The Second Stage - Realization

A single lady like me can afford a $12 meal, if I have a job, in New Jersey. It is the minimum wage for someone who doesn't have kids. I do have my parents with me, my dog and a fish. So that counts as $3 for their food, $5 for a box of cereal, and $4 for a carton of milk, per day.

I did the math, I am pathetic and broke,

How did I get here?

I am an ambitous woman, I work harder than anyone, I clean my own apartment, and do my own damn laundry.

What do I lack?

I browsed on a few self help books.

5 books to read during hard times, this is perfect I thought.

"How to Win Friends and Influence Others"?, by Dale Carnegie

published in 1936, the book reads to people and not people reading books, it impacted many great leaders and individuals reach their full potential. Oohh, this hit the right spot, I need this.

"Rich Dad, and Poor Dad", Robert Kiyusaki, something about how parents teaching their kids how to spend their money. I realized my parents always have savings, while I don't really have one, Thanks Mom and Dad for sharing your great ideas to your one and only daughter.

"The Alchemist", by Paulo Coelo, this one I intended to read for the longest time, but I was afraid this will get me to therapy with my parents. I never really thought about my own dreams, as I have now that I am jobless. My parents always supported me but never pushed me to the right direction.

"The Definitive book of Body Language", Allan and Barbara Pease, it talks about making lasting impressions. I remembered my old boss, when he first interviewed me I was nodding yes, yes this, yes, yes that, and I was always yessing, to his every whim. He thought that was enough, and look at me now. I even cursed the day he fired me.

"Girl, Stop Apologizing", by my favorite girl Rachel Hollis, oh she wears the most fantastic clothes, and make up and her hair looks so natural. I love how she listens, and her kick-your-butt attitude will help me improve my skills and get me to where I want to go.

I am at my wits end these books hopefully build my character and expressions, and be a success.

God if only they don't cost a whopping $12.99, each in Amazon. Better find me an ebook version, with my budget.