My last pay check will last me for 3 months, I will use it for maybe getting another job, attend workshops, or buy a new ensemble. Gosh, I need a new bag if ever I will have an interview.
My Mom met me at the house I grew up in, my Dad is Italian, my Mom is Irish. They both love to cook, they set up a dinner for me when my taxi pulled up, in tow is my moving truck and parked right outside our old brick house.
All my dresses are in one big box, my Bags and Shoes are labelled fragile, because as my favorite writer once said,
"I'm homeless, but I'll be a Fendi Bag lady, still a bag Lady"
"I have spent $40, 000 on shoes, I will literally be the old woman who lives in her shoes"
and the one thing stuck in my head is...
"The fact is sometimes it is hard to walk in a single Woman's shoes, that's why we really need special ones to make the Walk a little easier" - Carrie Bradshaw
Coco Chanel was a French Fashion Designer, she's a spy, and a bad ass businesswoman.
Her quotes I framed on the wall of my old shabby chic room,
"A girl should be two things, Classy and Fabulous"
"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"
"Fashion is not in dresses only, it is in the sky, it is in the street, something that is in ideas, and our lifestyle, the way we live and what is happening".
Yes, what is happening?, Currently I can't even afford a new set of underwear.