The Animal Attack

In the last few days, he had managed to recruit about 200 citizens

He settled 100 in Reinhardt and 100 in Anatolia. Chanakya had ordered the old citizens to spread the stories about Max to the new citizens, therefore the new citizens were also quickly convinced seeing the state of the cities and how well the people were living there.

Due to the influx of new labor, the land clearing operations had begun very aggressively, he also brought seeds that were available in Andor. These were mainly plants like tomato, wheat, corn, etc.

The size he had settled on for land reclamation was about 1000 acres of land combined in all three cities. The work was just about to be completed and the citizens would then start planting the corps.

Max had also all the buildings in the kingdom by one level-

Farms were upgraded from level 2 to level 3 Increasing their output from 50 units per day to 100 units per day.

Walls had been upgraded across the kingdom to level 10. The material of the wall on this upgrade had turned from wooden blocks to stone walls.

Gate had been upgraded to level 10.

Archer Towers had been upgraded to level 2

Garrison was also upgraded at level 2. They now could patrol 200 citizens each.

War academy was also upgraded to level 2. It now could carry out 2 researches at the same time.

University was upgraded to level 3 and the student limit had increased to 10 and now there were 2 teachers available for each course. Therefore now each course could conduct two different levels of classes at the same time.

Barrack was upgraded to level 3. The troop capacity was drastically increased to 100 units and a new spy unit was unlocked.

Stable had also been upgraded to level 2 and its capacity had increased to 20 units and now it also possessed an extra capability. It could now sell horses. These horses were just like the horses with the cavalry but they could be put to any use.

The last was the barn. Max had learned from the battle last time and realized how crucial the barn was for his kingdom. Therefore he made 3 more barns in Reinhardt and 2 more in Anatolia and upgraded them to level 2. In which they would have the capacity of 2,000 units of food. He did not build a barn in Andor because it already had 2 food storages built with each having a capacity of 5,000 units.

This all had taken an immense toll on his resources. He was constantly with the army in the training gathering resources. Sometimes he felt like he was in a Free to play game, which made him grind as much as he could to squeeze him as hard as they could.

Due to his hectic schedule now he could not afford the commute between Winterfell and Reinhardt, therefore he now moved to Reinhardt permanently. He had informed Bran of his departure who gone into intense depression since Rickon had arrived.

After permanently living in Reinhardt, his relations with the maid had also gone much further. He slept with them every night and after getting their education they starting to act more and more like his assistants.


Max was currently in the barracks making the new spy units, he had put it off till now because he wanted to make them after he had some spare time to study them accurately. Max had already filled the upgraded slots with 17 more raiders, 3 more ballistas, 23 more archers, and 22 more infantry. He had also recruited 10 more cavalry.

The spy units were the espionage units, their main purpose was to gather intelligence on anybody they ordered to, they could even be deployed in the host's cities to gather information about those cities activities. The units were highly educated and could learn the language of any region they were deployed in a mere 10 days, they were also a master of disguise. They could be used to perform several activities like information gathering, secret stealing, acting as envoys, protection, etc... They were capable of anything that the host commanded them to. Their most fatal flaw, however, was the fact that they took 10 hours each to built and if one of them was killed their training time would increase by half.

This was going to be a very crucial unit, therefore he instantly placed the order for 15 spies.

He then went to the stable and produced 10 more cavalry, he also bought 20 horses and distributed them among important workers who needed to travel between the three cities, like traders, healers, etc..


Max was currently sitting behind his desk in his bedroom while Maya was massaging his shoulders

"How is the work going in the Shinto council going Maya," asked Max

"It is going fine my lord, as per your orders we have recruited 5 priests and I educated about Shintoism like my lord said. They understood it pretty well and have now begun their work in the cities spreading your religion and glory," said Maya

"Good. What do you think about their treatment towards you" said Max

"What do you mean my lord," said Maya

"Well do you think that they had any prejudice against you, did they follow all your orders or did they show some hesitant," asked Max

"I feel like they didn't treat me as seriously at first but after they realized that I was made the head by you, they started taking me much more seriously," said Maya

"That;s to be expected, in the future always remember that you represent me, therefore them being disrespectful to you is them being respectful to me. The only person you allowed to be ordered by is me" said Max and pulled Maya in front of him and, made her sit on his lap

Maya was a little taken aback by this but did not protest. Max then started kissing her.She was enjoying this very much too after all despite sleeping together every night, Max had been very busy and therefore did have a lot of time to have sex with her.

Just as Max moved his hand towards Maya hip intending to remove her clothes, a ding sound rang in his head. And he was informed that two spy units were now ready.

Damm thought Max cockblocked by the system. He then proceeded to kiss her for a little more than got up and went to the barracks.

The two spies were waiting for their orders in the barracks. Max arrived and saw the spy units, as the spy units saw Max coming they bowed to him and said "We are ready to serve you, my lord"

"It seemed that these spies possessed a little more intelligence than the average system unit" thought Max

"You both will report directly to me, my orders are absolute and they override any other orders, is that clear," said Max

"Yes, sir " replied the units.

"Good, now your I will give you your first mission. One of you will go to the city of Winterfell, establish yourself there and gather all the information about the city, and all news that travels into the city. While the other one go and establish yourself in the capital of King's Landing gather as much info as you can"

"Yes, my lord," said the units

"What are the methods by which you can communicate to me and how regularly will you be in contact," said Max

"My lord may not know this, but he can communicate with us using the system." said one of the spies

Max listened to this and opened the system. There he now saw a chat option. It contained names of all the citizens in his kingdom, it seemed that he had forgotten to check this new function during the past few days

"Ok, I see it," said Max

"My lord, it will take some time for us to travel to our destinations, after we arrive there and establish our roles, we will get in contact with you instantly, after we have established ourselves, every time we get some information we will tell you as soon as we can confirm it. We will give our reports once a week, every Sunday. If you have any tasks for us or want to know anything, we will reply to your request as soon as we can. But remember if we do not reply to your request in two days or fail to make a weekly status report even once, we shall be presumed dead." said the spies

"Ok, take two of the finest horses from the stable and start towards your destination as soon as you can," said Max

"Yes, my lord" replies the spies

After this Max went out of the barracks. Now one of his biggest weaknesses was no more, he had finally taken the first step to create an information network.

Max then got back to his work. During the next few days as the spies got trained he started giving them their tasks. In the end after all the spies were trained their deployment looked like this.

King's Landing-4 spiesWinterfell-2 spiesReinhardt-2 spiesAndor-2 spiesAnatolia-2 spies

Max also sent 1 spy to Dorne and the other 2 to the free cities.


Some days past and a guard came running to his office telling that some citizens wanted to see him.

Max got up surprised by this development, he went and saw that a small crowd had gathered outside.

After asking the people some questions he was informed that while the citizens were working outside they were attacked by a group of wild animals. The citi9zens that were working were severely injured.

Max first called the healers and told them to take the injured citizens and start their treatment immediately. After this was done, the crowd cleared and Max called Alexander in his office.

While in his office Alexander told him that this was not normal since the animals should be hibernating right now, and this wasn't the first time they had been attacked. Max was also a little worried and therefore ordered Alexander to gather the army outside the city, tomorrow they will go on the hunt and find out what was causing this problem.

The next day Max along with Sara and Alexander and his army, started hunting in the forest. They encountered a lot of wild wolves and bears as they went in inside the forest, to defend from the animal's attack, the soldiers formed a very tight circle and formed a barrier with the shields in their arm, Max, Sara and Alexander were in the center of this formation. As they started moving slowly more and more animals attacked them.

As soon as the animals struck, the soldiers would first form the barrier and then the soldiers would shoot from their crossbows from the gaps between the shield, and after the animals had died, they would move forward and the soldiers would gather the arrows from their corpses.

After repeating this for several hours, the army soon arrived in an open area inside the forest. They saw that instead of the packs of animals they had been encountering till now, only a single wolf stood in front of them, but this wolf was unlike any wolf they had encountered till now. This wolf was completely white, had ferocious fangs, and was twice the size of the other wolfs. Seeing the wolf a commotion started in the front of the barrier.

Seeing the commotion, Alexander, Max, and Sara went outside the barrier to see the cause of the commotion. But as soon as they saw the wolf they were stunned, Max instantly realized what this was, this was the infamous Direwolves, now Max knew why the animal attack had increased and why they had been so sporadic. This was because of the extremely bad condition of the dire wolf and it's desire to protect its children.

Max told the army to back up and told Alexander and Sara about the dire wolf, then Max proposed that he will fight with the wolf one on one, at first they resisted but after Max insisted they gave in, after all, they knew Max was now level 21 and could go one on one with anybody.

Max started going toward the wolf with a sword in his hand, he had empathized with the wolf when he had read about it, he approached the wolf and when he was 15 feet away from the wolf, he raised his sword and said

"I know, why you have been fighting, I know that you will die in a few days and you want to protect your children. I don't know if you can understand me but I have come here alone, the attacks you have been making are harming my citizens have to stop, therefore let me challenge you one on one, and let me prove to you my strength, if I win then I will prove that I can take care of your children. Then you can die in peace" said Max

He did not whether the wolf agreed or not but he had no choice, he raised his sword, and charged at the wolf.

After some fierce fighting Max had finally won. As Max stood with his sword above the wolf, he didn't knew why but he hesitated. He couldn't kill the wolf.

Alexander yelled" Sir, kill the wolf before it wakes up"

Max heard Alexander but he still couldn't do it. As the wolf laid there, Max walked towards Alexander and said"I have decided not to kill it, it is already too weak it will die in two days even if we don't kill it. Therefore I don't think it's wise killing it"

He then walked to the wolf again and said to it "Listen, I have won, but I don't intend to deprive you of the few days you have left with your kids, I know you still don't trust me but I am your only choice after you die your children will have no hope of surviving and they will follow you soon. Is that what you want"

He then approached the wolf very loosely and tried to lift it,

After trying for a little while, he said "stop resisting I will take to your kids, you can decide then what you want, I will wait for your decision"

He then carried it with his full force and took it to his cave. The dire wolf cubs first try to attack him, but after a howl from Max's back they calmed down. Max then put the dire wolf down in front of the cubs and said I will wait for your decision for two days.

Max then went outside and told Alexander his decision, he also told him that there will not be any more animal attacks, therefore, send the army back but leave a few soldiers to monitor the situation in the forest.

Sara protested his decision, but seeing his insistence told him that she will stay with him till he went back.

Max could not do anything about it but refused Alexander instantly when he proposed to do the same.

The army soon retreated and Max and Sara set up their camps. It was soon night, as both of them were laying feeling bored, they both started having a conversation.

The next day arrived and then night dawned, while eating their dinner Sara asked Max why he had spared the wolf, after all, it wasn't like he couldn't be cruel, he had seen him cut the heads of the people he had decided useless in her city. Max could not provide an answer to this, therefore he just replied that even he didn't knew, it was just a reaction.

After chatted for a little while more and then went to sleep.

The next day he saw that the dire wolf was standing with its children in Max's tent. "It seems you have decided," said Max

The wolf pushed its children with its mouth in front of Max and then laid there. Max went to the wolf cubs and hugged each one of them after which he took the wolf cubs to the wolf and they clutched to its body, till they could not hear its breathing anymore and feel its heart beating

Sara had woken a while ago but seeing the scene in front of her she choose not to disturb him.

After the wolf had passed why, he stood up and the cubs stood up with him, it seemed that they now treated him as their father.

He then packed up his stuff and went back to the city, after he went back the scene of Max entering the city with 6 dire wolf cubs stunned the citizens, after all, they had only heard about the dire wolf in legends and they had not been spotted in more than 200 hundred years.

Max did not pay attention to this. He went straight to his castle. The cubs followed Max, at first they were very scared but they huddled close to Max and continued walking. After they entered the castle, the maids approached Max.

Max told them to feed the cubs something, after which he ordered the citizens to collect all the corpses of the animals they had slain since their meat can fur could be used, but he told the soldiers to go and make sure that the dire wolves body is not touched and bring it's body back to the castle and bury its body in the backyard of the castle so that it could be close to its children.

That night Max ate dinner in a melancholic mood and the cubs now joined him sitting on the floor beside Max for dinner along with the maids.

Max went sleep for the night feeling a little bit sad.



Date- 24th February

Day- 114

City- (Reinhardt Capital), (Anatolia Colony 1), (Andor Colony 2)


Food- 8,000 units

Wood- 6,000 units

Gold- 4,000 coins

Daily Maintenance- 1,500 gold coins (900 Military units, 100 Lord's Staff, 500 Research Budget)

Citizens- 380 (130 Reinhardt, 150 Anatolia, 100 Andor)

Troops- 122 (30 Infantry, 30 Archer, 20 Raiders, 5 Ballista, 15 Spy, 20 Cavalry and 2 General)