on people, the traders had been employed to start the ledgers and account books for the city and the treasury, and the literate citizens were given the task of compiling legends about Max into a book with each chapter having different morals behind them and also have a lesson to be learned, etc.

He had also allowed the movement of citizens between both the cities, it wasn't free movement but rather had some restrictions. People needed a special permit to pass through the portal, the permit was nothing special just the name of the person written and Max's signature on it, Max had created the permit system because he was getting annoyed with the constant messages that came to him regarding the use of the portal.

Therefore he made a list of people that were allowed to pass through the portal and then placed them in the always allow list, the permit was largely a symbolic thing. It was mainly to streamline the entire process, if anybody needed to travel they would first need to apply for the permit giving their reason for travel, depending on whether it was then approved by Max or not they would be able to travel freely.

He had already issued permits for all the trader students and was now waiting to see if they had any entrepreneurial spark in them.

The military research had also been completed and now he had assigned new researches. The advanced saddle technology had increased the fighting strength of the army. But these technologies that he had been researching could be used for civilian purpose too, the crossbow research had produced the technology for the string of the bow, now Max was using this bow technology to very strong ropes and pulleys.

During this time he had also reached level 15 and finally reached level weapon level 10. All his weapons were at level 5 now, meaning he could finally use ranged weapons while fighting, although he was not afraid of fighting with swords, he still disliked it and he had to admit that it was a little bit dangerous than using ranged weapons, he would have chosen crossbow as his first weapon, but at that time he did not have the money to buy it.

After he had gone to the dojo, his skill list had been updated, he now learned a second sword skill, Multislash, when using this skill he would drop his shield and start madly slashing the enemy with much more power, this would be double edge since his attack would increase but he would be very vulnerable to the enemy attacks.

Max was currently sitting in the dining hall in the castle, the maids were serving him his lunch, by this time he had grown a little closer with the maids, this was mainly because he was sure that they would not betray him. He had thought them how he liked things done and they had quickly adapted to it.

Max was feeling a little bored at the moment, so he looked at Maya who was serving him lunch and said to her

"Maya why don't you sit down, eat with me"

At first Maya tried to politely refuse saying that she would eat later but as he insisted she yielded and sat down to eat.

"Tell me something about yourself," he said

"What do mean master," said Maya

"About yourself, you know where you are from, your life till now, etc.)

Max had asked this because he had been informed by the system, that these maids did posses a life before they came here and were not like robots.

"I was born in a slum in my city, my mother was a slave and my father was a drunk so I never saw him. My mother belonged to the lord of the city and I served him along with her. The lord was a kind man, he trained and educated me. He made sure that I knew how to properly pleasure a man and how he liked to be served, but he did have his fits sometimes, like when my mother after she became old"

Listening to her Max had started to choke on the food he was eating. He was wondering what she talking about, calling a man that raped her and killed a mother a kind man. But he calmed himself and asked

"Maya why do you call him a kind man, he killed your mother and don't you feel bad that he had sex with you and trained you in pleasing him"

"No, of course not master. My mother had always thought me that we were the properties of our master and our sole purpose for existing was to serve our master. She had told me many times that I was a very lucky girl that I got to serve the master and even be personally trained by him.And I was very lucky, I got food to eat, had work to do and got to serve the master. What else could a girl want." said Maya

Max had started to feel both guilty and ashamed by hearing her, it seemed that she had been brainwashed since she was born and her view towards life was totally screwed up.

"So then how did you came here," said Max

"My master was defeated by another lord, he was killed by that lord. I was then drugged and then I fell asleep, after that I heard a voice in the sky that sounded just like my mother telling me that you would be my new master. Then I suddenly appeared in front of you. But don't worry master now I belong to you and will serve you to the best of my ability, after all that will make both my mother and me happy" said Maya

Even though he should Max did not hearing this

"What about Sarena and Nicole, how do you know them?" asked Max

"Well, they were the daughters of the other slaves. I was the oldest girl among the lord's slave and was also his favorite so the other girls looked up to me, they started treating me as their old sister and I started teaching them what my mother and the Lord had thought me. The lord was very pleased by the way they served him and told me that I knew his tastes and desire very well and told me to continue training them. Eventually we grew close together and sometimes we even served the Lord together." said Maya

"They defied the master sometimes and wanted to learn how to read, so they do need to still learn that serving the master is the only thing that matters and they should never defy their master, but don't worry their training will be finished soon" continued Maya

It looks like they would be just as screwed up as her thought Max

"Ok, tell me about what you like to do," said Max

"I like to serve my master and make him happy. In fact master, you have not started training us on how you like to be served. All of us very quick learner we will learn very fast" said Maya

Max got a little angry and said "There will be no need for that" in a loud voice

"Why my Lord, have we done something to make you angry or do you not like the way we look," Maya said in a sad toneMax calmed down, and said to Maya"No, it's not that. Look, you want to serve me right, then from tomorrow I will start teaching you, if you do that I will be very happy"

"Yes master," said Maya

"Oh and call me Sir from now on, I don't like being called master," said Max

Listening to the tales of Maya Max didn't want to be called master ever. The very thought of being called the same thing as that asshole master of hers was unpleasant to Max.

"Yes sir" replied Maya

"Also call Sarena and Nicole to eat with us too and from tomorrow we all shall eat at the same time at the table there is no need to serve me"

"But my lord then who will serve you," said Maya

"I will serve myself and don't argue anymore this is my order"

"Yes sir" replied Maya

She then called both of them and they had both the lunch together where Max asked Sarena and Nicole plenty of questions too.

They also had dinner together and then Max went to sleep


Date- 28th December

Day- 58

City- (Reinhardt Capital), (Anatolia Colony 1)


Food- 1,000 units

Wood- 5,000 units

Gold- 5,000 coins

Daily Maintenance- 800 gold coins (200 Military units, 100 Lord's Staff, 500 Research Budget)

Citizens-80 (30 Reinhardt, 50 Anatolia)

Troops- 31(7 Infantry, 8 Archer,3Raiders,2 Ballista,10 Cavalry and 1 General)