Long Live The King, The King Is Dead

Some had passed and during that time the spies had reached their destinations and had started reporting the news to Max. Max had set up an office in his castle to collect all the news and record in files which would then be sent to the command center for storage. This had made the information gathering more cohesive and more streamlined.

Currently, he was training on the battlefield with the wolf cubs.

Max had decided not to domesticate the cubs, he wanted them to still have the ferocity and the strength of the wolf even if he did not make them fight in wars. Therefore he had started making them train along with him in the training maps.

The cubs had adapted well to the fighting environment, they did not show any meekness even if they were just cubs the more ferocious cubs would even tear the enemies limb from limb after Max had killed them. This was so violent that even some of the soldiers were starting to get afraid of the cubs.

The cubs were also growing at a very fast rate, in just ten days they had grown enough to reach Max's waist. The cubs had also started taking positions as Max's guards on their own, they had formed a pattern by which they would surround Max, and as far as Max could see there were not a lot of holes in their defense.

Max was now sitting on his desk reading the spy reports, most of them were general stuff, after a while he got to the reports about the capital, as soon as he read the report he was shocked, he instantly stood up from the seat and yelled at the guards outside his door to call Alexander and Sara urgently.

While the guards ran wondering what had happened, Max was read the report, again and again, he contacted the capital spies instantly, given the recent developments all the spies were ready for interrogation.

Max questioned each of them, he asked about the things that were happening in the capitals and the status of the city, after talking to them for a little while he was satisfied with the authenticity of the information, after that he told them to lay low for a while and make sure that they don't get killed.

Meanwhile, Alexander and Sara had both came running into Max's office, as soon as Max saw them he told them to take a seat.

"Something very big has happened in the capital, The king is dead," said Max

Both Sara and Alexander were surprised,

"The king of the seven kingdoms, Robert Baratheon is now dead, this information has already been dispatched and should reach the different kingdoms in a day or two," said Max

"What does mean for us, Sir," asked Sara

"We do not know what would the outcome of this event be, the king was a strong ruler who had managed to keep the other powers in check and maintain a strong control. But now most likely his son Joffrey will take the throne, he is not as capable as his father, most see him as useless and some even call him the second Mad king. But that should not prevent him from taking power because he will be supported by his mother Cersei who we should be truly feared" continued Max

"I have already written to Chanakya he will arrive shortly from Andor"

After some time Chanakya also arrived in the office and sat down. Max told him the news. After this, they all started discussing.

"My best prediction is that the continent is going to descend into chaos, very soon, therefore we must now ensure that we have enough power to protect ourselves. Also, both Ned stark and his wife and family are in the capital, was about to be married to Joffrey but I see that as highly unlikely now since that would make her the queen, which Cersei would prevent at all costs given her hate for the Stark's" continued Max

"I also do not think that the Stark family is safe in the capital, both Cersei and Joffrey hate them and all the other lords have no good opinions about them either given their previous closeness with the king," Max said

"My lord that should give us a good opportunity, currently Winterfell lacks a capable ruler, their army is weakened and they are without a leader, we should take advantage of this fact and try to conquer Winterfell," said Alexander

"Yes, I agree with you that we should conquer Winterfell soon, but now is not the time, even if they are weak now you should know that even the defending army of Winterfell is five times the size of our army, not to mention the troops they could raise, do not forget that a sickened elephant is stronger than a healthy ant. Our best strategy will be to wait for someone else to attack the Winterfell first after which we can take the weakened Winterfell as liberators," said Max

"The chaos could prove to be a good opportunity for us to my lord, I think given the instability many citizens would start to flee the cities and if war breaks out the number of refugees would be unimaginable, we can use our current spies to advertise our city and attract them to our city, solving our citizen shortage problem," said Chanakya

"Yes, I will inform our spies to go start this project as fast as they can," said Max

"I feel that a massive storm is about to descent on Westeros and we have to make sure that we are strong enough to weather this storm, ALexander from now on decrease the training of the soldiers in the virtual map, from now on our battleground will be this land, start getting the soldiers acclimated to this land, scout as far you can, get a lay of the terrain, so we do not caught unprepared, start setting up supply post, from now we will train only here, this allows the soldiers to get used to the climate," said Max

"Yes, Sir" replied both Sara and Alexander

"You can leave now, Chanakya and I have something to discuss in private," said Max

Sara and Alexander both got up and left the room.

"Chanakya I have something very important to ask you," said Max

"Please ask, my lord," said Chanakya

"Well, I have concluded that we must, first of all, ensure that our political conditions are stabilized in our colonies, if we have our internal troubles, it would greatly hamper our abilities to fight outside," said Max

"My ord, for most of the part there is no trouble, but I have observed that both in Anatolia and Andor, for most of the part there are no troubles, the citizens are happy and working like they have been instructed to do, there are some refusal here and there but that's natural," said Chanakya

"But there is a problem I think has the potential to cause us immense harm in the future if we do not do something about it right now," said Chanakya

"What is it," said, Max

"My lord, you lack legitimacy as the ruler in the respective colonies," said Chanakya

"What do you mean I lack legitimacy," said Max

"My lord, during the past few weeks I have seen that some people have started questioning that you do not possess a legitimate right to rule them, they likely think of you as a conqueror and you possess no connection to the colonies themselves. I think this is a plot by the neighboring kingdoms, and although I arrested and killed the first few dissenters, the idea has already taken a root in people's mind, and even if they don't say it out loud, they might think it subconsciously and we have no way to stop that" said Chanakya"But the people are better off than they were under there previous rulers, they have enough to eat, they are oppressed why would they want to have those previous rulers back," said Max

"My Lord, forgive me but do you realize how childish you sound right now, do you think that just because you better someone's life they will feel thankful, that is the thinking of a inexperienced youth. Most people do not care, even if you do everything, they will feel like they have earned what they are given and it's their right, you had nothing to do with it, and if you were not there they would have had even more. They soon might even start forming a fake nostalgic past for themselves in which they were better off than if you had not come. The people will never be satisfied and some will find a way to take advantage of that." said Chanakya

Max thought about this, he was not at all offended by Chanakya and deep down he even agreed with him, lately he had started to get into the delusion of power and started thinking that everybody loved him

"Then what's the solution to fix this" asked Max

"My lord, if we had some time even a year or two, we could have slowly educated the populace with different methods, and slowly they would have accepted you as their unquestionable king, but currently we lack time, the continent has descended into Chaos, the neighboring city-states of the colonies have gotten their food supply in control and will soon taking open hostile actions against us. Therefore we can now employ the only method that is available to us, the method used by literally every single conquering kings in the defeated kingdoms to get legitimacy" said Chanakya

"What" asked Max

"Marriage, my lord," said Chanakya

"What do you mean by that," said Max

"Well my lord, both the colonies ruler's had daughters, one is Sara and the other is currently locked up in the Anatolia castle. You have to marry them, then we tell the people that the king has truly accepted the people as their own and you would then by default belong to the ruler's line of succession. There will be no doubts about your legitimacy then."" said Chanakya

Max was a little perplexed, he would admit that after he had become a king he knew that he would have to marry for political reason someday, he had already accepted that fact, after no king in history has married out of love despite what the media tries to portray, why would he be an exception. But he buried this fact down subconsciously. But now he had to think about it.

"Then who would be the queen, after all both of them cannot become my queen," asked Max

"My lord, that is up to you after all the power of the queen will just be below you, we cannot make that decision will nilly. The women you will marry will become your wives, not your queens, after all, there can be only one queen but there can be unlimited wives. After all, this is not the world you came from, polynomial kings are not the norm here but rather the exception, the kings here are allowed to have as many wives as they want and the people accept that as a fact" said Chanakya

"Your point is valid, I will make the spies investigate the colonies thoroughly and if they come to the same conclusion as you about the people's worry, then I will have no choice but to proceed as you want," said Max

"The girl in Anatolia will be no problem, but Sara might be a problem. She is already in the army and Alexander has high hopes for us, and he will likely object if I make her do something her will. Not to mention the fact that she and I have also gotten close and I respect her, therefore I cannot force her to marry me if she doesn't want to." said Max

"My lord, I will talk to her and try to make her see the importance of this decision," said Chanakya

"Ok, but do not be forceful just explain the facts to her and then let her come to her own decision," said Max

After this Chanakya left.

After some days the spies reported to Max that Chanakya's conclusion was true and there were some questions about his legitimacy.

Now there was nothing that Max could do, he would have to marry them.



Date- 24th February

Day- 114

City- (Reinhardt Capital), (Anatolia Colony 1), (Andor Colony 2)


Food- 15,000 units

Wood- 10,000 units

Gold- 7,000 coins

Daily Maintenance- 1,500 gold coins (900 Military units, 100 Lord's Staff, 500 Research Budget)

Citizens- 380 (130 Reinhardt, 150 Anatolia, 100 Andor)

Troops- 122 (30 Infantry, 30 Archer, 20 Raiders, 5 Ballista, 15 Spy, 20 Cavalry and 2 General)