The Hot Tub

What would he tell me? That it was just a classic move, like the one in movies, it meant nothing and I shouldn't read anything into the kiss.

Once we got in the car, I braced myself for the conversation. He started the engine and soon we were on our way back. He seemed to be lost in his own thoughts and I didn't interrupt him. In a way, I was buying time and delaying the 'talk'.

It was around 6 when we reached his house. The lights on the porch were switched on, casting pools of yellow light each 2 meters. The main hall was lit as well, like for a ball, but I didn't feel princessy at all with my dirty pants and sweaty palms. What I needed was a nice soak in the hot tub, but I doubted that there was one in my room. The question of whether Dave and I were still going to share a room had been taken out of my hands when the package had been delivered to the room neighboring his. 'Back home', I thought, before I had to pause and think. I no longer could say that, I didn't have a house. In that place filled with wondrous memories, there hadn't been an option as there was only one usable bedroom, but here there were many free rooms, so there was no excuse. For 25 years, I had had no problem sleeping alone, so why was my mind making such a fuss?

'Let's shower and meet for dinner in an hour,' he said and started climbing the stairs. I started climbing after him, dragging my feet and trying to avoid asking him if I could borrow his tub. Maybe for once his reading my mind could serve a purpose and he would propose it to me. I tried to visualize the hot tub in my mind, focusing all my concentration on it. Tub, tub, sweet tub. But nothing happened. As I reached the top of the stairs, I found that Dave had already reached his room and the door was closed. I stamped one of my foot in frustration and went to the room assigned to me.

My clothes were still there where I had left them. Kicking my shoes off at the door and closing it, I now had the leisure to look around. It was a beautifully designed room with a Queen-size bed and a large armoire. When I opened it, I saw that one panel was equipped with a mirror and two drawers. The other half was a hanging space and right now it was empty, except for a large bathrobe. I chose another one of the shirts, a plain white shirt with gauzy elbow-length sleeves and the jeans. I used a hanger to put up the remaining outfits. I had kept the underwear for last and I blushed when I picked them in my arms. There was a padded black bralette and matching black thong panties and a red lacy Teddy. I had never worn one before and I wondered why Dave had chosen such an outfit. Did he expect me to wear this to sleep? Or maybe it was his secretary, I guessed that he must be having one, who chose it. The last ones were a comfortable demi-bra in plain pink cotton and 2 seamless panties, which were more of my style.

I took the bathrobe and turned around to see where was the door leading to the bathroom. When my eyes travelled over the vanity table, I was surprised to see a few tubs and containers that hadn't been there the last time I came to the room. I picked them up one by one and saw that there was a toner, moisturiser and high protection sunscreen. They were, of course, brands that I did not know but the containers were quite heavy and had a luxurious feel to them. I felt a wave of gratefulness brush through me as I understood that Dave must be the one behind it. During the few days he had spent with me, he had seen my lotions in the bathroom drawer or near the washbasin, so he knew that they were a staple of my vanity bag.

I hugged the bathrobe close to my chest, burying my nose in its soft cloth and took a deep breath. Dave's attention had partly made up for the fact that I wouldn't be soaking in the tub.

'Ah, there you are,'I said triumphantly as I saw the door. I turned the knob, stepped in and gasped. I was in Dave's bathroom. Our room actually had a connecting bath, but it hadn't even crossed my mind. This was actually a trend in many big houses, so that if ever there was a fight in a couple, instead of sleeping on the sofa, one of the spouses could just shift to the other room without anyone ever guessing that they are not sharing a bed. I loved that idea, not because I was happy to be sleeping in a different bed, but because it gave me access to the object of my greed.

I rushed in the bathroom and twirled aorund, muffling the squeal that tried to come out.

'Yes!' I gave a fist pump. I then tip toed to the other door which was closed and peeped through the keyhole. Was Dave in his room? Would he come and join me for a bath? But his room looked empty and I couldn't hear any noise as well. I then turned to the hot tub and gasped a second time. It was already filled with water and I could see steam rising above. The led lights were switched on and were blinking. Was Dave planning to use it as well? I moved to the counter where there was a hook to hang my bathrobe. When I turned to look at the mirror, I saw that it had misted over and there seemed to be something written on the wall. I squinted and then a smiled bloomed on my face gently. It was written,

'Enjoy the tub, Ash.'

That was just so sweet. I really couldn't understand that man, one moment he was hot, then cold. I shimmied out of my pants and panties, took off my shirt and bra and threw it to the side. I just couldn't wait. I dipped in one of my toes and it was hot as I liked it. I sank in the rest of my leg and then stepped in completely until I was seated on the lounger in the hot tub. There were three other corner seats as well. I half turned so that I was facing the control panel and chose a few of its functions at random. One of the massage jets was switched on and bubbles started coming out at my waist, caressing my body in a gentle warm touch. I pressed another button and another jet was activated below the soles of my feet. Oh, blessed relief to have the pressure on one of my aching spots. Why not activate all of the jets then? Bubbles started to come out from the lounger as well and when I moved my legs to let them move out, the bubbles started hitting the apex of my thighs. I closed my eyes in pleasure and leaned back my head. The jet was maintaining a steady pressure over there arousing me. It reminded me of Dave's fingers when he was pleasuring me. The massage jet were making the stiffness of my shoulders leave me as well and I felt so relaxed that I started sinking into the water till my nostrils. I didn't know how much time I spent in the water, but there was suddenly a knock at the door, making me pull my head out of the water.

The door opened and Dave put in his head.

'Enjoying the water?'

I nodded, aware that he couldn't see anything below my shoulders because of the foaming water. But it couldn't stop a blush from forming on my cheeks. But luckily, my skin was so flushed from the heat of the water that he probably wouldn't be able to make the difference.

'Dinner is ready. I'll be waiting for you.' And he closed the door.

Had one hour already passed so quickly?

I scurried out of the water and quickly dried myself up before wearing the bathrobe. It had been so relaxing. That surely meant that Dave had heard my unasked wish to soak in the bath tub, but rather than reply to me, he chose to show me. That was indeed very sweet.